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TYPE: "flex"¶
Rendering a FlexForm element - essentially this consists in a hierarchically organized set of fields which will have their values saved into a single field in the database, stored as XML.
Property |
Data Type |
array |
string |
string |
string |
string |
string |
Property details¶
Field name(s) in the record which point to the field where the key for "ds" is found. Up to two field names can be specified comma separated.
Data Structure(s) defined in an array.
Each key is a value that can be pointed to by
Default key is "default" which is what you should use if you do not
have a ds_pointerField
value of course.
If you specified more than one ds_pointerField
, the keys in this "ds"
array should contain comma-separated value pairs where the asterisk *
matches all values (see the example below). If you don't need to
switch for the second ds_pointerField, it's also possible to use only
the first ds_pointerField
's value as a key in the "ds" array without
necessarily suffixing it with ",*" for a catch-all on the second
For each value in the array there are two options:
Either enter XML directly
Make a reference to an external XML file
Example with XML directly entered:
'config' => array(
'type' => 'flex',
'ds_pointerField' => 'list_type',
'ds' => array(
'default' => '
<label>The Title:</label>
Example with XML in external file:
(File reference is relative)
'config' => array(
'type' => 'flex',
'ds_pointerField' => 'list_type',
'ds' => array(
'default' => 'FILE:EXT:mininews/flexform_ds.xml',
Example using two ds_pointerFields:
'config' => array(
'type' => 'flex',
'ds_pointerField' => 'list_type,CType',
'ds' => array(
'default' => 'FILE:...',
'tt_address_pi1,list' => 'FILE:EXT:tt_address/pi1/flexform.xml', // DS for list_type=tt_address_pi1 and CType=list
'*,table' => 'FILE:EXT:css_styled_content/flexform_ds.xml', // DS for CType=table, no matter which list_type value
'tx_myext_pi1' => 'FILE:EXT:myext/flexform.xml', // DS for list_type=tx_myext_pi1 without specifying a CType at all
Contains the value "[table]:[field name]" from which to fetch Data Structure XML.
ds_pointerField is in this case the pointer which should contain the uid of a record from that table.
This is used by TemplaVoila extension for instance where a field in the "tt_content" table points to a TemplaVoila Data Structure record:
'tx_templavoila_flex' => array(
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => '...',
'displayCond' => 'FIELD:tx_templavoila_ds:REQ:true',
'config' => array(
'type' => 'flex',
'ds_pointerField' => 'tx_templavoila_ds',
'ds_tableField' => 'tx_templavoila_datastructure:dataprot',
Used to search for Data Structure recursively back in the table assuming that the table is a tree table. This value points to the "pid" field.
See "templavoila" for example - uses this for the Page Template.
Points to a field in the "rootline" which may contain a pointer to the "next-level" template.
See "templavoila" for example - uses this for the Page Template.
Pointing to a Data Structure¶
Basically the configuration for a FlexForm field is all about pointing to the Data Structure which will contain form rendering information in the application specific tag "<TCEforms>".
For general information about the backbone of a Data Structure, please refer to the <T3DataStructure> chapter in the Core API manual <t3api:t3ds>.
FlexForm facts¶
FlexForms create a form-in-a-form. The content coming from this form
is still stored in the associated database field - but as an XML
structure (stored by \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::xml2array()
The "TCA" information needed to generate the FlexForm fields are found inside a <T3DataStructure> XML document. When you configure a FlexForm field in a Data Structure (DS) you can use basically all column types documented here for TCA. The limitations are:
"unique" and "uniqueInPid" evaluation is not available
You cannot nest FlexForm configurations inside of FlexForms.
Charset follows that of the current backend (since TYPO3 CMS 4.7, the only accepted character encoding is UTF-8. When storing FlexForm information in external files, make sure that they are using UTF-8 too).
<T3DataStructure> extensions for "<TCEforms>"¶
For FlexForms the DS is extended with a tag, "<TCEforms>" which define all settings specific to the FlexForms usage.
Also a few meta tag features are used.
Sometimes it may be necessary to reload flexform if content of the field in the flexform is changed. This is accomplished by adding "<onChange>reload</onChange>"inside <TCEforms>. A typical example for that is a field that defines operational modes for an extension. When the mode changes, a flexform may need to show a new set of fields. By combining the <onChange> tag for mode fields with <displayCond> tag for other fields, it is possible to create truly dynamic flexforms.
Notice that changing the mode does not delete hidden field values of the flexform. Always use the "mode" field to determine which parameters to use.
The tables below documents the extension elements:
Array Elements¶
Can contain application specific meta settings. For FlexForms this means a definition of how languages are handled in the form.
Child elements
<[application tag]>¶
<[application tag]>
In this case the application tag is "<TCEforms>"
Child elements
A direct reflection of a ['columns']['field name']['config'] PHP array configuring a field in TCA. As XML this is expressed by array2xml()'s output. See example below.
For <ROOT> elements in the DS you can add application specific information about the sheet that the <ROOT> element represents.
Child elements
Value Elements¶
boolean, 0/1
If set, then handling of localizations is disabled. Otherwise FlexForms will allow editing of additional languages than the default according to "sys_languages" table contents.
The language you can select from is the language configured in "sys_languages" but they must have ISO country codes set - see example below.
boolean, 0/1
If set, then localizations are bound to the default values 1-1 ("value" level). Otherwise localizations are handled on "structure level"
string or LLL reference
Specifies the title of the sheet.
string or LLL reference
Specifies a description for the sheet shown in the flexform.
string or LLL reference
Specifies a short description of the sheet used in the tab-menu.
Sheets and FlexForms¶
FlexForms always resolve sheet definitions in a Data Structure. If only one sheet is defined that must be the "sDEF" sheet (default). In that case no tab-menu for sheets will appear (see examples below).
FlexForm data format, <T3FlexForms>¶
When saving FlexForm elements the content is stored as XML using
to convert the internal PHP array to XML
format. The structure is as follows:
Array Elements¶
Document tag
Child elements
Meta data for the content. For instance information about which sheet is active etc.
Child elements
Contains the data; sheets, language sections, field and values
Child elements
Contains the data for each sheet in the form. If there are no sheets, the default sheet "<sDEF>" is always used.
Child elements
<s_[sheet keys]>
<[sheet keys]>
For each sheet it contains elements for each language. If <meta><langChildren> is false then all languages are stored on this level, otherwise only the <lDEF> tag is used.
Child elements
<l[ISO language code]>
<[language keys]>
For each language the fields in the form will be available on this level.
Child elements
<[field name]>
<[field name]>¶
<[field name]>
For each field name there is at least one element with the value, <vDEF>. If <meta><langChildren> is true then there will be a <v*> tag for each language holding localized values.
Child elements
<v[ISO language code]>
Numerical array of language ISO codes + "DEF" for default which are currently displayed for editing.
Child elements
Value Elements¶
<v[ISO language code]>
Content of the field in default or localized versions
Example: Simple FlexForm¶
The extension "examples" provides some sample FlexForms. The "simple FlexForm" plugin provides a very basic configuration with just a select-type field to choose a page from the "pages" table.

A plugin with a simple, one-field flexform¶
The DS used to render this field is found in the file "flexform_ds1.xml" inside the "examples" extension. Notice the <TCEforms> tags:
<sheetTitle>LLL:EXT:examples/locallang_db.xml: examples.pi_flexform.sheetGeneral</sheetTitle>
<label>LLL:EXT:examples/locallang_db.xml: examples.pi_flexform.pageSelector</label>
<items type="array">
<numIndex index="0" type="array">
<numIndex index="0">LLL:EXT:examples/locallang_db.xml:examples.pi_flexform.choosePage</numIndex>
<numIndex index="1">0</numIndex>
<foreign_table_where>ORDER BY title</foreign_table_where>
It's clear that the contents of <TCEforms> is a direct reflection of the field configurations we normally set up in the $TCA array.
The Data Structure for this FlexForm is loaded in the "pi_flexform" field of the "tt_content" table by adding the following to the ext_tables.php file of the "examples" extension:
$TCA['tt_content']['types']['list']['subtypes_addlist'][$_EXTKEY . '_pi1'] = 'pi_flexform';
\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::addPiFlexFormValue($_EXTKEY . '_pi1', 'FILE:EXT:examples/flexform_ds1.xml');
In the first line the tt_content field "pi_flexform" is added to the display of fields when the Plugin type is selected and set to "examples_pi1". In the second line the DS xml file is configured to be the source of the FlexForm DS used.
If we browse the definition for the "pi_flexform" field in "tt_content" using the Admin > Configuration module, we can see the following:

Checking the TCA configuration for the newly added Flexform¶
As you can see there are quite a few extensions that have added pointers to their Data Structures. Towards the bottom we can find the one we have just been looking at.
Example: FlexForm with two sheets¶
In this example we create a FlexForm field with two "sheets". Each sheet can contain a separate FlexForm structure. We build it up on top of the previous example, so the first sheet still has a select-type field related to the "pages" table. In the second sheet, we add a simple input field and a text field.
<sheetTitle>LLL:EXT:examples/locallang_db.xml: examples.pi_flexform.sheetGeneral</sheetTitle>
<label>LLL:EXT:examples/locallang_db.xml: examples.pi_flexform.pageSelector</label>
<items type="array">
<numIndex index="0" type="array">
<numIndex index="0">LLL:EXT:examples/locallang_db.xml:examples.pi_flexform.choosePage</numIndex>
<numIndex index="1">0</numIndex>
<foreign_table_where>ORDER BY title</foreign_table_where>
<sheetTitle>LLL:EXT: examples/locallang_db.xml:examples.pi_flexform.s_Message</sheetTitle>
<label>LLL:EXT: examples/locallang_db.xml:examples.pi_flexform.header</label>
<label>LLL:EXT: examples/locallang_db.xml:examples.pi_flexform.message</label>
The part that is different from the first Data Structure is highlighted in bold. The result from this configuration is a form which looks like this:

The first sheet of our more complex FlexForm¶
This looks very much like the first example, but notice the second tab. Clicking on "Message", we can access the second sheet which shows some other fields:

The second sheet of our more complex FlexForm¶
If you look at the XML stored in the database field "pi_flexform" this is how it looks:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<sheet index="sDEF">
<language index="lDEF">
<field index="pageSelector">
<value index="vDEF">9</value>
<sheet index="s_Message">
<language index="lDEF">
<field index="header">
<value index="vDEF">My Header</value>
<field index="message">
<value index="vDEF">And my message.
On several lines.</value>
Notice how the data of the two sheets are separated (sheet names highlighted in bold above).
Example: Rich Text Editor in FlexForms¶
Creating a RTE in FlexForms is done by adding "defaultExtras" content to the <TCEforms> tag:
Handling languages in FlexForms¶
FlexForms allows you to handle translations of content in two ways. But before you can enable those features you have to install the extension "static_info_tables" which contains country names and ISO- language codes which are the ones by which FlexForms stores localized content:

Checking that extension static_info_tables is installed¶
Then you must configure languages in the database:

Checking that system languages are defined¶
And finally, you have to make sure that each of these languages points to the right ISO code:

Checking that system languages have the proper ISO codes¶
By default, you will not see any changes. Indeed if you look at the example XML displayed above, you will notice the following line, at the top, in the "meta" section:
This means that translation of the FlexForm is disabled. In the example above, the FlexForm is part of a content element. That content element can still be translated as usual. What we're going to look at below is how a FlexForm field may end up containing its own translations. There are two methods for this.
Localization method #1¶
The first localization method just requires to change the "langDisable" flag mentioned above to 0:
This means that translations are now allowed for that FlexForm. This is how it looks like:

All FlexForm fields are grouped by language¶
The data XML in the data base looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<sheet index="sDEF">
<language index="lDEF">
<field index="pageSelector">
<value index="vDEF">9</value>
<language index="lDE">
<field index="pageSelector">
<value index="vDEF"></value>
<language index="lEN">
<field index="pageSelector">
<value index="vDEF"></value>
<sheet index="s_Message">
<language index="lDEF">
<field index="header">
<value index="vDEF">My Header</value>
<field index="message">
<value index="vDEF">And my message.
On several lines.</value>
<language index="lDE">
<field index="header">
<value index="vDEF">Hallo!</value>
<field index="message">
<value index="vDEF">Das is auf Deutsch!</value>
<language index="lEN">
<field index="header">
<value index="vDEF"></value>
<field index="message">
<value index="vDEF"></value>
Note how each language is stored separately at a level above the "field" level. Each language tag carries an attribute identifying the language like "lDE" or "lEN".
Localization method #2¶
In the first method of localization each language can potentially contain a differently structured data set. This is possible because as soon as a DS defines sections with array objects inside the number of objects can be individual!
The second method of localization handles each language on the value level instead, thus requiring a translation for each and every field in the default language! You enable this by setting the "langChildren" tag to "1" in the "meta" section:
The editing form will now look like this:

Fields are grouped together¶
You can see how all translation fields for the "Header" are grouped together with the default header. Likewise for the "Message" field.
The difference is also seen in the <T3FlexForms> content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<sheet index="sDEF">
<language index="lDEF">
<field index="pageSelector">
<value index="vDEF"></value>
<value index="vDE"></value>
<value index="vEN"></value>
<value index="vDE.vDEFbase"></value>
<value index="vEN.vDEFbase"></value>
<sheet index="s_Message">
<language index="lDEF">
<field index="header">
<value index="vDEF">My header</value>
<value index="vDE">Hallo!</value>
<value index="vEN"></value>
<value index="vDE.vDEFbase">My header</value>
<value index="vEN.vDEFbase">My header</value>
<field index="message">
<value index="vDEF">And my message.
On several lines.</value>
<value index="vDE">Das is auf Deutsch!</value>
<value index="vEN"></value>
<value index="vDE.vDEFbase">And my message.
On several lines.</value>
<value index="vEN.vDEFbase">And my message.
On several lines.</value>
In this case, there's only on "language" tag per sheet and all values are repeated with a language index attribute to tell them apart.
The additional "value" tags with an index attribute like "vDE.vDEFbase" are used to store the previous value that the field contained, so that a translation diff view can be displayed:

Viewing changes in original and translations¶
The two localization methods are NOT compatible! You cannot suddenly change from the one method to the other without having to do some conversion of the data format. That is obvious when you look at how the two methods also require different data structures underneath!