Crop Variants

You can exactly define which crop variants a mask element should offer for its images.

For specific content element

One way to set the crop variants is by addressing a specific content element (cType). This does only work for images not placed in a repeater field. For this reason the TCA should be extended in Configuration/TCA/Overrides/tt_content.php.

Example crop variant definition:

$teaserCropVariants = [
    'teaser' => [
        'title' => 'Teaser',
        'allowedAspectRatios' => [
            'portrait' => [
                'title' => 'Portrait',
                'value' => 3 / 4
            'landscape' => [
                'title' => 'Landscape',
                'value' => 4 / 3

$table = 'tt_content';
$cType = 'mask_teaser';
$column = 'tx_mask_teaser_image';

$GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['types'][$cType]['columnsOverrides'][$column]['config']['overrideChildTca']['columns']['crop']['config']['cropVariants'] = $teaserCropVariants;

The table is tt_content, the cType is mask_teaser (no tx_ here) and the column is tx_mask_teaser_image.

For specific image column

An alternative is to set the crop variant for a specific column. This is of course less specific and will be shared across multiple content elements with the same image field. This is also the preferred way for images residing in repeater fields.


// Use this for repeating fields. File: TCA/Overrides/tx_mask_teasers.php
$table = 'tx_mask_teasers';
$column = 'tx_mask_teaser_image';

$GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['columns'][$column]['config']['overrideChildTca']['columns']['crop']['config']['cropVariants'] = $teaserCropVariants;

// Also works in tt_content. File: TCA/Overrides/tt_content.php
$table = 'tt_content';
$column = 'image';

$GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['columns'][$column]['config']['overrideChildTca']['columns']['crop']['config']['cropVariants'] = $teaserCropVariants;

See also: