Change log
Version 1.8.0 - Data Administration
This release introduces Data Administration to the TYPO3 Cookie-backend, enabling full integration of the Cookie Database to check your local datasets for changes/updates.
[TASK] Added Update Wizard for Frontend-Datasets
[TASK] Implemented Ignore Update function for Cookies,Services,Categories and Frontends
[TASK] Added new installation logic API and Offline Support
[TASK] Added API Endpoint Error for Updates
[TASK] Admin Tab only and No Updates Feedback
[TASK] Implemented a InsertService for new Datasets
[TASK] Implemented a ComparisonService and a base route for Insert Logic
[TASK] Implemented a base logic for Database Upgrades and Review process for API and Local changes to keep Database Up-To-Date
[TASK] Respect Storage UID from Frontend Controller in addExternalServiceScripts
[BUGFIX] Check for external scripts as an ObjectStorage() thanks to @MarkusEhrlich
Version 1.7.4 - Bugfixes and Stablization
[BUGFIX] Invalid HTML in Consent-Settings Button #59
[TASK] Check for unknown API Errors in ScanRepository
[BUGFIX] Impress and Data Policy Link colors in Default Theme set to Primary color
[BUGFIX] Remove default value constraints from TEXT fields for MySQL 8.0 compatibility
[BUGFIX] Fixed an issue where starting the configuration for a second pagetree caused an exception due to duplicate mm-table entries for translations from the first pagetree being generated again
[BUGFIX] Table has no field sorting, sort by name #58, thanks to @nlehmkuhl
[BUGFIX] Added missing label for toggle in consent.js to improve accessibility #56, thanks to @nlehmkuhl
[BUGFIX] Prevent duplication of untranslated cookie services
Version 1.7.3 - Features and Stablization
[TASK] Possibility to set cookie service accepted by default #55
[TASK] Mixed type issue #52
[TASK] Removed Dark-Pattern from defaulttheme (Primary,Secondary buttons - same color) thanks to @nlehmkuhl
[BUGFIX] Keyboard improvements for cookie details #50 thanks to @nlehmkuhl (a11y)
[TASK] Added a Documentation for Google Consent Mode integration
[TASK] Remove aria-hidden on Consent Modal Category and Service to make button clickable in iOS VoiceOver mode (a11y)
Version 1.7.2 - Bugfixes and Stablization
[TASK] Support Typo3 Site sets
[TASK] Backend Module and Tours - Darkmode Support
[TASK] TCA Migrations to new standards
[TASK] Resolved Deprecation: #96107 #99586, and #97866
[BUGFIX] Creation of dynamic property $foundProvider is deprecated in Scans #45
[BUGFIX] PHP Warning: Undefined array key "path" CookieFrontendController
[BUGFIX] Add missing link viewhelper thanks to @andyhirsch
Version 1.7.1 - Stablization for Typo3 13
[BUGFIX] Removed Wildcard selector from iframemanager styles #42
[TASK] Migrated MultipleSideBySlide Select Element to new standards
[TASK] Update Functional Wizard-test to init ConfigurationManagerInterface
[TASK] Completed Frontend-Tour todos
[TASK] Stablization for Typo3 13
[TASK] Parse request from controller to ThumbnailService to ensure proper initialization
[TASK] Reorder parameters to resolve deprecation warnings
[BUGFIX] Dead-end in the tutorial #34
[BUGFIX] Increase referrer column length to handle long URLs
Version 1.7.0 - Thumbnail API for Iframe Preview
[TASK] Added Thumbnail API for Iframe Preview, if content is blocked (Uses external Endpoint) can be enabled in Extension Settings
Version 1.6.4 - Bugfixes and Task Updates
[BUGFIX] HelperUtility unknown result warning
[BUGFIX] Typo and documentation URL
[TASK] Changed Tracking-URL embed implementation
[TASK] change default position for open frontend settings icon
Version 1.6.3 - Danish language files
[TASK] Danish language files #35
[TASK] Implemented a SiteWrite for the Functional Testing for Typo3 v13
[TASK] Adding Danish Language to StaticData thanks to @Beltshassar
Version 1.6.2 - Bugfixes on the Iframemanager frontend rendering
[TASK] Set target _blank by default import from API Issue #32
[BUGFIX] Fixed Problems with translations from iframemanager #30
Version 1.6.1 - Removed Debug console.log
[TASK] Removed Debug statements from Frontend Rendering #31
Version 1.6.0 - Additional Frontend Settings
[TASK] Moved some extension configuration settings to site constants
[TASK] Additional Frontend Settings force_consent/autorun_consent #27
Version 1.5.4 - Frontend Cookie Listing
[TASK] Plugin to view a list with all Services and Cookies in the Frontend (GDPR Page #24 )
Version 1.5.3 - Permissions for Cookie Settings Module
[BUGFIX] Backend Module access for Users and Renamed Middleware identifier
Version 1.5.2 - Features
[TASk] Added an option to enable or disable JavaScript obfuscation in tracking code to avoid "eval" function. #23
[TASk] Refactored tour loading
Version 1.5.1 - Removed Dom Parser Dependencies
[TASK] Removed Dom Parser Dependencies, now using Regex and str_replace to replace the GDPR-content.
[TASK] Multiple Languages per API English,German,Spanish,Italian,Portuguese,Polish,Dutch,French, fallback to english, if no free API KEY is used on a later state.
Version 1.5.0 - Typo3 v13 Support
[TASK] Added Typo3 v13 Support
[TASK] Drop Typo3 v11 Support
[TASK] Drop PHP 7.x dependencies
[TASK] Added Composer Requirements for non-Composer installations in Resources/Private/PHP
[TASK] Support PHP 8.3
Version 1.4.4 - Experimental changes (Dynamic Page Content Replacement)
Since we have issues with the DOM Parser, we have to change the parser to a new one, this solves some issues, but we have to test it in the next weeks, because it also changes the behavior of the Original (maybe invalid) DOM. Experimental changes, ware made, so we don't have to use any DOM Parser by using Regex replacements, this is an solution to keep the Original DOM without any changes, but it's not the best solution, because we have to use Regex to find the right place to replace the content. This can also lead to issues.
[BUGFIX] Respect hidden flag in TCA, fixed issue #21
Version 1.4.3 - Parser Changes and Bugfixes
[BUGFIX Fixed Issue #19 "updateScan" not in Repository
[TASK] Changed DOM Parser to Masterminds/html5-php - Reference to issue #18 #17 and pull request #16
Version 1.4.2 - Optimizations
[TASK] Adjust default condition for displaying Cookie-Manager
[TASK] Added Language Labels for CookieSettingsBackendController
[TASK] Ensures the HTML content is saved as UTF-8.
Merge pull request from jakobwid/remove-html_entity_decode
Version 1.4.1 - Offline Dataset Installation
[TASK] Added offline dataset installation handling when API is unreachable issue (#14)
[TASK] Added short overview of Extension settings in home tab
[BUGFIX] Missing Storages in BasicConfig
[BUGFIX] Adjusted layout, display Button-Text with long Text in Box
Version 1.4.0 - Backend Look & Feel
Overworked the Backend UI for a standard look and feel.
New Donut chart for Consent Tracking, shows accept types
Added a JavaScript Obfuscator for the Tracking.js (Adblock Detection)
Simplified the Installation process.
Fixed Issue #8 Function always returns true
Fixed a bug in the Iframemanager, remove blocked iframes from the dom.
Version 1.3.5 - Bugfixes
Fixed issue #12 - broken feature data-script-blocking-disabled
Fixed issue #13 - empty label rendered in the iframemanager
Version 1.3.4 - Added XSD schema validation
Create default/fixed value nodes during XSD schema validation in RenderUtility
Version 1.3.3 - Bugfixes
Fixed issue #10 - Middleware Hook brok XML from Sitemap.xml (resulted in invalid sitemap.xml)
Added missing tertiary button in default consent.js fallback.
Version 1.3.2 - CodeQuality changes
Added Extension Development Section to Documentation
Added API Repository for API Communication
Frontend and Backend Test Beta with codeception
Fixed Issue #9
Moved Content Override to Middleware
Removed Deprecated contentoverride TCA
Added Cookie tests for Update Wizard (Multi Site Usage)
Version 1.3.1 - Small changes
Removed div[data-service]::before, width and height are set RenderUtility
BUGFIX Unittest fix UNIQUE constraint failed
Version 1.3.0 - New Features
Added impress and data-policy Link for consent modal in backend. (Database updated needed)
Bugfix Possible unknown array key "id" in BackendView
Cookie-Information: Added the cookie information in the Settings-Modal.
Script-Blocker: Added a Fluid-Template for the Script-Blocker.
Cookie-Translation: Added Cookie language overlays for each cookie on a site-root.
Version 1.2.2 - Template Management with Examples
Add Templates and Template Management Documentation for extending the Layout.
Removed Deprecation: mb_convert_encoding() in PHP 8.2
Removed Deprecation: #96972
Removed Deprecation: #100053
Fixed Issue: #5
Fixed a bug in the Cookie API import, now Cookies are preconfigured for all rootpages in sites config.
Version 1.2.1 - Reworked Guided Tours
Reworked the guided tours, removed the old dependencies and bugfixes.
Added Requirejs Module to manage Guided Tours.
Added matomo Service in preconfigured services, old installs need to update the service manually in the Upgrade Wizard.
Version 1.2.0 - Backend UI Improvements and Guided Tours beta
Added beta guided tours to the cookiemanager backend module, to help you get started with the extension.
Improved the backend home UI, to make it more user friendly.
Fixed a bug in the "create new" viewhelper, that caused a wrong pid in new records.
Fixed a TODO in the CookieService selection, now its possible to filter tough the Cookie selection.
Fixed a bug in the Cookie API import, added the missing isRegex flag for regex cookie detection.
Version 1.1.6 - Bugfixes in Update Wizard
Fixed a bug in the Update Wizard, that caused a wrong API import if the locale was not installed on the server.
Writing Functional Tests for: Update Wizard and RenderUtility
Improved Release workflow with Github Actions
Version 1.1.5 - Merge
Merge RenderUtility PSR-14
Added Skip LIBXML_NOERROR to RenderUtility
Version 1.1.4 - Merge
Merge RenderUtility
Version 1.1.3 - Features (PSR-14 Support)
Added a new Event Dispatcher to Classify the Content if needed.
Marked @Hook $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['ext/cf-cookiemanager']['classifyContent'] as deprecated, will be removed in next major release.
Fixed bug through adding html check in RenderUtility
Version 1.1.2 - Version fix
Fixed missing version in ext_emconf.php
Version 1.1.1 - Bugfix in RenderUtility
Fixed a bug in RenderUtility, that caused a wrong encoding of UTF-8 characters in the renderer.
Version 1.1.0 - New API Cookie Scanner
API V2 is now available, with a new Cookie Scanner, to scan your website with a better performance and a new detection algorithm.
Ngrok Support: Now its possible to use Ngrok to scan your local development environment with an Free account.
Feature to disable Automatic consent Optin on Scans.
Version 1.0.9 - Features and Bugfixes
API authorization: To extend Scan limits on Request (Optional)
Extended Extension Settings, see in Extension Settings Dokumentation
Added a Script Blocker, to block scripts from third party services, if not found in Consent (Optional)
Version 1.0.8 - Beta Support for Typo3 v12
Take your website to the next level with our new support for Typo3 v12.
New feature: added a tertiary button to the consent modal.
Added a Button-role "Hide Button", now its possible to have a all behaviors, Settings Button, Accept All Button, Reject all Button and a Hide Button in the Consent Module.
Added an Backend Language Select for Home Tab to view the current configuration in languages
Version 1.0.7 - Fully Customizable Consent Buttons
Added a Button-role "Reject all", now its posible to have a Reject All Button, instand of a Settings Button.
Fixed issue with ignoring unknown categories in the backend filter.
Improved behavior: now keeping original iframe width and height if found.
Added script override to RenderUtility.
Improved backend management: reworked CookieSettingsBackendController, removing deprecations.
Improved extension configuration: added cookie-consent revision management.
Version 1.0.6 - Bugfixes
Added missing block description to the settings modal.
Added switch effect for category expand boxes.
Fixed issue with filter-categories that have no category suggestion.
Version 1.0.5 - Frontend Templates
New feature: added frontend templates to override the base HTML DOM.
Implemented better iframe management for cookie management.
Version 1.0.4 - Tree organization
New feature: added a select field for the variables to TCA identifier.
Added a counter for missing variables in the treelist/home view.
Version 1.0.3 - Smarter Backend Management
Get the most out of the localization with our improved UI list management.
Say goodbye to outdated designs and hello to a sleeker, more user-friendly interface.
Keep your scans organized and efficient with our new basic scan management feature.
Version 1.0.2 - Autoconfiguration Made Easy
Streamline the setup of your public website with our new Autoconfiguration feature.
Our external Python-based Chromium Scanner classifies services and cookies, and Provides all information per API.
Version 1.0.1 - Data import via Upgrade Wizard
Speak the language of your choice with our support for multiple languages.
Experience a seamless upgrade process with our new Cookie API.
Importing new data has never been easier with our streamlined Upgrade Wizard and our new Cookie API.
Version 1.0.0 - The Foundation of a Great Extension
Get started with our basic extension release, the foundation for future updates and improvements.