Data Processors
You can process the data of any content element before it is assigned to the fluid template with the help of DataProcessors. They can help you to reduce overusage of ViewHelpers. In general fluid templates shouldn't include too much logic.
For example imagine you have some kind of product content element with these fields:
Element key: product
You probably also would want to show the price with vat added. Now what if you only want to enter the net amount? You probably would either do some mathematical operations in fluid directly or create a ViewHelper for that. But there is a better way by using a data processor:
namespace VENDOR\Extension\DataProcessing;
use TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject\ContentObjectRenderer;
use TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject\DataProcessorInterface;
class VatProcessor implements DataProcessorInterface
* @param ContentObjectRenderer $cObj The data of the content element or page
* @param array $contentObjectConfiguration The configuration of Content Object
* @param array $processorConfiguration The configuration of this processor
* @param array $processedData Key/value store of processed data (e.g. to be passed to a Fluid View)
* @return array the processed data as key/value store
public function process(
ContentObjectRenderer $cObj,
array $contentObjectConfiguration,
array $processorConfiguration,
array $processedData
) {
$vatMultiplier = 1 + $processorConfiguration['vat'] / 100;
$processedData['data']['priceGross'] = $processedData['data']['tx_mask_price'] * $vatMultiplier;
return $processedData;
You can create the data processor in the folder Classes/
of your sitepackage.
The Vat
implements the Data
which forces us to implement the process
method. There are
some parameters we can work with:
Obj - The ContentObjectRenderer. You can do any stdWrap operation with it.
Object Configuration - Contains the configuration of the current content object.
Configuration - Here you can define custom options. See TypoScript configuration section.
Data - This is the exact data array you would work with in your fluid templates.
Now we can manipulate the data in $processed
the way we want it. In our case we enhance the array with
another entry price
. For this we use the price
defined in our content element and the additional parameter
which we will define in the next section.
Register DataProcessor
Now we need to register and configure the data processor for our specific content element. For this we need to add a little bit of TypoScript:
tt_content {
mask_product {
dataProcessing {
110 = VENDOR\Extension\DataProcessing\VatProcessor
110 {
vat = 19
The key mask_
represents the CType of our Mask element. Mask adds this mask_
prefix automatically to your
specified element key. You can pass any additional parameters to the dataProcessor. They will be available in the
Use in fluid template
Finally we can use our processed data in the fluid template Product.
Title: {data.tx_mask_title} <!-- Some product title -->
Price net: {data.tx_mask_price -> f:format.number(decimals: '2')}€ <!-- 100.00€ -->
Price gross: {data.priceGross -> f:format.number(decimals: '2')}€ <!-- 119.00€ -->
Note that the added entry price
does not contain the tx_
This way you don't have to rely on multiple ViewHelpers and fluid logic. Move the logic away from you view by using DataProcessors.
Have a look at the official documentation for more examples.