
What is

This is a shell script which is included in the TYPO3 core git repository. It used to supply commands for running tests but has since evolved to include other commands as well for checking, fixing, building etc. It will be used for a number of tasks during the core contribution workflow.

The script uses Docker and several Docker images to run the tasks - using the correct versions (of PHP etc.) for the current branch of your TYPO3 repository.

Show help

It is recommended to use the -h option (help) to show the help output and especially look in the beginning of the output for a description and the listing of dependencies, in the list under -s to show available commands and at the bottom of the output for examples.

Show help:

shell command
Build/Scripts/ -h


See the listed dependencies in the help output.


show help
choose the command to run (if omitted, unit tests are run)
PHP version (if omitted, the default version is used)

For more options, see the help (-h).

We will quickly go over each type of command next.

Output example:

 -s <...>
     Specifies which test suite to run
         - acceptance: main application acceptance tests
         - acceptanceInstall: installation acceptance tests, only with -d mariadb|postgres|sqlite
         - buildCss: execute scss to css builder
         - buildJavascript: execute typescript to javascript builder
         - cgl: test and fix all core php files


We categorize the commands and show some examples here. It is recommended to use -h as described previously to view the help output and examples. The trailing * is used as wildcard to indicate that there are further commands which start with the same string.

Commands for building:

  • -s composerInstall (composerInstall*)
  • -s buildCss: build CSS assets
  • -s buildJavascript
  • ...

Checks and fixes, run static analyzer, lint etc:

  • -s cglGit : check (and fix!) the CGL issues in the files which are in the most recent git commit
  • -s lintPhp
  • -s lintScss
  • -s phpstan
  • -s checkComposer (check*)
  • ...

Commands for running tests:

  • -s unit (unit*)
  • -s functional (functional*)
  • -s acceptance (acceptance*)
  • ...

Cleanup, clear cache:

  • -s clean (clean*)
  • ...

Additional setup

Be sure to exclude the typo3temp directory from indexing in your IDE (e.g. PhpStorm) before starting the acceptance tests.


All examples expect to be executed from a git cloned working directory of TYPO3 CMS main branch (as described in Setup).

composer install

Run composer install:

shell command
Build/Scripts/ -s composerInstall

CGL check and fix

Do Coding Guidelines checks and fix them.

Check and fix. This applies the command only to the files in the latest commit:

shell command
Build/Scripts/ -s cglGit

Check and do NOT fix. This applies the command only to the files in the latest commit:

shell command
Build/Scripts/ -s cglGit -n

Run all unit tests

shell command

Run unit tests with xdebug (uses default port 9000)

shell command
./Build/Scripts/ -x

Run specific unit tests with xdebug

shell command
Build/Scripts/ -x <directory or file>


Build/Scripts/ -x typo3/sysext/core/Tests/Unit/LinkHandling/

Run functional tests

shell command
./Build/Scripts/ -s functional

Run functional tests with PostgreSQL

shell command
./Build/Scripts/ -s functional -d postgres

Run acceptance tests

shell command
./Build/Scripts/ -s acceptance

Depending on the power of your local machine you can expect about 30 minutes or more for the acceptance tests.


If something does not work as expected, it might help to run the script with the additional -v (for verbose output) option.

Before diagnosing problems in the script, make sure to check if Docker is running smoothly on your system.

A quick test is to run the docker hello-world image:

shell command
docker run hello-world

You should see something like this message:

Hello from Docker!
This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.

See Get Started, Part 1: Orientation and setup

Also, see docker troubleshooting pages for more in-depth information, such as Docker for Mac: Logs and troublehooting


All results will be displayed on the screen. The script should exit with standard exit codes:

  • 0 means all is ok
  • != 0 means error

Reports of the acceptance tests will be stored in typo3temp/var/tests/AcceptanceReports with screenshots from the browser.

Direct commands without Docker

If you have problems with docker, you can run some of the lowlevel scripts and commands directly. However it does depend on your system, whether they run successfully. The docker / method gives us the possibility to have a controlled environment where the tests run in. That also means, the databases that the functional tests require are already created automatically. That is not the case, if you run the tests locally on your current system.

That being said, running the tests directly is not being officially supported, but you can try this out yourself.

You can look in the source of Build/Scripts/ or rather in Build/testing-docker/local/docker-compose.yml to see which commands the script calls and run these directly. Not everything will work, because there may be dependencies, that are only available in the docker container.

Also, you can run some of the scripts in Build/Scripts directly.


Run all unit tests

shell command
bin/phpunit -c vendor/typo3/testing-framework/Resources/Core/Build/UnitTests.xml

Run specific unit tests

shell command
bin/phpunit -c vendor/typo3/testing-framework/Resources/Core/Build/UnitTests.xml <directory or file>


bin/phpunit -c vendor/typo3/testing-framework/Resources/Core/Build/UnitTests.xml typo3/sysext/core/Tests/Unit/LinkHandling/


Run all functional tests

shell command
bin/phpunit -c vendor/typo3/testing-framework/Resources/Core/Build/FunctionalTests.xml

Check for Coding Guidelines

The cgl checking commands / scripts not only check, they repair as well!

Mac / Linux:

shell command


shell command

More information

  • More details about the test system, test strategies, execution and set up can be found in TYPO3 explained.