
    type: SolrFacetMaskAndCombineEnhancer
      - 10
    extensionKey: tx_solr
      multiValueSeparator: '+'
        ' ': '_'
        # To reduce the amount of parameters you can force Solr to concat the values.
        # For example you have following filter:
        #   tx_solr[filter][0]=taste:sweet&tx_solr[filter][1]=taste:sour&tx_solr[filter][2]=taste:matcha
        # Concat will:
        # 1. collect all filters of the same type
        # 2. will sort all filter values alpha numeric
        # 3. join the values together
        # As a result the query will modified into:
        #   tx_solr[filter][0]=taste:matcha,sour,sweet
        # Note: If you active the mask option, the concat feature turn on automatically
        concat: true
        # valueSeparator: ','

        # You can tell Solr to mask query facets. This feature require the map below
        # For example you have following filter:
        #   tx_solr[filter][0]=taste:sweet&tx_solr[filter][1]=taste:sour&tx_solr[filter][2]=taste:matcha
        # Mask will:
        # 1. implode all values into a single string and sort it -> green,red,yellow
        # 2. replace tx_solr[filter][]=color: with color=
        # As a result the query will modified into:
        # taste=matcha,sour,sweet
        mask: true

        # In order to simplify a filter argument, you have to define a corresponding map value
        # There is no automatically reduction of filter parameters at the moment available.
        # The key is the name of your facet, the value what use instead.
        # Important:
        # There are some restrictions for the values. The use of TYPO3 core parameters is prohibited.
        # This contains at the moment following strings: no_cache, cHash, id, MP, type
          color: color
          taste: taste
          product: product
    routePath: '/{type}'
    # Note: All arguments inside of namespace tx_solr. See -> extensionKey
    # Example: Argument 'type' define as 'filter-type' will convert into 'tx_solr/filter-type'
      type: filter-type
      type: '.*'