TYPO3 backend administrator
Each administrator that uses the TYPO3 backend should have their own personal backend user account. This allows you to see who made which changes later on.
The administrator account that was automatically created for you during Installation has the widest rights possible and is a System Maintainer. The System Maintainer is an Administrator who can also see and use the section Admin Tools in the backend.
If your Backend User account does not seem to work for some reason, check chapter Troubleshooting common TYPO3 backend login problems.
Table of Contents
Creating a TYPO3 backend administrator
There are 3 ways to create a new TYPO3 backend administrator:
Table of Contents
Create an administrator using a console command
In DDEV or on a server if you can use the console there is a console command to create a new administrator:
ddev typo3 backend:user:create
vendor/bin/typo3 backend:user:create
When prompted answer that you want to create an administrator. If they should also be a system maintainer, answer yes during the prompt.
Using the backend module "Backend Users" to create admins
The first administrator got created for you during Installation.
When you log into the backend (See Backend login) you can go to module Backend Users and create a new administrator there.

Open the module System > Backend Users and click on "Create new backend user"
When creating the user check the "Admin" option:

When you check the Admin option the form needs to reload once. Answer the dialogue with "OK".
You can Grant System Maintainer rights in the Admin Tools later on.
Using the Install Tool to create an administrator
Access the Install Tool at https://
the Install Tool password defined during the installation process.

In the module "Maintenance" module use the button "Create Administrator".
If they should be a System Maintainer check the box.
Granting System Maintainer rights
You must be logged in with a System Maintainer account or use the Install Tool to grant System Maintainer rights. In Application context Development all backend administrators can use the module.
Using the module Admin Tools > Settings and card "Manage System Maintainers Access" you can manage which administrator accounts should be granted "System Maintainer" rights.

Disabled backend admins are marked with [DISABLED], you can choose them any way.
On saving the changes are written to file config/
therefore this file needs to be writable.
If your installation also has a file called config/
the settings can be overridden here. In this case changes you make in the
Admin Tools do not take effect.
A setting overriding the System Maintainer list could look like this:
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['systemMaintainers'] => [
This setting is also documented in systemMaintainers.