
New in version 7.1.0

The concept of a Loader is to abstract the source of the Mask configuration away. The configuration can come from anywhere you want. It can be one huge json file (like it always was) or many small json files, which will be merged by the loader. The only requirement is to implement the \MASK\Mask\Loader\LoaderInterface:

interface LoaderInterface
     * Loads the Mask configuration from any resource.
     * @return TableDefinitionCollection
    public function load(): TableDefinitionCollection;

     * Takes the table definition collection as input and writes it to the given resource.
     * @param TableDefinitionCollection $tableDefinitionCollection
    public function write(TableDefinitionCollection $tableDefinitionCollection): void;


There are only two methods, which need to be implemented: load and write. The crucial part is, that they receive and return an object of the class \MASK\Mask\Definition\TableDefinitionCollection. This class describes the structure of the Mask configuration, which is used internally. The Loader is therefore responsible to prepare the source data into that format when loading and, the other way around, when writing updated definitions.

Available Loaders

Mask comes with two Loaders, which you can freely choose from:

  • JsonLoader
  • JsonSplitLoader


The JsonLoader is the default Loader, which implements the standard behaviour of having one single mask.json file. It will kick in, if you didn't configure otherwise.


The new JsonSplitLoader splits all Mask elements and page templates into separate files. The advantage is, that you can easily copy a definition from one project to another. You just have to make sure the used keys are unique. Right now, Mask does not warn you and will just use the last field. Another neat thing is, that version control diffs are much easier to read.

Registering Loaders

Loaders need to be registered via DI. This can be done in Services.yaml or Services.php. They receive the tag mask.loader and an identifier of your choice.

Example for Services.yaml:

    - name: mask.loader
      identifier: json-split

The identifier is used to choose the active Loader in the extension configuration: loader_identifier.