Data Processing

Content Blocks is based on the new Record API in TYPO3 v13. As soon as a Record is created and enriched, it is immutable. This means the standard way of data processing via custom DataProcessors will not work anymore, if it was based on manipulating the $processedData['data'] array.

The new recommended way adding custom logic via PHP is to use the new PSR-14 RecordCreationEvent. This event has the advantage that it is always triggered as soon as a Record is created, independent of frontend or backend context or even in scenarios where the Record is part of a nested structure.


The event listener class, using the PHP attribute #[AsEventListener] for registration, creates a Coordinates object based on the field value of the coordinates field for the custom maps content type.

final class RecordCreationEventListener
    public function __invoke(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Domain\Event\RecordCreationEvent $event): void
        $rawRecord = $event->getRawRecord();

        if ($rawRecord->getMainType() === 'tt_content' && $rawRecord->getRecordType() === 'maps' && $event->hasProperty('coordinates')) {
                new Coordinates($event->getProperty('coordinates'))