Code blocks with syntax highlighting
Quick Reference
A code block consists of a code-
directive and the actual code indented
by four spaces for consistency with other code bases.
A code block can have one or more options. To make orientation in code examples easier
try to always add a :caption:
with the path and name of the file where the example should go:
.. code-block:: php
:caption: EXT:site_package/Configuration/TCA/Overrides/sys_template.php
* Add default TypoScript (constants and setup)
'Site Package'
* Add default TypoScript (constants and setup)
'Site Package'
Always use syntactically correct code in a code block.
Use placeholders in angle brackets
) to refer to a place in the code where the exact
value is not important.
Code block directive
A code block has the following syntax:
.. code-block:: <language>
:caption: <caption>
There must be a newline between the options and the code. There must not be a newline between the directive line and options or within options. Otherwise the rendering will fail.
- <language>
The language of the code-block. We commonly use the following:
(also for TSconfig),yaml
(also for Fluid),shell
.See all available languages
- <caption>
- To make orientation in code examples easier try to always add a caption with the name of the file where the example should go. If the code should be manually entered in the TYPO3 backend explain where it should go there.
- <options>
The following options may be used, all options are optional, but
is highly recommended:.. code-block:: <language> :caption: <caption> :linenos: :lineno-start: <start-number> :emphasize-lines: <emphasized-line-numbers> :name: <reference-label>
- Show line numbers.
start - Start line numbers with <start-number>.
lines - <emphasized-line-numbers> contains a comma separated list of line numbers to be emphasized.
- Set a <reference-label>. This label can be used to link from any given text to the specific code block. The name needs to be unique within one manual.
See also the official sphinx documentation on code-blocks.
A simple code block with syntax highlighting
.. code-block:: php
:caption: EXT:site_package/Configuration/TCA/Overrides/sys_template.php
* Add default TypoScript (constants and setup)
'Site Package'
* Add default TypoScript (constants and setup)
'Site Package'
Code block with line numbers and highlighting of one line
.. code-block:: php
:caption: EXT:site_package/Configuration/TCA/Overrides/sys_template.php
:emphasize-lines: 4, 7
* Add default TypoScript (constants and setup)
'Site Package'
* Add default TypoScript (constants and setup)
'Site Package'
Use code blocks containing diffs
To emphasize changes that should be made:
.. code-block:: diff
:caption: ext_localconf.php.diff
-defined('TYPO3_MODE') or die();
+defined('TYPO3') or die();
-defined('TYPO3_MODE') or die();
+defined('TYPO3') or die();
You can use diff tools such as the
bartlweb diff file generator. Make
sure to use the type unified context
Show a directory tree
To display an expandable directory tree, use the directive '.. directory-tree::'.
.. code-block:: none
:caption: Page tree of directory :file:`vendor/composer`
$ tree vendor/composer
├── ClassLoader.php
├── autoload_classmap.php
├── ...
└── installed.json
$ tree vendor/composer
├── ClassLoader.php
├── autoload_classmap.php
├── ...
└── installed.json
Use syntactically correct code
Please: No syntax errors!
Syntax highlighting only works if the lexer can parse the code without errors. In other words: If there's a syntax error in the code the highlighting will not work.
.. code-block:: php
$a = array(
'one' => 1,
// ...
.. code-block:: php
$a = array(
'one' => 1,
Available languages
The following languages are supported. They can be used in a code-
and a literalinclude
- 1c
- abnf
- accesslog
- actionscript
- ada
- angelscript
- apache
- applescript
- arcade
- arduino
- armasm
- asciidoc
- aspectj
- autohotkey
- autoit
- avrasm
- awk
- axapta
- bash
- basic
- bnf
- brainfuck
- cal
- capnproto
- ceylon
- clean
- clojure
- clojure-repl
- cmake
- coffeescript
- coq
- cos
- cpp
- crmsh
- crystal
- cs
- csp
- css
- d
- dart
- delphi
- diff
- django
- dns
- dockerfile
- dos
- dsconfig
- dts
- dust
- ebnf
- elixir
- elm
- erb
- erlang
- erlang-repl
- excel
- fix
- flix
- fortran
- fsharp
- gams
- gauss
- gcode
- gherkin
- glsl
- gml
- go
- golo
- gradle
- groovy
- haml
- handlebars
- haskell
- haxe
- hsp
- htmlbars
- http
- hy
- inform7
- ini
- irpf90
- isbl
- java
- javascript
- jboss-cli
- json
- julia
- julia-repl
- kotlin
- lasso
- ldif
- leaf
- less
- lisp
- livecodeserver
- livescript
- llvm
- lsl
- lua
- makefile
- markdown
- mathematica
- matlab
- maxima
- mel
- mercury
- mipsasm
- mizar
- mojolicious
- monkey
- moonscript
- n1ql
- nginx
- nimrod
- nix
- nsis
- objectivec
- ocaml
- openscad
- oxygene
- parser3
- perl
- pf
- pgsql
- php
- plaintext
- pony
- powershell
- processing
- profile
- prolog
- properties
- protobuf
- puppet
- purebasic
- python
- q
- qml
- r
- reasonml
- rib
- roboconf
- routeros
- rsl
- rst
- ruby
- ruleslanguage
- rust
- sas
- scala
- scheme
- scilab
- scss
- shell
- smali
- smalltalk
- sml
- sqf
- sql
- stan
- stata
- step21
- stylus
- subunit
- swift
- taggerscript
- tap
- tcl
- tex
- thrift
- tp
- twig
- typescript
- typoscript
- vala
- vbnet
- vbscript
- vbscript-html
- verilog
- vhdl
- vim
- x86asm
- xl
- xml
- xquery
- yaml
- zephir
A drawback of code blocks is that most editors cannot properly highlight or
indent code within code blocks. The directive literalinclude
enables you
to store longer code blocks in an external file with the proper file extension.
The literalinclude
directive imports the file and displays its content as
code block.
.. literalinclude:: /_CodeSnippets/LiteralIncludes/example.yaml
:language: yaml
:emphasize-lines: 5,10-13
Literal includes can even be used to render the difference between files, without having to create a diff file first:
.. literalinclude:: /_CodeSnippets/LiteralIncludes/example.yaml
:diff: /_CodeSnippets/LiteralIncludes/example_de.yaml
See also literalinclude directive.
Placeholders in this context are named tags in code and
example URLs where the exact value does not matter,
but is referenced in the surrounding documentation.
Use the Backus-Naur form <placeholder-
for placeholders in code and
URLs, i.e. use angle brackets to encapsulate the placeholder name.
For example in PHP
Set up a controller class to handle user interaction with the entity data
.. code-block:: php
class <Entity>Controller extends ActionController
where `<Entity>` corresponds to the entity data model class name.
or on the command line
Importing a TYPO3 dump file is as simple as running:
.. code-block:: bash
typo3/sysext/core/bin/typo3 impexp:import <file>
where `<file>` can be the absolute path on the server or the relative path
in the TYPO3 project folder.
or in an example URL
The TYPO3 backend normally appends the session token ID to the URL as
follows: :samp:`<token-id>`.
In the XML and HTML markup languages, which make extensive use of angle
brackets, the comment tag <!-- placeholder-
is used to insert
placeholders. A <placeholder-
looks like a regular element and would lead to confusion.
Outdated code block formats
For historic reasons the :caption:
option is missing in many code blocks.
Try to add them whenever you touch the RST files. Do not add new code blocks
without a caption stating the file name. It is often very confusing for new
developers where a certain code snippet should go. The recommended file name
can help to clear this up.
We recommend that you always write the language name after the code block directive. This makes it easier for first time contributors to adjust or copy-paste code blocks. For historic reasons there are code blocks without an explicit language.
If you do not explicitly set the language, the default language (PHP) is used.
In the past a simplified shorthand directive was widely used: A sentence ending
with two double colon ::
, followed by a new line and an indented
block of code. This quick syntax has several drawbacks:
- It is confusing to developers who seldom contribute
- We cannot give a caption and state the file name where the code should go.
- The script language is only stated implicitly.
- Such code blocks cannot be easily copy-pasted to use them as a foundation for your own code blocks.
You can change these code blocks like this:
The extension already contains some unit tests that extend `typo3/testing-framework`'s base
-unit test class in directory :file:`Tests/Unit/Hooks` (stripped):
.. code-block:: php
:caption: <extension_key>/Tests/Unit/Hooks/DataHandlerFlushByTagHookTest.php
namespace Lolli\Enetcache\Tests\Unit\Hooks;