Allow users to attach content elements to the content element itself. This way editors can nest the content elements and can for instance build an accordion filled with already existing content elements.
'type' => 'inline',
'foreign_table' => 'tt_content'

Content field
Available TCA options
- cTypes (custom Mask option used for itemsProcFunc)
- config.minitems
- config.maxitems
- config.appearance.newRecordLinkTitle
- config.appearance.levelLinksPosition
- config.appearance.showNewRecordLink (only v11 or higher)
- config.appearance.collapseAll
- config.appearance.expandSingle
- config.appearance.useSortable
- config.appearance.enabledControls
- l10n_mode
- config.behaviour.allowLanguageSynchronization
- config.appearance.showPossibleLocalizationRecords
- config.appearance.showAllLocalizationLink
- config.appearance.showSynchronizationLink
See a complete overview of Inline TCA options in the official documentation.