Styled numbered sections (bignums)

With XXL Big Numbers

Source: :

..  rst-class:: bignums-xxl

1.  One one one bignums-xxl

    Lots of stories here ...


How it looks:

  1. ONE One one bignums-xxl

    Lots of stories here ...

  2. TWO Two two

    Lots of stories here ...

  3. THREE Three three

    • Well, here we are again, old lovely...
    • You may now serve the fish.
    • Fish. Very good, Miss Sophie. Did you enjoy the soup?

With Big Numbers

Source: :

..  rst-class:: bignums

1.  ONE One one

    Delicious, James

How it looks:

  1. ONE One one

    Delicious, James.

    Thank you, Miss Sophie, glad you enjoyed it. Little bit of North Sea haddock, Miss Sophie.

    I think we'll have white wine with the fish.

  2. TWO Two two

    More ...

  3. THREE Three three

    More ...

With Big Numbers - Tip

Uses the same color as background, that is used in a tip textblock.

Source: :

..  rst-class:: bignums-tip

1.  ONE One one bignums-tip

    More ...

How it looks:

  1. ONE One one bignums-tip

    More ...

  2. TWO Two two

    More ...

  3. THREE Three three

    More ...

With Big Numbers - Attention

Source: :

..  rst-class:: bignums-attention

1.  ONE One one bignums-attention

    More ...

How it looks:

  1. ONE One one bignums-attention

    More ...

  2. TWO Two two

    More ...

  3. THREE Three three

    More ...

With Big Numbers - Important

Source: :

..  rst-class:: bignums-important

1.  ONE One one bignums-important

    More ...

How it looks:

  1. ONE One one bignums-important

    More ...

  2. TWO Two two

    More ...

  3. THREE Three three

    More ...

With Big Numbers - Warning

Source: :

..  rst-class:: bignums-warning

1.  ONE One one bignums-warning

    More ...

How it looks:

  1. ONE One one bignums-warning

    More ...

  2. TWO Two two

    More ...

  3. THREE Three three

    More ...

Nested bignums-xxl > bignums > Normally Styled

Source: :

..  rst-class:: bignums-xxl

1.  ONE One one bignums-xxl

    This is the story of my life ...

    ..  rst-class:: bignums

    1.  When I was young

        #.  this
        #.  and that
        #.  and this

How it looks:

  1. ONE One one bignums-xxl

    This is the story of my life ...

    1. When I was young

      1. this
      2. and that
      3. and this
    2. When I was grown

      Oops, ...

    3. When I was old

      Oh dear, ...

More Examples of Nesting

  1. Prepare

    1. Check the requirements

      1. Machine accessible?
      2. Is abc installed? Run:

        which abc
      3. Is bcd available?
    2. Get yourself a coffee
    3. Stop everything else!
  2. Install

    Now the actual stuff.

    1. Abc

      1. Download from ...
      2. unpack
      3. run installer
    2. Bcd

      1. Download from ...
      2. unpack
      3. run installer
    3. Cde

      1. Download from ...
      2. unpack
      3. run installer
  3. Cleanup


    1. Do not xxx!
    2. Do not yyy!
    3. Do not zzz!
  4. Be a happy user!

    1. Run the stuff all day
    2. Run the stuff all night
    3. Never ever stop again