14.x Changes by type
This lists all changes to the TYPO3 Core of minor versions grouped by their type.
Table of contents
Breaking Changes
- Breaking: #105377 - Deprecated functionality removed
- Breaking: #105686 - Avoid obsolete $charset in sanitizeFileName()
- Breaking: #105695 - Simplified CharsetConverter
- Breaking: #105728 - Extbase backend modules not in page context rely on global TypoScript only
- Breaking: #105733 - FileNameValidator no longer accepts custom regex in __construct()
- Breaking: #105809 - AfterMailerInitializationEvent removed
- Breaking: #105855 - Remove file backwards compatibility for alt and link field
- Breaking: #105863 - Remove exposeNonexistentUserInForgotPasswordDialog setting in ext:felogin
- Breaking: #105920 - Folder->getSubFolder() throws FolderDoesNotExistException