8.3 Changes¶
Table of contents
Breaking Changes¶
- Breaking: #73461 - Import module disabled for non admin users
- Breaking: #74375 - fe_users.image migrated to FAL
- Breaking: #76108 - Replace ExtJS category tree with D3 and SVG
- Breaking: #76259 - Return value of AbstractDatabaseRecordList::makeSearchString changed
- Breaking: #76259 - Signature of getResult() in PageLayoutView changed
- Breaking: #76259 - Signature of setTotalItems() in AbstractDatabaseRecordList changed
- Breaking: #76259 - Value passed to hook getTable changed
- Breaking: #76879 - Remove unused properties from PageTreeView
- Breaking: #76879 - Remove unused property pidSelect from AbstractDatabaseRecordList
- Breaking: #76891 - syslog lowlevel command
- Breaking: #77049 - Remove unused properties from SuggestWizardDefaultReceiver
- Breaking: #77062 - Example image in TS constants descriptions removed
- Breaking: #77081 - Removed TCA tree options: width, allowRecursiveMode, autoSizeMax
- Breaking: #77137 - JavaScript API of RTE changed
- Breaking: #77137 - RTE option "colors" removed
- Breaking: #77156 - TSconfig and TStemplate soft references functionality removed
- Breaking: #77180 - Dropped ExtJS support in Frontend TypoScript
- Breaking: #77182 - Removed BasicFileUtility methods and properties
- Breaking: #77184 - Various TSFE properties removed
- Breaking: #77186 - ExtDirect eID entry point removed
- Breaking: #77209 - Adapt default RECORDS tables
- Breaking: #77280 - Uploads template shows file title in favor of file name
- Breaking: #77342 - Removed templateFile override via FlexForm in EXT:felogin
- Breaking: #77345 - EXT:form - Remove deprecated IMAGEBUTTON element
- Breaking: #77390 - Expected return type of hook getResultRows_SQLpointer in Indexed Search changed
- Breaking: #77391 - DataHandler method protected
- Breaking: #77416 - Removed property from DatabaseIntegrityCheck
- Breaking: #77453 - Signature of AbstractPlugin::pi_exec_query changed
- Breaking: #77453 - Signature of AbstractPlugin::pi_list_makelist changed
- Breaking: #77460 - Extbase query cache removed
- Breaking: #77481 - Remove favicon from TBE_STYLES
- Breaking: #77502 - Extbase: pre-parsing of queries removed
- Breaking: #77557 - Signature of QueryView->getQueryResultCode() changed
- Breaking: #77558 - PageLayoutController removed methods
- Breaking: #77587 - Removed LiveSearch->getQueryString
- Breaking: #77591 - Removed WorkspaceService->isOldStyleWorkspaceUsed
- Feature: #73461 - Enable import module for non admin users
- Feature: #74365 - Add Linkservice for unified referencing syntax
- Feature: #76107 - Add fluid interceptor registration
- Feature: #76108 - Replace ExtJS category tree with D3 and SVG
- Feature: #76209 - Hook to register custom result browsers in AbstractPlugin
- Feature: #76259 - Introduce buildQueryParametersPostProcess Hook
- Feature: #77280 - Render the file title in "file links" content element
- Feature: #77336 - Allow passing an own unit collection to BytesViewHelper
- Feature: #77349 - Additional locations for extension icons
- Feature: #77481 - Add possibility to define a favicon for the backend
- Deprecation: #76259 - Deprecate method makeQueryArray of AbstractDatabaseRecordList
- Deprecation: #76520 - Deprecate method pages_getTree of PageLayoutView
- Deprecation: #76804 - Deprecate GeneralUtility::strtoupper & strtolower
- Deprecation: #77164 - ErrorpageMessage and AbstractStandaloneMessage
- Deprecation: #77405 - PageRepository->getPathFromRootline
- Deprecation: #77432 - Extbase: Prepared Statement Query Option
- Deprecation: #77477 - TemplateService->fileContent
- Deprecation: #77502 - Extbase: pre-parsing of queries removed
- Deprecation: #77557 - Method QueryView->tableWrap()