Extend TCA

Content Blocks generates a lot of boilerplate TCA (Table Configuration Array) for you. Usually you don't need to write own TCA, but in some cases, where you want to override the TCA from Content Blocks, you can do it with own TCA overrides.

How to override Content Blocks TCA

Finding the correct identifier

In order to find out the internal identifier, which is used in TCA you need to know how prefixing works in Content Blocks. You can also simply inspect the TCA in the Configuration module of the typo3/cms-lowlevel extension.

Fields in tt_content

It works exactly like overriding core TCA.


$GLOBALS['TCA']['tt_content']['columns']['myvendor_mycontentblock_header']['config']['some_option'] = 'some_value';
$GLOBALS['TCA']['tt_content']['types']['myvendor_mycontentblock']['some_option'] = 'some_value';

Fields in custom tables / record types

As soon as you create a Collection field, Content Blocks creates a new custom table. Therefore you need to change the key to the table's name. Extend the TCA in Configuration/TCA/Overrides/myvendor_mycontentblock_mycollection.php. For record types you already defined a tableName, so use this as the key.


$GLOBALS['TCA']['myvendor_mycontentblock_mycollection']['columns']['your_field']['config']['some_option'] = 'some_value';
$GLOBALS['TCA']['my_record_type_table']['columns']['your_field']['config']['some_option'] = 'some_value';