TYPO3 v6 has reached its end-of-life April 18th, 2017 and is not maintained by the community anymore. Looking for a stable version? Use the version switch on the top left.
There is no further ELTS support. It is strongly recommended updating your project.
What is $TCA?¶
The Table Configuration Array (or $TCA
) is a global array in TYPO3
which extends the definition of tables beyond what can be done
strictly with SQL. First and foremost $TCA defines which tables are
editable in the TYPO3 backend. Database tables with no corresponding
entry in $TCA
are "invisible" to the TYPO3 backend. The $TCA
definition of a table also covers the following:
the relations between that table and other tables
what fields should be displayed in the backend and with which layout
how should a field be validated (e.g. required, integer, etc.)
how a field is used in the frontend by Extbase and any extension that may refer to this information
This array is highly extendable using extensions. Extensions can add fields
to existing tables and add new tables. Several required extensions that are
always loaded, already deliver some TCA files in their
Configuration/TCA directories
Most importantly, the extension "core" comes with a definition of pages,
be_users and further tables needed by the whole system.
The extension "frontend" comes with the tables tt_content, fe_users, sys_template and more.
See the directories typo3/sysext/core/Configuration/TCA/
for the complete list of the TYPO3 CMS tables.
Since TYPO3 CMS 6.1, the TCA definition of a new table with the name "database-table-name" must be done in the
extension directory Configuration/TCA/
with database-table-name.php
as filename.
An example is EXT:sys_note/Configuration/TCA/sys_note.php
for table "sys_note". This file will be
found by the bootstrap code (if starting a TYPO3 request). It must return an
array with the content of the TCA setting or NULL
if the table
should not be defined (depending on the extension's internal logic).
The return value of any loaded file will be cached.
So there must either be no dynamic PHP code in it or
care must be taken to clear the system cache after each change in such files.