9.5 Changes
Table of contents
Breaking Changes
- Feature: #20051 - Support the "canonical" tag
- Feature: #80398 - utf8mb4 on mysql by default for new instances
- Feature: #86160 - PageTypeEnhancer for mapping &type parameter
- Feature: #86214 - Implement static routes
- Feature: #86303 - Variants for site's base
- Feature: #86365 - Routing Enhancers and Aspects
- Feature: #86409 - Allow usage of environment variables in site configuration
- Feature: #86422 - TypoScript getText property site
- Feature: #86457 - TCA Type Slug adds a prepending slash
- Feature: #90115 - Add support for Kinyarwanda language
- Deprecation: #83793 - FAL ResourceStorage->dumpFileContents()
- Deprecation: #84196 - Backend controller actions do not receive prepared response
- Deprecation: #85031 - Protected ImportExportController
- Deprecation: #85970 - FILE content object
- Deprecation: #85980 - @internal annotation in extbase commands
- Deprecation: #83094 - Annotation @flushesCaches
- Deprecation: #86047 - TSFE properties / methods and change visibility
- Deprecation: #86068 - old condition syntax
- Deprecation: #86110 - FrontendEditingController
- Deprecation: #86163 - TCA type="user" without renderType
- Deprecation: #86178 - Class ElementBrowserFramesetController
- Deprecation: #86179 - Protected render() method in BackendController
- Deprecation: #86180 - Protected methods in SetupModuleController
- Deprecation: #86182 - Protected TaskModuleController
- Deprecation: #86184 - Protected methods in ReportController
- Deprecation: #86192 - Protected methods in ElementBrowserController
- Deprecation: #86193 - Protect methods in AbstractLinkBrowserController
- Deprecation: #86197 - Protected FileListController
- Deprecation: #86198 - Protected RecordListController
- Deprecation: #86207 - Protected tstemplate extension
- Deprecation: #86210 - Protected info extension
- Deprecation: #86225 - Classes BaseScriptClass and AbstractFunctionModule
- Deprecation: #86270 - config.tx_extbase.objects and plugin.tx_%plugin%.objects
- Deprecation: #86279 - Various Hooks and PSR-15 Middlewares
- Deprecation: #86288 - FrontendBackendUserAuthentication methods
- Deprecation: #86320 - Mark internal $TSFE properties as protected
- Deprecation: #86323 - Configuration key "site" in YAML site configuration
- Deprecation: #86338 - Change visibility of PageRepository->init
- Deprecation: #86353 - CacheManager usage in ext_localconf.php
- Deprecation: #86366 - Methods in AbstractUpdate
- Deprecation: #86389 - GeneralUtility::_GETset() and TSFE->mergingWithGetVars()
- Deprecation: #86404 - $GLOBALS['TYPO3_LOADED_EXT']
- Deprecation: #86406 - TCA type group internal_type file and file_reference
- Deprecation: #86411 - TSFE->makeCacheHash()
- Deprecation: #86433 - Various stdWrap functions and ContentObjectRenderer-related methods
- Deprecation: #86438 - PageRenderer->loadJQuery()
- Deprecation: #86439 - Mark several methods within TemplateService as internal
- Deprecation: #86440 - Internal Methods and properties within RteHtmlParser
- Deprecation: #86441 - Various methods and properties inside BackendUserAuthentication
- Deprecation: #86461 - Mark various TypoScript parsing functionality as internal
- Deprecation: #86466 - AbstractUserAuthentication->fetchUserRecord
- Deprecation: #86486 - TypoScriptFrontendController->processOutput()