
To use the CodingFreaks cookie plugin in Typo3, you must first install it in your Typo3 system. This can be done by using Composer.

composer require codingfreaks/cf-cookiemanager

Include TypoScript template (Deprecated since v12)

To properly use the plugin, it is necessary to include the basic TypoScript provided by the extension. To do this, go to the Web > Template module in the Typo3 backend, select the root page, and switch to the Info/Modify view.

From there, click on Edit the whole template record and switch to the Includes tab. Next, add the CodingFreaks Cookie Manager (cf_cookiemanager) template from the list on the right.

Use Site sets (for Typo3 v13+)

  1. Add the Site Set in the Backend:

    • Go to the Typo3 backend.
    • Navigate to Sites.
    • Open your site configuration.
    • Add the CodingFreaks/cf-cookiemanager Site Set as a dependency.
  2. Alternatively, Use YAML Configuration:

    You can also add the Site Set directly in your site's config.yaml file:

base: ''
rootPageId: 1
  - CodingFreaks/cf-cookiemanager

Backend Installation / Dataset Import

This extension provides an external API to automatically create cookie assignments to individual services in various languages.

To install the preconfigured data sets, go to the Typo3 backend and select the Cookie Settings module in the Web tab. Click on Start Configuration and follow the instructions.

Introduction Package

Installation Screen

You can now Configure the Extension in the Cookie Settings module.