Backend Preview

Backend previews allow you to provide a preview for your frontend in the backend. Previews are a very important part when creating custom content types for your editors. They are the only way to help them navigate through the jungle fo elements in the page module.

A preview can be defined by creating a file templates/backend-preview.html inside your Content Block. This file is already created for you, if you use the kickstart command.

Content Elements

By default, TYPO3 comes with a standard preview renderer for Content Elements. However, it is specialized in rendering the preview of Core Content Elements. This means only Core fields like header, subheader or bodytext are considered. Therefore, it is advised to provide an own preview for custom Content Elements.

Changed in version 1.1

Previews for Content Elements now must define the layout Preview and any of the sections Header, Content or Footer.

<f:layout name="Preview"/>

<f:section name="Header">
    <div>My header</div>

<f:section name="Content">
    <f:asset.css identifier="my-backend-styles" href="{cb:assetPath()}/preview.css"/>
    <div>My content</div>

<f:section name="Footer">
    <div>My footer</div>

A Content Element preview consists of three parts: The header, the content area and the footer. By defining the appropriate section it is possible to override the standard preview rendering of TYPO3. If a section is omitted, the fallback rendering from TYPO3 will be used instead. You can also include CSS just like in the frontend with f:asset.css View Helper.

Page Types

Previews for Page Types are displayed at the top of the content area and beneath the page title. Unlike Content Elements, you don't have to define any sections.

Page Type preview in the TYPO3 backend

This is an example of a Page Type preview.

Record Types

Previews for Record Types can only be shown as nested child records of Content Elements in the Page Module like so:

<f:comment>Provide the identifier of the child Collection to render a grid preview</f:comment>
<f:render partial="PageLayout/Grid" arguments="{data: data, identifier: 'tabs_item'}"/>

See also: