Extension eventnews
The extension eventnews
adds additional fields to the news
extension allowing
to define events and provides a view to show them in a month based calendar.
This extension alters the standard calendar view by removing the filter panel
and showing event information within the calendar by means of popup dialogs
(see example).

Calendar view from events¶
To use the calendar view provided by this extension the static
Pizpalue - eventnews (pizpalue)
needs to be added to
Include static (from extensions)
from the template record. The resulting
template hierarchy would be as following:
News (news)
News Styles Twitter Bootstrap V5 (news)
Eventnews (eventnews)
Pizpalue - news (pizpalue)
Pizpalue - eventnews (eventnews)
Currently there is an issue in showing the month view ( see issue 132). This might be corrected by adding the following dependency injection configuration to the site package (EXT:my_site/Configuration/Services.yaml):
GeorgRinger\News\Controller\NewsController: '@GeorgRinger\Eventnews\Controller\NewsController'