Create content elements

After following the installation steps, you can start using Mask. Open the backend module Mask. It is located right below the extension manager module.

New content element wizard

Create your first content element by clicking on the Create new content element button. Now a wizard appears, which will guide you through some mandatory fields:

  • Label: Enter the label for this content element. This is the name editors will see when creating the content element.
  • Key (unique, lowercase): Your element needs a unique key. This key is used for the CType (Content Type), which is essential for defining the content element. Also the Fluid HTML templates will be generated with this name.
The Multi Step Wizard

The Multi Step Wizard

After you have finished defining the label and the key, click finish and the Mask Builder will open. By default the tab Fields will be opened.

The Mask Content Element Builder

The Mask Content Element Builder

Create fields

Now you can fill your element with different fields. Look at the page Fieldtypes for more information about all the different fieldtypes. Drag and drop your desired field into the dragarea in the middle of the screen. It is also possible to just click on a field. In this case the field will be inserted beneath the current active field. After doing so, a form will appear on the right side.

Form of a field

Form of a field

Analogous to the element key, you will have to come up with a unique key for your field. Your custom fields will always have tx_mask_ as a prefix, which you can not remove. This is important in order to avoid conflicts with existing fields. You also have the possibility to use existing TYPO3 core fields or existing Mask fields in the Choose field drop down.

Most fields have this options in common:

  • Field Key: As described above the unique key for this field. A new column in the database table tt_content will be created with this exact name.
  • Label: The label, which the editor will see when editing the content element. Can be a localized string.
  • Description: The description will be shown beneath the label. Here you can give your editor some more information on how to use this field.
  • Reset to default: Resets all the TCA options like it would be when newly created (not label and description).

TCA settings

All other options relate to the according TCA (Table Configuration Array) options. The exact name of the TCA option is shown in brackets and a small black circle with a question mark links directly to the TYPO3 docs. TCA is used to define how the fields will be rendered and validated. There is a lot that can be done with TCA and of course Mask has not adapted (yet) all of the available functionality, but for the most part it should be enough to tackle day to day needs.

Share fields vs. override them

By default, Mask shares field configurations across content elements, allowing you to selectively overwrite labels and descriptions for individual fields. Starting from Mask v8.2, it became possible to override fields across different elements. When this behavior is enabled in the extension settings, you gain the ability to override nearly every setting for individual fields and utilize them across multiple elements. For instance, consider a dropdown field that needs to be reused with various select options. This behavior is particularly useful when you have numerous elements with diverse options but prefer not to expand your database with an excessive number of fields.

Note that Core fields are always allowed to be overridden.

Even when you have enabled the reuse of fields, there are certain options in TYPO3 which remain shared and cannot be overridden:

  • Category Field Relationship, Possible Options: oneToOne, oneToMany, manyToMany (TCA Key: relationship)
  • Select Field Database Options, foreign_table, foreign_field, foreign_table_field, foreign_match_fields
  • Group Field allowed

Other internally used TCA Options that are not overwritten:

  • type (used for field type)
  • dbType (eg. datetime and date field)
  • nullable
  • MM
  • MM_opposite_field
  • MM_hasUidField
  • MM_oppositeUsage

Furthermore, it's important to note that repeating (inline) fields cannot be shared and you are also not able to share different field types between each other (eg. text input and float have to be two fields). If you are currently using Mask with shared fields but wish to switch to override shared fields, you can find more information in the 8.2 changelog on how to migrate to override shared fields.

The Element Meta Data Tab

Switch to the tab Element Meta Data. This tab contains general information about your content element. If you already defined a label and a key in the creation wizard, they will be shown here.

Element Meta Data tab

Besides the label and the key there are some further fields:

Short Title: The Short Title is used, if you edit an element and open the selectbox for the CType. If this field is empty, the title is used.

Description: It would be helpful to add a description for the editors. It appears in the wizard for creating new content elements next to the title and the preview image.

Icon: If you quickly need a preview icon for your content element and you don't want to create an image, just choose a fontawesome icon. You can select from different categories or search for a keyword. If you don't define any icon, a fallback icon will be created with the first letter of your label.

Color: Choose a color for your icon.

Short title in CType select

Short title in CType preview

Short title in CType preview


FontAwesome icon picker

Use a FontAwesome icon

On TYPO3 v12, FontAwesome icons do not get displayed in the "New Content Element Wizard" - see issue #551. Use .svg icon files instead as described in Preview image for a content element.

Custom icon

See Preview image for a content element.

Save the content element

When ready, save your element with the save button on the top left corner. On first save, a HTML file with example fluid code is generated and saved in your template folder path. Now you can change the structure of the HTML file like you need it. Of course the full power of Fluid is available and all TYPO3 ViewHelper are ready to be used. This file will never be overwritten, even if you change the element in Mask. If you need some fluid example code for newly added fields, click the HTML icon of the element in the list view.

That is all you have to know - now you can use your new element in the page module.