Add content in the TYPO3 backend

The pages generated in step Create initial pages already contain some example content.

You can add additonal content in the backend. Go to Web > Page and select any of the pages you created before, (for example "Page 2"). Click the + Create new content button in the column labelled "Main" and choose the "Regular Text Element" content element.

Create new content element

Create new content element

Choose "Regular Text Element"

Choose "Regular Text Element"

Enter a headline and some arbitrary text in the Rich Text Editor (RTE).

Enter a headline

Enter a headline

Enter some arbitrary text in the Rich Text Editor (RTE)

Enter some arbitrary text in the Rich Text Editor (RTE)

Save your changes by clicking button Save at the top. You can return to the previous view by clicking Close.

Save and close the new content element

Save and close the new content element

Preview the page by clicking button View webpage.

View webpage button

View webpage button

Check that the content is displayed as expected.

Verify if your new content is displayed on the page

Verify if your new content is displayed on the page

Whenever you edit the content elements on a page the cache of the current page is automatically deleted. If the content fails to update you should still delete the TYPO3 caches and force your browser to reload.

There are many tips and tricks around content editing. The topic is described in more depth in chapter Content Elements of the Editors Tutorial.