Core Content Types
Here is an overview of the required and optional languages / places for defining new Content Types the Core way (without Content Blocks). See also: Create a custom content element type. Note that Content Blocks uses these technologies under the hood and you should still learn these to understand how TYPO3 works internally.
When you need a custom field or a custom table, first of all you have to define a SQL schema. This requires knowledge of MySQL syntax and which column types are suitable for the field. Content Blocks already knows which types are the best for the job and adds them via a PSR-14 Event. For experienced integrators, it is still possible to override the default SQL definitions.
The Table Configuration Array is a TYPO3 specific PHP structure to define the behavior of SQL columns inside the TYPO3 backend. It is quite powerful and has plenty of options. In order to not limit the capabilities of Content Blocks all options and field types are still available. You will recognize them in the YAML definition. There are some improvements, which required slight naming changes. Content Blocks greatly reduces the amount of code, which needs to be defined, by automatically generating redundant information. E.g. by adding new types to the type selector or placing custom fields to a designated destination. Also icons are registered automatically, if they are placed in a fixed folder.
XML / FlexForm
If one wants to make use of TYPO3 FlexForms, it is required to define an XML file and register it in TCA. Content Blocks streamlines this by using the same syntax for both normal fields and FlexForm fields. There is no need to write TCA inside of XML anymore. Everything is handled in the single YAML definition.
Translatable labels are implemented by using XLF files in TYPO3. In Content Blocks you still have to write those. However, all fields get a fixed key, which consists of the Content Block name and the field identifier. You only need to remember this standardized schema and they will automatically be used for the backend labels. There is a fallback to the field identifier, if no entry for the field is defined, so that you never encounter fields without a label.
TSConfig is special variant of TypoScript, which allows to modify the backend behavior. It is required to define some TSConfig in order to register Content Elements in the Content Element Wizard. Content Blocks already holds all necessary information for this and adds default TSConfig. If not otherwise defined, new Content Elements are placed in the "common" tab.
TypoScript is the glue between the backend and the frontend. For Content Elements specifically it is required to define a rendering definition, if you intend to display them in the frontend. Content Blocks automatically adds default TypoScript, which registers a Fluid template for the Content Element. In addition, all relations are resolved automatically, so you don't have to define DataProcessors for common use cases like file references or collections.
Fluid is the templating engine for TYPO3
and is both used in the backend and the frontend. Content Blocks registers a
and a backend-
file, which can immediately be used
for styling your Content Element. Layouts and partials can be used as usual.