
There are different possibilities to make settings to your installation or parts of it.

Global settings

Global settings can be made in the modules in section Admin Tools, which changes file config/system/settings.php or be overridden manually in file config/system/additional.php. Avoid making manual changes to the first file as it is auto-managed.

Global extension settings

Global settings to installed extensions, including some that are part of a default installation can be made in submodule Admin Tools > Settings > Extension Configuration.

Screenshot demonstration the location of the Extension Configuration in module "Settings"

You can find the global Extension Configuration in module Settings

After opening the submodule you can make your changes and hit save:

Screenshot of the Extension Configuration submodule

Make changes and hit "Save".

Site handling

One TYPO3 installation may contain more then one site. Even if you have only one site in your installation important settings can be made here.

Important settings can be made in the site configuration. Read more about them in chapter Creating a site configuration.

Site configurations are stored in a file called config/sites/my-site/config.yaml and can be edited from module Site Management > Sites. Each site must have a unique key, called the "Site Identifier". For demonstration purposes we use "my-site" here. The Site Identifier is also used in the path to save the configuration.

Screenshot demonstration field "Site Identifier" in a site configuration

The Site Identifier can be changed in this field

Find detailed information in TYPO3 Explained, Site handling.

Site settings

New in version 13.3

Starting with TYPO3 v13.3 site settings can also be edited in the site settings editor.

You can edit site settings in the module Site Management > Settings. Changes are written to file config/sites/my-site/settings.yaml. If you keep this file under version control you must commit and push the changes made to this file.

Screenshot of the Site Settings Overview

You can find all sites in the settings module. If editable settings are available there is a button "Edit Settings"

You can find more information about this editor in TYPO3 Explained, Site settings editor.

If site settings are available refer to the documentation of the extension offering them.

The following optional Core extensions offer site settings:

You can define custom site settings in your site package: TYPO3 Sitepackage Tutorial.

Find detailed information on the topic also in TYPO3 Explained, Site settings.

Page wide frontend definitions: TypoScript

Changed in version 12.0

This module was renamed. With TYPO3 v12 it was moved from Web > Template to Site Management > TypoScript.

TypoScript is a scripting language that can and will most likely be used to influence the output of your pages. TypoScript can be managed in a TypoScript record that you find in module Site Management > TypoScript.

Edit the TypoScript record by clicking on the name of the record in the overview module

TypoScript affects the page it is defined on and all subpages. In most cases TypoScript is only defined on the root page of a site. In that case the settings made here affect the whole page.

You can also navigate between the different submodules by using the submodule menu:

Switch between the different submodules of the TypoScript module.

See also the complete TypoScript Reference.

Page wide backend settings: Page TSconfig

Read more about this in Setting page TSconfig.