Language Key Convention

This feature refers to the labels.xlf file.

The translation keys follow a convention and are registered automatically. This feature is available for the following options (more may come).

It is also possible to translate the items option of Select, Radio and Checkbox fields.

The convention is best explained by examples. Have a look at the example beneath.


The recommended workflow is defining the label in the config.yaml first. When you are done, you run the command to auto-generate the labels.xlf file. After that you can remove the labels from the yaml definition. You can also skip the first step and generate the xlf without defining labels first. This will add the identifier as label and you can adjust it afterwards. Either way, it is recommended to maintain a labels.xlf file so you don't mix labels with configuration.

Convention schema

The schema below displays most common conventions. Text in uppercase refers to values defined in identifier.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xliff version="1.2" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
    <file datatype="plaintext" original="labels.xlf" source-language="en" product-name="example">
            <!-- Title and description of the Content Type -->
            <trans-unit id="title">
                <source>This is the Content Type backend title</source>
            <trans-unit id="description">
                <source>This is the Content Type backend description</source>
            <!-- Field labels and descriptions for the backend -->
            <trans-unit id="FIELD_IDENTIFIER.label">
                <source>This is the backend label for FIELD_IDENTIFIER</source>
            <trans-unit id="FIELD_IDENTIFIER.description">
                <source>This is the backend description for FIELD_IDENTIFIER</source>
            <!-- Collections add another nesting level -->
            <trans-unit id="COLLECTION_IDENTIFIER.FIELD_IDENTIFIER.label">
                <source>This is the backend label for FIELD_IDENTIFIER in Collection COLLECTION_IDENTIFIER</source>
            <!-- Palette labels and descriptions -->
            <trans-unit id="palettes.PALETTE_IDENTIFIER.label">
                <source>Label for Palette</source>
            <trans-unit id="palettes.PALETTE_IDENTIFIER.description">
                <source>Description for Palette</source>
            <!-- Palettes inside Collections -->
            <trans-unit id="COLLECTION_IDENTIFIER.palettes.PALETTE_IDENTIFIER.label">
                <source>Label for Palette in Collection</source>
                <source>Label for Palette in nested Collection</source>
            <!-- Tab labels -->
            <trans-unit id="tabs.TAB_IDENTIFIER">
                <source>Label for Tab</source>
            <!-- Tab labels inside Collections -->
            <trans-unit id="COLLECTION_IDENTIFIER.tabs.TAB_IDENTIFIER">
                <source>Label for Tab in Collection</source>
                <source>Label for Tab in nested Collection</source>