Asset handling in TYPO3

Assets usually include CSS files, JavaScript and images / icons used for design purposes.

Within an extension, including a site package, assets can only be placed in folder Resources/Public and subfolders of this folder. This folder will be symlinked into public/_assets/<some hash>.

Read more about assets in Getting started, assets.

Referencing assets

You can reference assets by prefixing the path with EXT:extension_name, for example EXT:my_site_package.

For example the path to the favicon can be configured in TypoScript like this:

page {
    shortcutIcon = EXT:my_site_package/Resources/Public/Icons/favicon.ico

And a CSS asset can be loaded in Fluid using the Asset.css ViewHelper <f:asset.css> like this:

<f:asset.css identifier="main" href="EXT:my_site_package/Resources/Public/Css/main.css" />

Managing asset dependencies in real life projects

It is technically possible to use a CDN (Content Delivery Network) to include libraries in TYPO3. However there are privacy and security risks attached to this and it might be a GDPR Violation. Therefore we recommend to host all files yourself by placing them in the Resources/Public folder.

In a later step, you can use npm (Node Package Manager) to manage your JavaScript and CSS dependencies locally. We also recommend using a JavaScript bundler like Vite.

If you decide to use a frontend bundler, make sure that the resulting asset files are placed in a publicly available folder, like Resources/Public in your site package.

There are also TYPO3 extensions like praetorius/vite-asset-collector to bundle your TYPO3 frontend assets with Vite.