Extension tt_address

Common setup steps

The below mentioned packages are available through the "Display mode" available in the plugin content element.

The setup steps are similar:

  1. Add static template "Pizpalue - tt_address [package name]"

  2. Add TypoScript Configuration to resources from page property

  3. Configure the package in the constant editor (category "PIZPALUE: PLUGINS", section "Addresses (tt_address)")

  4. Add the address plugin to a page and select the corresponding view (Plugin options - Display tab - Select display mode)

Google map

This package adds a Google map showing the selected addresses.

Map showing addresses from table tt_address

Map showing addresses from table tt_address


Carry out the common setup steps.

"Google Map View" in the "Display mode" from the plugin content element

"Google Map View" in the "Display mode" from the plugin content element


This package adds its Fluid templates and partials to index 20 (see TS setup "plugin.tx_ttaddress.view.templateRootPaths"). To overrule these files add own resources under a higher index.


The markers info window might be customized by overriding the templates partial (file "typo3conf/ext/pizpalue/ Extensions/tt_address/GoogleMap/Resources/Private/Partials/GoogleMap.html"). The content is defined in the tag with id "pp-ttaddress-maptemplate":

<div class="pp-ttaddress-maptemplate" data-pp-amt-markertitle="company">
   <div class="pp-amt-wrap" data-pp-amt-uid="uid">
      <div class="pp-amt-imagewrap">
         <img class="pp-amt-image" src="" data-pp-amt="image" />
      <div class="pp-amt-text">
         <h6><span data-pp-amt="company"></span>&nbsp;(<span data-pp-amt="title"></span>)</h6>
         <p data-pp-amt="description"></p>
            <b data-pp-amt="name"></b><br />
            Tel: <span data-pp-amt="phone"></span>&nbsp;|&nbsp;
            <a href="#" data-pp-amt="email">Email</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;
            <a href="#" target="_blank" data-pp-amt="www">Web</a>

Since the data for each address is assigned to a marker through JS some data attributes and class names serve a special need.

Template attributes

Template attribute



Defines the address field used for the markers title shown when hovering over the marker


The uid from the address the content is derived from


The value indicates the field used for replacing the tags content

Data attributes

Data attribute



Specifies the address record uid holding the data for the infowindow


The uri from the image to be shown in the infowindow


The uri to show the address details





Identifies the template for the marker info window (is sibling from pp-ttaddress-map)


Identifies the image


This package provides a teaser showing random address item as overlay images.

Teaser showing random address item as overlay image

Teaser showing random address item as overlay image


Carry out the common setup steps.

"Teaser View" in the "Display mode" from the plugin content element

"Teaser View" in the "Display mode" from the plugin content element


This package adds its Fluid templates and partials to index 22 (see TS setup "plugin.tx_ttaddress.view.templateRootPaths"). To overrule these files add own resources under a higher index.


The package provides several configuration constants allowing to define the view for different screen sizes. For further customizations the template might be overruled.