How to add translations

If you want to add a translation to official documentation or to your extension documentation, please keep in mind that it must be updated and maintained long term.

In general, it is a good idea to keep the structure of the original language. That way, it is possible to switch the language on each page and wind up on the corresponding translated page.

  1. Create a localization directory

    for example Documentation/Localization.de_DE, Documentation/Localization.fr_FR. This directory contains a complete documentation project. So, you can effectively copy the original Documentation directory.

    └──  Localization.de_DE
         ├── Index.rst
         └── Settings.cfg
  2. Update the file Settings: Documentation/guides.xml.
  3. Translate the texts
  4. Check the rendering

    Render the documentation locally with Docker

    The result will be in /Documentation-GENERATED-temp/Result/project/<locale>/0.0.0/, for example /Documentation-GENERATED-temp/Result/project/de-de/0.0.0/Index.html

Once the documentation has been rerendered on the documentation server, you can switch the language using the version selector.