Headlines and Anchors

Each reST document must have a title. It is overlined and underlined like this:

..  _rest-cheat-sheet:

Cheat sheet: reStructuredText

The anchor is used for permalinks. It should be lowercase with dashes between words. During rendering special signs are converted into dashes and all letters changed to lowercase if you ignore this.

Use headers to divide your document into sections. Start with h2:

By convention we use the following underlines:

..  _h2-headline:

H2 Headline

..  _h3-headline:

H3 Headline

..  _h4-headline:

H4 Headline

..  _h5-headline:

H5 Headline

..  _h6-headline:

H6 Headline

..  _another-h2-headline:

Another H2 Headline

They look like this:

H2 Headline

H3 Headline

H4 Headline

H5 Headline
H6 Headline

Syntax of headlines

The underlining special signs should be as long as the line but this is not enforced.

Each headline should have an anchor. Otherwise permalinking does not work.

Keep anchors unless a concept is completely removed.