7.4 Changes
Table of contents
Breaking Changes
- Breaking: #39721 - Prototype.js and Scriptaculous removed
- Breaking: #52705 - Default log configuration is changed
- Breaking: #55759 - HTML in link titles not working anymore
- Breaking: #56133 - New BE user permission "Files: replace"
- Breaking: #56951 - Remove unused methods in PagePositionMap
- Breaking: #63838 - Changed OpcodeCacheUtility being a service class
- Breaking: #64200 - Custom [cObject].cache.* TypoScript evaluation
- Breaking: #64714 - Catch exceptions for inaccessible storages
- Breaking: #65305 - DriverInterface has been extended
- Breaking: #66602 - Check jumpUrl referer has been removed
- Breaking: #67545 - PreFileAdd signal behaviour changed
- Breaking: #67546 - Cleanup Flash message rendering in FlashMessageQueue
- Breaking: #67557 - Language file of Opendocs was moved
- Breaking: #67565 - Deprecated backend related methods removed
- Breaking: #67577 - rte_enabled and flag handling
- Breaking: #67646 - PHP library inclusion in frontend removed
- Breaking: #67654 - Remove $GLOBALS[FILEICONS] functionality
- Breaking: #67749 - Force class auto loading for various hooks
- Breaking: #67753 - Drop "Show secondary options"
- Breaking: #67792 - Class aliases of Indexed Search removed
- Breaking: #67811 - Rte API
- Breaking: #67815 - Remove tceforms.js because we don't need it anymore
- Breaking: #67824 - typo3/ext folder removed
- Breaking: #67825 - Remove colorpicker options "dim" and "tableStyle"
- Breaking: #67890 - Redesign FluidTemplateDataProcessorInterface to DataProcessorInterface
- Breaking: #67932 - felogin template has been changed for RSA encryption
- Breaking: #67946 - LowLevel Cleaner Scripts Removed
- Breaking: #67987 - Removed entry script handling
- Breaking: #68001 - Removed ExtJS Core and ExtJS Adapters
- Breaking: #68010 - T3Editor - Event callbacks for codecompletion have changed
- Breaking: #68010 - T3Editor - Plugin registration for codecompletion has changed
- Breaking: #68020 - Dropped DisableBigButtons
- Breaking: #68092 - TCA: Remove wizard hideParent and _HIDDENFIELD
- Breaking: #68116 - Drop RTE.userLinks functionality
- Breaking: #68131 - Streamline error and exception handling
- Breaking: #68150 - $GLOBALS['CLIENT']
- Breaking: #68178 - Drop $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['form_enctype']
- Breaking: #68186 - Adjusted and removed methods in eID area
- Breaking: #68193 - ext:indexed_search Drop removeLoginpagesWithContentHash from Indexer.php
- Breaking: #68206 - Remove usage of typolist and typohead in RTE
- Breaking: #68243 - Move not used FrontendDocumentTemplate
- Breaking: #68276 - Remove ExtJS Quicktips if possible
- Breaking: #68321 - Move language and images in rtehtmlarea
- Feature: #20194 - Configuration for displaying the "Save & View" button
- Feature: #22175 - Support IEC/SI units in file size formatting
- Feature: #33071 - Add the http header "Content-Language" when rendering a page
- Feature: #34922 - Allow .ts file extension for static TypoScript templates
- Feature: #43984 - Add stdWrap functionality to TreatIdAsReference TypoScript
- Feature: #45725 - Added recursive option to folder based file collections
- Feature: #48947 - Avatars for backend users
- Feature: #56133 - Replace file feature for fal file list
- Feature: #56644 - Hook for InlineRecordContainer::checkAccess()
- Feature: #59231 - Hook for AbstractUserAuthentication::checkAuthentication()
- Feature: #59384 - XML parser options for xml2tree()
- Feature: #59570 - Add description-field for filemounts
- Feature: #61308 - ext:form allows placeholder attribute
- Feature: #61903 - PageTS dataprovider for backend layouts
- Feature: #64200 - Allow individual content caching
- Feature: #65550 - Make table display order configurable in List module
- Feature: #65698 - Additional localization files in backend workspace module
- Feature: #66070 - Configure anchor for pagination widget
- Feature: #67228 - Emit Signal when an IndexRecord is marked as missing
- Feature: #67290 - DBAL: DBMS specific conversion between Meta/MySQL field types
- Feature: #67293 - Dependency ordering service
- Feature: #67360 - Custom attribute name and multiple values for meta tags
- Feature: #67545 - AJAX call to check whether file exists
- Feature: #67574 - Display online status in backend user list
- Feature: #67578 - Add description-field for backend-users
- Feature: #67603 - Introduce TCA > ctrl > descriptionColumn
- Feature: #67658 - Introduce DataProcessors for splitting values
- Feature: #67662 - DataProcessor for files
- Feature: #67663 - Introduce DataProcessor for media galleries
- Feature: #67765 - Introduce TypoLinkCodecService
- Feature: #67808 - Introduce Application classes for entry points and equivalent RequestHandlers
- Feature: #67880 - Added count to listNum
- Feature: #67932 - New rsaauth API
- Feature: #67950 - Move CE table options from flexform to tt_content
- Feature: #68022 - Added base date attribute to DateViewHelper
- Feature: #68047 - Emit a signal for each mapped object
- Feature: #68094 - Database Query DataProcessor
- Feature: #68184 - Paths to typo3/cms package and document root can be specified in composer.json
- Feature: #68186 - PSR-7 support for eID added
- Feature: #68191 - TypoScript .select option languageField is active by default
- Feature: #68197 - Show a dialog for existing files on upload
- Feature: #68218 - Lock edit for tt_content
- Feature: #68282 - Make DatabaseRecordList configurable to be editable
- Feature: #68315 - Include a pageTSconfig file in page properties like TS static templates
- Feature: #68395 - Allow real copies of content elements into foreign languages
- Feature: #68589 - Add CLI command to dump class loading information
- Feature: #68600 - Introduced ResourceStorage SanitizeFileName signal
- Deprecation: #50349 - Reduce SQL queries of page tree in workspaces
- Deprecation: #63603 - ExtendedFileUtility::$dontCheckForUnique is deprecated
- Deprecation: #63603 - FileController and FileListController overwriteExistingFiles changed to string value
- Deprecation: #63974 - Deprecate CSS compressor callback method
- Deprecation: #65790 - Remove pages.storage_pid and logic
- Deprecation: #66904 - $disable Option in PageRepository->getExtURL()
- Deprecation: #67288 - Deprecate DbalDatabaseConnection::MetaType() method
- Deprecation: #67471 - Deprecate init.php
- Deprecation: #67506 - Deprecate IconUtility::getIcon
- Deprecation: #67670 - Deprecate custom singleton logic in GeneralUtility::getUserObj
- Deprecation: #67737 - TCA: Drop additional palette
- Deprecation: #67769 - Deprecate QueryGenerator::formatQ()
- Deprecation: #67790 - Deprecate QueryGenerator::JSbottom()
- Deprecation: #67932 - Deprecated old rsaauth encryption API
- Deprecation: #67991 - Removed ext:cms
- Deprecation: #68074 - Deprecate getPageRenderer() methods
- Deprecation: #68098 - Deprecate GeneralUtility methods
- Deprecation: #68122 - Deprecate GeneralUtility::readLLfile
- Deprecation: #68141 - typo3/ajax.php
- Deprecation: #68183 - typo3/mod.php
- Important: #67216 - Default minimum log level is set to warning
- Important: #67445 - DBAL support for ALTER TABLE ADD/DROP KEY added
- Important: #67852 - Remove jsfunc.evalfield.js from FormEngine
- Important: #68290 - Default behavior for TCA suggest wizard changed
- Important: #68600 - Introduced ResourceStorage SanitizeFileName signal