PlantUML diagrams
In order to render diagrams in the TYPO3 documentation, PlantUML is integrated into the rendering process.
Embedded UML diagrams
Simple diagrams can be embedded directly into the reStructuredText markup:
.. uml::
:caption: Some Caption
class -> otherClass : message
This will be rendered as:
Include a PlantUML file
.. uml:: _complex_uml.plantuml
:align: center
:caption: Figure 1-1: Application flow
:width: 1000
This will be rendered as:
Put a file called _complex_
in the same directory as
the reST file:
enum FeedFormat {
interface AuthorInterface
interface CategoryInterface
interface FeedInterface
interface FeedFormatAwareInterface
interface ImageInterface
interface ItemInterface
interface RequestAwareInterface
class Author
class Image
class Item
class YourFeed
note left: This is your feed implementation class
YourFeed -[hidden]> FeedFormat
Author <|.. AuthorInterface
Category <|.. CategoryInterface
Image <|.. ImageInterface
Item <|.. ItemInterface
FeedInterface ..|> YourFeed : required
FeedFormatAwareInterface ..|> YourFeed : optional
RequestAwareInterface ..|> YourFeed : optional
Item "1" *-- "0 .. n" Author : contains
YourFeed "1" *-- "0 .. n" Author : contains
YourFeed "1" *-- "0 .. n" Category : contains
YourFeed "1" *-- "0 .. 1" Image : contains
YourFeed "1" *-- "0 .. n" Item : contains
YourFeed .. FeedFormat : used in attributes