Advanced clipboard usage

Select a page, in the List view. If not activated, click on Show Clipboard (1). Select "Clipboard #1 (multi-selection mode)" in the clipboard panel on the bottom of the page. You can now check all records (3) or check just the ones you want to work on. Each record now has a checkbox.

As soon as one or more records are checked, new buttons will appear at the top of the list:

  1. Edit all selected items at once
  2. Transfer to Clipboard all selected items at once
  3. Remove from Clipboard all selected items at once
  4. Delete all selected items at once

Now check several boxes and click the Transfer to Clipboard button. Your clipboard should look like this:

Multiple items stored in the clipboard

The button Move Elementsis selected by default. Select the button Copy Elements instead. The selected elements will now be copied and the current page will remain unchanged.

Move to another page and click the "Paste into" icon:

The "Paste into" icon at the top of the list

A warning appears to confirm the operation:

The dialog box for confirming the paste action

After confirmation, you can see that the two elements have been moved to the top of the list and that the clipboard pane is empty:

Moved records and empty clipboard