8.x Changes by type
This lists all changes to the TYPO3 Core of minor versions grouped by their type.
Table of contents
Breaking Changes
- Breaking: #43085 - Change GFX settings prefix im_ to generic processor\_
- Breaking: #45899 - Split class ImportExport into classes Import and Export
- Breaking: #45943 - Remove unused Images in "t3skin/icons/gfx/i"
- Breaking: #51099 - Streamline settings/conditions
- Breaking: #65165 - AdditionalMethodsInFolderInterface
- Breaking: #68890 - Remove dual-use of auth_timeout_field in AbstractUserAuthentication
- Breaking: #69863 - Changes in ViewHelpers post Standalone-Fluid
- Breaking: #69863 - Fluid escaping behaviour changed from ENT_COMPAT to ENT_QUOTES
- Breaking: #69863 - Removed deprecated code from EXT:fluid
- Breaking: #71458 - FullQuoteArray can't handle boolean values for $noQuote
- Breaking: #71521 - Property userAuthentication removed from CommandController
- Breaking: #72022 - Removed class loading fallback in cObject
- Breaking: #72293 - API change in ExceptionHandlerInterface
- Breaking: #72310 - EXT:form - Outsource labels and legends to own partials
- Breaking: #72334 - Removed utf8 conversion in EXT:recycler
- Breaking: #72338 - Removed GraphicalFunctions->nativeCharset
- Breaking: #72342 - Removed deprecated code from GeneralUtility
- Breaking: #72360 - Removed deprecated entry point fallback
- Breaking: #72361 - Removed deprecated content object wrappers
- Breaking: #72361 - Removed deprecated methods in ContentObjectRenderer
- Breaking: #72368 - TYPO3 Constants removed
- Breaking: #72370 - Removed deprecated code from extbase
- Breaking: #72372 - Removed deprecated code from beuser
- Breaking: #72373 - Removed deprecated code from css_styled_content
- Breaking: #72378 - Removed CSS Styled Content TypoScript for 6.2
- Breaking: #72381 - Removed deprecated code from EXT:dbal
- Breaking: #72384 - Removed deprecated code from HtmlParser
- Breaking: #72385 - Removed deprecated code from DataHandler
- Breaking: #72390 - Removed deprecated code from EXT:rtehtmlarea
- Breaking: #72392 - Removed deprecated code from DocumentTemplate
- Breaking: #72398 - Removed deprecated code from EXT:recordlist
- Breaking: #72399 - Removed deprecated code from BackendUtility
- Breaking: #72400 - Removed deprecated IconUtility and SpriteManager
- Breaking: #72405 - Removed traditional BE modules handling
- Breaking: #72412 - Removed deprecated code from language processing functions
- Breaking: #72416 - Remove EXT:t3skin/stylesheets/sprites/
- Breaking: #72417 - Removed old locking API
- Breaking: #72418 - Deprecated backend-related PHP classes
- Breaking: #72419 - Remove deprecated code from backend controllers
- Breaking: #72421 - Removed deprecated code from database and query functions
- Breaking: #72424 - Removed deprecated TypoScriptFrontendController options and methods
- Breaking: #72426 - Removed deprecated code from file and image processing functions
- Breaking: #72427 - Removed TypoScript-related methods and properties
- Breaking: #72431 - Remove deprecated code from lowlevel and utility functions
- Breaking: #72438 - Remove deprecated code from FlashMessage
- Breaking: #72451 - Removed deprecated code from backend functions
- Breaking: #72462 - Removed deprecated JavaScript code
- Breaking: #72464 - Removed deprecated code from EXT:workspaces
- Breaking: #72473 - Removed deprecated miscellaneous functions
- Breaking: #72474 - RequestHandler only works with Routes
- Breaking: #72476 - PHP Constant TYPO3_PROCEED_IF_NO_USER removed
- Breaking: #72492 - Removed XHTML2 support
- Breaking: #72493 - Removed TypoScript property page.bgImg
- Breaking: #72497 - Removed recode support for Charset Conversion
- Breaking: #72572 - Remove more deprecated miscellaneous functions and options
- Breaking: #72602 - Removed unzip functionality
- Breaking: #72604 - Remove option maxFileNameLength
- Breaking: #72661 - RTE Transformation ts_strip removed
- Breaking: #72666 - RTE: Remove relative path calculations
- Breaking: #72667 - RTE: Unused internal methods removed
- Breaking: #72671 - Extension "aboutmodules" removed
- Breaking: #72686 - Removed RteHtmlParser methods
- Breaking: #72701 - Remove unused properties in DocumentTemplate
- Breaking: #72711 - Remove property strict in TypoScriptParser
- Breaking: #72783 - Removed RTE transformation option preserveTables
- Breaking: #72826 - Removed custom charset configuration for locales
- Breaking: #72830 - Removed deprecated RTE transformations ts & ts_transform
- Breaking: #72837 - RTE transformations: Allow div sections by default and remove font-specific parsing
- Breaking: #72853 - Remove unused Images from core
- Breaking: #72861 - EXT:form - Remove deprecated code
- Breaking: #72866 - Removed RTE processing option to use div tags instead of p tags
- Breaking: #72870 - Removed RTE transformation ts_preserve and preserveTags
- Breaking: #72888 - Removed HtmlParser mapTags functionality
- Breaking: #72889 - Removed RteHtmlParser htmlspecialchars() transformation options
- Breaking: #72897 - RteHtmlParser: Dropped ts_reglinks transformation
- Breaking: #73044 - JSON for ClickMenu in Backend
- Breaking: #73046 - Alias AbstractNode -> ViewHelperNode for backwards compatibility
- Breaking: #73106 - Convert thumbnails only for non-image files
- Breaking: #73152 - Symfony console helpers replaced
- Breaking: #73445 - Remove flashmessage_compatibility.js from core
- Breaking: #73504 - Make TimeTracker a singleton
- Breaking: #73514 - TypoScript property "includeLibs" removed
- Breaking: #73516 - GeneralUtility::getFileAbsFileName allows for typo3/ maindir specific paths
- Breaking: #73602 - Short-URL without ?id=ID removed
- Breaking: #73611 - Removed ResourceCompressor relative path methods
- Breaking: #73655 - PHP 7 required
- Breaking: #73698 - Streamline layout of FlashMessages
- Breaking: #73711 - Removed deprecated code from Form Domain Model Element
- Breaking: #73719 - Unused JavaScript configuration options for the Backend removed
- Breaking: #73763 - Removed backPath from PageRenderer
- Breaking: #73793 - Removed AbstractPlugin->LOCAL_LANG_charset
- Breaking: #73794 - renderCharset option removed
- Breaking: #74029 - Remove ModuleLoader->getRelativePath()
- Breaking: #74031 - CharsetConverter parameters removed
- Breaking: #74124 - Removed sys_file_reference field downloadname
- Breaking: #75150 - Removed TypoScript option includeJSlibs
- Breaking: #76155 - ViewHelper Namespace imports with xmlns are now singular
- Breaking: #66861 - Do not automatically append a "/" to the identifier of a folder
- Breaking: #70056 - Http-related options and HttpRequest class removed
- Breaking: #72931 - SearchFormController::pi_list_browseresults() has been renamed
- Breaking: #75237 - Removal of div ce-bodytext might cause layout issues
- Breaking: #75323 - Removed parameter entryPointPath from main applications
- Breaking: #75324 - ReferenceIndex CLI command changed
- Breaking: #75349 - Move Indexed Search pi-based plugin to compatibility7
- Breaking: #75355 - FlexForm-related options removed
- Breaking: #75357 - $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[BE][lockSSL] option is boolean
- Breaking: #75454 - LocalConfiguration DB config structure has changed
- Breaking: #75454 - TYPO3_db Constants removed
- Breaking: #75497 - inline backend layout wizard
- Breaking: #75708 - Always store <p> tags in DB from RTE
- Breaking: #75711 - Removed DB-related methods and TCA-related options from cObj
- Breaking: #75829 - Removed handling of pre 6.0 files when importing
- Breaking: #75493 - Evaluate "boolean /stdWrap" properties correctly
- Breaking: #75645 - Doctrine: migrate ext:backend/Tree
- Breaking: #75710 - RTE-related TSconfig options skipAlign and skipClass removed
- Breaking: #75747 - EXT:form - Removed useDefaultContentObject setting
- Breaking: #75760 - Return type of LocalizationRepository::getRecordsToCopyDatabaseResult changed
- Breaking: #76285 - Popup configuration is moved to TYPO3.settings
- Breaking: #76469 - Doctrine: migrate ext:ImpExp
- Breaking: #76527 - Cleanup ContextMenu classes
- Breaking: #76802 - Drop xcache cache backend
- Breaking: #73461 - Import module disabled for non admin users
- Breaking: #74375 - fe_users.image migrated to FAL
- Breaking: #76108 - Replace ExtJS category tree with D3 and SVG
- Breaking: #76259 - Return value of AbstractDatabaseRecordList::makeSearchString changed
- Breaking: #76259 - Signature of getResult() in PageLayoutView changed
- Breaking: #76259 - Signature of setTotalItems() in AbstractDatabaseRecordList changed
- Breaking: #76259 - Value passed to hook getTable changed
- Breaking: #76879 - Remove unused properties from PageTreeView
- Breaking: #76879 - Remove unused property pidSelect from AbstractDatabaseRecordList
- Breaking: #76891 - syslog lowlevel command
- Breaking: #77049 - Remove unused properties from SuggestWizardDefaultReceiver
- Breaking: #77062 - Example image in TS constants descriptions removed
- Breaking: #77081 - Removed TCA tree options: width, allowRecursiveMode, autoSizeMax
- Breaking: #77137 - JavaScript API of RTE changed
- Breaking: #77137 - RTE option "colors" removed
- Breaking: #77156 - TSconfig and TStemplate soft references functionality removed
- Breaking: #77180 - Dropped ExtJS support in Frontend TypoScript
- Breaking: #77182 - Removed BasicFileUtility methods and properties
- Breaking: #77184 - Various TSFE properties removed
- Breaking: #77186 - ExtDirect eID entry point removed
- Breaking: #77209 - Adapt default RECORDS tables
- Breaking: #77280 - Uploads template shows file title in favor of file name
- Breaking: #77342 - Removed templateFile override via FlexForm in EXT:felogin
- Breaking: #77345 - EXT:form - Remove deprecated IMAGEBUTTON element
- Breaking: #77390 - Expected return type of hook getResultRows_SQLpointer in Indexed Search changed
- Breaking: #77391 - DataHandler method protected
- Breaking: #77416 - Removed property from DatabaseIntegrityCheck
- Breaking: #77453 - Signature of AbstractPlugin::pi_exec_query changed
- Breaking: #77453 - Signature of AbstractPlugin::pi_list_makelist changed
- Breaking: #77460 - Extbase query cache removed
- Breaking: #77481 - Remove favicon from TBE_STYLES
- Breaking: #77502 - Extbase: pre-parsing of queries removed
- Breaking: #77557 - Signature of QueryView->getQueryResultCode() changed
- Breaking: #77558 - PageLayoutController removed methods
- Breaking: #77587 - Removed LiveSearch->getQueryString
- Breaking: #77591 - Removed WorkspaceService->isOldStyleWorkspaceUsed
- Breaking: #38496 - Shortcut redirects append all URL parameters
- Breaking: #52877 - Remove ExtJS Viewport
- Breaking: #66995 - ObjectAccess behaviors changed
- Breaking: #75031 - Fluidification of TypoScriptTemplateInformationModuleFunctionController
- Breaking: #75032 - Fluidification of TypoScriptTemplateConstantEditorModuleFunctionController
- Breaking: #77379 - Doctrine: Typo3DbQueryParser
- Breaking: #77547 - Behaviour of RecordCollectionRepository::findByUid changed
- Breaking: #77592 - Dropped TCA option showIfRTE in type=check
- Breaking: #77630 - Remove wizard icons
- Breaking: #77693 - Move icons from t3skin
- Breaking: #77700 - Extension indexed_search_mysql merged into indexed_search
- Breaking: #77728 - Remove obsolete page tree and click menu settings
- Breaking: #77750 - Return value of ContentObjectRenderer::exec_Query changed
- Breaking: #77762 - Extensions dbal and adodb moved to TER
- Breaking: #77765 - ExtJS notifications and dialogs removed
- Breaking: #77783 - Removed unused ExtJS JavaScript libraries
- Breaking: #77814 - Remove feature subsearch from indexed search
- Breaking: #77826 - RTEHtmlArea Spellchecker eID removed
- Breaking: #77919 - Changed DateTime::ISO8601 to DateTime::ATOM
- Breaking: #77987 - Removal fe_users rendering in page module
- Breaking: #78222 - Extension autoload information is now in typo3conf/autoload
- Breaking: #73016 - Renaming of Clipboard->printContentFromTab to getContentFromTab
- Breaking: #78002 - Enforce cHash argument for Extbase actions
- Breaking: #78191 - Remove support for transForeignTable in TCA
- Breaking: #78383 - pages, tt_content, sys_file_metadata have been removed from defaultCategorizedTables
- Breaking: #78384 - Frontend ignores TCA in ext_tables.php
- Breaking: #78417 - Lowlevel DeletedRecordsCommand parameters changed
- Breaking: #78439 - Lowlevel FlexForm Cleaning parameters changed
- Breaking: #78468 - Remove ExtDirect from EXT:workspaces
- Breaking: #78520 - Lowlevel Orphan Records Cleaning parameters changed
- Breaking: #78521 - Drop unused JavaScript from backend.js
- Breaking: #78522 - Removed backend user option debugInWindow
- Breaking: #78525 - Removed unused configuration options for JavaScript
- Breaking: #78549 - Override New Page Creation Wizard via page TSconfig
- Breaking: #78552 - Lowlevel LostFilesCommand parameters changed
- Breaking: #78577 - Lowlevel MissingFilesCommand parameters changed
- Breaking: #78581 - FlexFormTools public properties dropped
- Breaking: #78581 - FormEngine TcaFlexFetch data provider removed
- Breaking: #78581 - Hook getFlexFormDSClass no longer called
- Breaking: #78623 - Lowlevel MissingRelationsCommand parameters changed
- Breaking: #78627 - Lowlevel MissingRelationsCommand parameters changed
- Breaking: #78759 - Fluidification of EditFileController
- Breaking: #78855 - Remove obsolete sys_action translations
- Breaking: #78895 - Lowlevel RteImagesCommand parameters changed
- Breaking: #70316 - AbstractUserAuthentication properties and methods dropped and changed
- Breaking: #77934 - Remove field select_key from content element preview
- Breaking: #78192 - Refactor click menu (context menu)
- Breaking: #78477 - FlashMessagesViewHelper no longer inherits from TagBasedViewHelper
- Breaking: #78477 - Remove method FlashMessage->getMessageAsMarkup()
- Breaking: #78899 - Remove extJSCODE from FormEngine result array
- Breaking: #78899 - Remove methods, hook and property in FormEngine
- Breaking: #78988 - Remove optional Fluid TypoScript template
- Breaking: #79025 - Extract testing framework for TYPO3
- Breaking: #79100 - ext:felogin: Remove default CSS
- Breaking: #79109 - Lowlevel VersionsCommand parameters changed
- Breaking: #79120 - Remove legacy CLI-related constants and variables
- Breaking: #79196 - Toolbar item event handling changed
- Breaking: #79201 - EXT:form: Split TypoScript Includes
- Breaking: #79227 - Removed ExtDirect State Provider
- Breaking: #79228 - Remove ExtJS Pagetree indicator functionality
- Breaking: #79242 - Remove l10n_mode noCopy
- Breaking: #79243 - Remove l10n_mode mergeIfNotBlank
- Breaking: #79243 - Remove sys_language_softMergeIfNotBlank
- Breaking: #79259 - EXT:t3skin removed
- Breaking: #79263 - Scheduler CLI Controller class removed
- Breaking: #79270 - Removed RTE processing option disableUnifyLineBreaks
- Breaking: #79273 - Removed RteHtmlParser proc options
- Breaking: #79300 - Removed RTE proc.transformBoldAndItalicTags option
- Breaking: #79302 - Moved pages.url_scheme to compatibility7 extension
- Breaking: #79327 - The veriCode - vC parameter is not evaluated any more
- Breaking: #79364 - Move page module function QuickEdit to compatibility7
- Breaking: #79464 - EXT:form - Refactor fluid rendering
- Breaking: #79513 - Removed session locking based on useragent
- Breaking: #79622 - CSS Styled Content and TypoScript
- Breaking: #79622 - CSS Styled Content Bullet Content Element Adjustments
- Breaking: #79622 - CSS Styled Content table content element adjustments
- Breaking: #79622 - Dedicated content elements for menus
- Breaking: #79622 - Default content element changed for Fluid Styled Content
- Breaking: #79622 - Default layouts for Fluid Styled Content changed
- Breaking: #79622 - Dropping thumbnail configuration for tt_content
- Breaking: #79622 - Removal of Fluid Styled Content Menu ViewHelpers
- Breaking: #79622 - Section Frame for CSS Styled Content replaced with Frame Class
- Breaking: #79622 - SpaceBefore and SpaceAfter adjustments for CSS Styled Content
- Breaking: #79622 - Streamlining structure of CSS Styled Content and Fluid Styled Content
- Breaking: #79622 - TypoScript Standard Header has been removed from Fluid Styled Content
- Breaking: #79615 - QueryBuilder getQueriedTables result format change
- Breaking: #80050 - Remove option cHashIncludePageId from cHash calculation
- Breaking: #80149 - Remove $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['FE']['pageOverlayFields']
- Breaking: #80171 - Remove lib.parseFunc_RTE inline styles from parsed blockquote tag
- Breaking: #80374 - Default content element configuration for frontend login adapts fluid styled content
- Breaking: #80412 - New shared content element TypoScript library object for Fluid Styled Content
- Breaking: #80628 - Extension rtehmlarea moved to TER
- Breaking: #82093 - EXT:form Partials/Field/Field.html has changed
- Breaking: #84843 - Use no-cookie domain for youtube by default
- Feature: #1835 - Recover pages recursively to top of rootline
- Feature: #19157 - Add option to exclude all hidden records in EXT:impexp
- Feature: #28230 - Add support for PBKDF2 to saltedpasswords
- Feature: #54887 - Post-processing of the previewUrl
- Feature: #67236 - Added "allowedTags" argument to f:format.stripTags ViewHelper
- Feature: #69394 - EXT:form - Directly load form wizard as inline wizard
- Feature: #69794 - Support pecl-memcached in MemcachedBackend
- Feature: #69863 - Use new standalone Fluid as composer dependency
- Feature: #71331 - Make indexed_search extbase plugin form target Pid configurable
- Feature: #71876 - Make new content element wizard tab sort order configurable
- Feature: #72045 - HTMLparser.stripEmptyTags.keepTags
- Feature: #72309 - EXT:form - Integration of Predefined Forms
- Feature: #72337 - Charset Conversion Autodetection
- Feature: #72505 - Introduce hook to override a record overlay
- Feature: #72904 - Add preProcessStorage signal to ResourceFactory
- Feature: #73042 - Introduce native support for Symfony Console
- Feature: #73050 - Add a CSPRNG API
- Feature: #73429 - Wizard component has been added
- Feature: #73720 - Trigger event after modal window dismissed
- Feature: #73752 - Allow accessing ObjectStorage as array in Fluid and other places
- Feature: #74038 - Report for checking database character set
- Feature: #74109 - Set the alternative Backend Logo via Extension Manager
- Feature: #74179 - Page Module Drag & Drop Can Do Copies Via CTRL Key Now
- Feature: #74319 - Default database character set and update wizard for non UTF-8
- Feature: #27471 - Allow asterisk for hideTables
- Feature: #39597 - Multiple locale names for TypoScript config.locale_all
- Feature: #69439 - Enhance SQL query reduction in page tree in workspaces
- Feature: #70056 - Added PHP library "Guzzle" for HTTP Requests within TYPO3
- Feature: #72923 - Configure the number of files shown per page in file list module
- Feature: #75386 - Get identifier in slide callback
- Feature: #75454 - Added PHP library "Doctrine DBAL" for Database Connections within TYPO3
- Feature: #75497 - inline backend layout wizard
- Feature: #75579 - Add markupIdentifier support to JavaScript IconAPI
- Feature: #75581 - Simplify cache clearing
- Feature: #75827 - Add configuration options to \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Property\TypeConverter\FloatConverter
- Feature: #18586 - Configurable width & height for editpanel in feedit
- Feature: #20446 - Clear cache entry in context menu
- Feature: #76008 - Property visibility to DebuggerUtility::var_dump
- Feature: #76072 - Ogg, flac and opus support
- Feature: #76458 - Let DebuggerUtility render closures
- Feature: #76531 - Add IconForRecordViewHelper
- Feature: #76590 - Introduce UnitTests for JavaScript
- Feature: #73461 - Enable import module for non admin users
- Feature: #74365 - Add Linkservice for unified referencing syntax
- Feature: #76107 - Add fluid interceptor registration
- Feature: #76108 - Replace ExtJS category tree with D3 and SVG
- Feature: #76209 - Hook to register custom result browsers in AbstractPlugin
- Feature: #76259 - Introduce buildQueryParametersPostProcess Hook
- Feature: #77280 - Render the file title in "file links" content element
- Feature: #77336 - Allow passing an own unit collection to BytesViewHelper
- Feature: #77349 - Additional locations for extension icons
- Feature: #77481 - Add possibility to define a favicon for the backend
- Feature: #17309 - Access flexform value via TS
- Feature: #75691 - Upgrade Analysis - Provide listing of documentation files
- Feature: #76748 - Configure the availability of the elementbrowser
- Feature: #77589 - EXT: syntax in PageRenderer and Compressor
- Feature: #77643 - Reimplement SqlSchemaMigrationService using Doctrine SchemaManager
- Feature: #77652 - Make sys_language records sortable
- Feature: #77668 - Hide table listing below group element
- Feature: #77799 - Display TCA migration messages in Install Tool
- Feature: #77900 - Introduce TypeScript for the core
- Feature: #78222 - Dump Class Loading Information UI in Install Tool
- Feature: #29399 - OptionViewHelper and OptgroupViewHelper for use with SelectViewHelper
- Feature: #52286 - Add option to "system status updates" report-job to send all tests
- Feature: #58637 - Purge language packs in language module
- Feature: #67909 - Add hook to DataHandler - localize - translateToMessage
- Feature: #73626 - numberOfResults should be configurable and report overflow
- Feature: #76085 - Add fluid debug information to admin panel
- Feature: #77757 - Enable rechecking whether an UpdateWizard should run
- Feature: #77910 - EXT:form - introduce new form framework
- Feature: #78002 - Enforce cHash argument for Extbase actions
- Feature: #78103 - Add missing information status for addSystemMessage
- Feature: #78116 - Extbase support for Doctrine's native DBAL Statement and QueryBuilder
- Feature: #78384 - Check ext tables TCA changes in install tool
- Feature: #78415 - Global Fluid ViewHelper namespaces moved to TYPO3 configuration
- Feature: #78523 - Suggest wizard provides option to define ordering of results
- Feature: #78575 - Enumeration constants don't provide their names
- Feature: #78672 - Introduce fluid data processor for menus
- Feature: #78842 - Let FLUIDTEMPLATE mimic an actual extbase web request
- Feature: #12211 - Usability: Scheduler provide page browser to choose start page
- Feature: #28171 - Improved link field in FormEngine
- Feature: #45537 - Run manually executed tasks on next cron-run
- Feature: #47006 - Extend the widget identifier with custom string
- Feature: #47135 - Paste icons available at pasting position and use modal now
- Feature: #67243 - Implement folding of scheduler task groups
- Feature: #69572 - Page module Notice "Content is also shown on:"
- Feature: #70316 - Introduce Session Storage Framework
- Feature: #72749 - CLI support for T3D import
- Feature: #75880 - Implement multiple cropping variants in image manipulation tool
- Feature: #78169 - Introduce "Translation Source" field for tt_content
- Feature: #78192 - Refactor click menu (context menu)
- Feature: #78477 - Refactoring of FlashMessage rendering
- Feature: #78899 - TCA maxitems optional
- Feature: #79121 - Implement hook in typolink for modification of page params
- Feature: #79124 - Allow overwriting of template paths in BackendTemplateView
- Feature: #79140 - Add hook to add custom TypoScript templates
- Feature: #79196 - Allow reload of topbar
- Feature: #79216 - Add YAML configuration for CKEditor RTE
- Feature: #79225 - Plugin preview with Fluid
- Feature: #79235 - Add button to delete similar errors from sys_log
- Feature: #79240 - Single cli user for cli commands
- Feature: #79250 - EXT:form extend the extension location functionality
- Feature: #79262 - Add possibility to create TRIM expression with Doctrine DBAL
- Feature: #79263 - Scheduler CLI available as Symfony Command
- Feature: #79337 - Add useCacheHash parameter to f:link.typolink and f:uri.typolink
- Feature: #79341 - TCA richtext configuration in config section
- Feature: #79387 - Add signal to exclude tables from ReferenceIndex
- Feature: #79402 - New Fluid ViewHelper f:variable added
- Feature: #73409 - Auto-render Assets sections in Fluid template with controller
- Feature: #79413 - Auto-render Assets sections in FLUIDTEMPLATE content object
- Feature: #79420 - Hide files from list of documentation
- Feature: #79438 - Add configuration option to disable validation of stored records
- Feature: #79440 - FormEngine Element Expansion
- Feature: #79442 - EXT:form - add element selector for text editors
- Feature: #79467 - EXT:form - add form settings button to module header
- Feature: #79521 - Show list of failed input elements in FormEngine
- Feature: #79530 - EXT:form - Extend SaveToDatabase finisher
- Feature: #79531 - EXT:form - Add multiselect inspector editor
- Feature: #79622 - Header Position support for Fluid Styled Content
- Feature: #79622 - Introducing Frame Class for Fluid Styled Content
- Feature: #79622 - Introducing Table Class for Fluid Styled Content
- Feature: #79622 - New Content Elements for Fluid Styled Content
- Feature: #79622 - New default layout for Fluid Styled Content
- Feature: #79622 - SpaceBefore- and SpaceAfterClass for CSS Styled Content
- Feature: #79622 - SpaceBefore- and SpaceAfterClass for Fluid Styled Content
- Feature: #79622 - Textmedia support for CSS Styled Content
- Feature: #79626 - Integrate record link handler
- Feature: #79658 - Synchronized field values in localized records
- Feature: #79343 - Allow overriding PATH_site via environment variable
- Feature: #79812 - Allow overriding cropVariants for Image Manipulation
- Feature: #79883 - Add cropVariant support to TypoScript rendering of images
- Feature: #80126 maximum field length not set as attribute "maxlength"
- Feature: #80154 - Retrieve session data in TS
- Feature: #80196 - EXT:form - support multiple form elements per row
- Feature: #80374 - Add generic fluid template for already rendered content
- Feature: #80374 - Frontend Login configuration now available through TypoScript constants
- Feature: #80452 - Extbase CLI commands available via new CLI API
- Feature: #80579 - Improved JavaScript Modal API
- Feature: #80619 - Extend Link Generation within TypoLink
- Feature: #78161 - Introduce .typoscript file extension
- Feature: #81654 - Adding novalidate Attribute to Fluid Form ViewHelper
- Feature: #83405 - add ConfirmationFinisher template
- Feature: #84244 - Allow adding additional query restrictions
- Feature: #84537 - Make cHash configurable in Fluid Widget Links
- Feature: #84781 - Added scheduler task to anonymize IP addresses of tables
- Feature: #90351 - Configure TYPO3-shipped cookies with SameSite flag
- Deprecation: #68748 - Deprecate AbstractContentObject::getContentObject()
- Deprecation: #69863 - Deprecate getTemplateVariableContainer function
- Deprecation: #71255 - ExtendedFileUtility::pushErrorMessagesToFlashMessageQueue()
- Deprecation: #71153 - Several DocumentTemplate methods deprecated
- Deprecation: #71916 - LanguageService->makeEntities
- Deprecation: #72340 - Moved moduleLabels from LanguageService to ModuleLoader
- Deprecation: #72496 - Deprecated $LANG->overrideLL
- Deprecation: #72733 - Deprecate more methods of DocumentTemplate
- Deprecation: #72827 - Module Icon configuration via [labels][tabs_images][tab]
- Deprecation: #72851 - Deprecate some functions not in use anymore in the core
- Deprecation: #72856 - Removed RTE "modes" option
- Deprecation: #73050 - Deprecated random generator methods in GeneralUtility
- Deprecation: #73067 - Deprecate GeneralUtility::requireOnce and GeneralUtility::requireFile
- Deprecation: #73068 - Deprecated "default" argument on f:case
- Deprecation: #73185 - Deprecate NullTimeTracker
- Deprecation: #73190 - Deprecate BackendUtility::getListViewLink()
- Deprecation: #73352 - Deprecate old-school AJAX requests
- Deprecation: #73442 - Modal.getSeverityClass has been moved to the Severity module
- Deprecation: #73482 - $LANG->csConvObj and $LANG->parserFactory
- Deprecation: #73511 - BrowserLanguage detection moved to Locales
- Deprecation: #73514 - IncludeLibrary Methods
- Deprecation: #73516 - Various GeneralUtility methods
- Deprecation: #72585 - Deprecate TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Utility\BackendUtility::getFlashMessageForMissingFile
- Deprecation: #73606 - Deprecate IconRegistry::getDeprecationSettings
- Deprecation: #73744 - Deprecate Clipboard->confirmMsg()
- Deprecation: #73794 - SearchFormController->utf8_to_currentCharset and TSFE->renderCharset
- Deprecation: #74022 - GraphicalFunctions->prependAbsolutePath()
- Deprecation: #74156 - TemplateService::sortedKeyList and TemplateService->removeQueryString
- Deprecation: #73209 - Deprecated flex page TSConfig
- Deprecation: #73728 - Wizard type colorbox is deprecated
- Deprecation: #75327 - $TSFE->csConvObj and $TSFE->csConv()
- Deprecation: #75340 - Methods related to generating traditional Backend AJAX URLs
- Deprecation: #75371 - array2xml_cs
- Deprecation: #75575 - TranslateViewHelper htmlEscape argument marked as deprecated
- Deprecation: #75621 - GeneralUtility methods
- Deprecation: #75625 - Deprecated cache clearing options
- Deprecation: #15415 - Deprecate removeBadHTML
- Deprecation: #71917 - Deprecate the argument 'hsc' for getLL, getLLL, sL and pi_getLL
- Deprecation: #72859 - Deprecate methods of DocumentTemplate
- Deprecation: #75209 - Code cleanup for MenuViewHelperTrait
- Deprecation: #75760 - Deprecate methods of LocalizationRepository
- Deprecation: #75904 - Category Model has icon property but no database field
- Deprecation: #76101 - remove SoloFieldContainer
- Deprecation: #76104 - Deprecated single slash comments in TypoScript
- Deprecation: #76164 - Deprecate RemoveXSS
- Deprecation: #76345 - Path prefixes in callUserFunction and getUserObj
- Deprecation: #76370 - Deprecate CacheFactory
- Deprecation: #76383 - Deprecate fontTag
- Deprecation: #76259 - Deprecate method makeQueryArray of AbstractDatabaseRecordList
- Deprecation: #76520 - Deprecate method pages_getTree of PageLayoutView
- Deprecation: #76804 - Deprecate GeneralUtility::strtoupper & strtolower
- Deprecation: #77164 - ErrorpageMessage and AbstractStandaloneMessage
- Deprecation: #77405 - PageRepository->getPathFromRootline
- Deprecation: #77432 - Extbase: Prepared Statement Query Option
- Deprecation: #77477 - TemplateService->fileContent
- Deprecation: #77502 - Extbase: pre-parsing of queries removed
- Deprecation: #77557 - Method QueryView->tableWrap()
- Deprecation: #75363 - Deprecate FormResultCompiler->JStop()
- Deprecation: #75637 - Deprecate optional parameters of RecyclerUtility::getRecordPath()
- Deprecation: #77763 - Deprecate method ClickMenu::DB_editPageProperties()
- Deprecation: #77826 - RTEHtmlArea Spellchecker entrypoint
- Deprecation: #77839 - Move TYPO3/CMS/Core/QueryGenerator into EXT:lowlevel and deprecate the old module
- Deprecation: #77987 - Deprecated record listing in page module
- Deprecation: #78096 - Deprecated PageLayoutView::getResult with mysqli_result objects
- Deprecation: #78193 - ExtensionManagementUtility::extRelPath()
- Deprecation: #78222 - Late generation of autoload information is deprecated
- Deprecation: #78224 - TYPO3_DB occurrences
- Deprecation: #57385 - Deprecate parameter $caseSensitive of Extbase Query->like comparison
- Deprecation: #77296 - Deprecate public member parentMenuArr in AbstractMenuContentObject
- Deprecation: #77524 - Deprecated method fileResource of ContentObjectRenderer
- Deprecation: #77732 - Deprecate methods of Extbase's ArrayUtility
- Deprecation: #78134 - Deprecate TypoScript option config.noScaleUp
- Deprecation: #78217 - frameset and frame
- Deprecation: #78244 - Deprecate TYPO3_DB and Prepared Statement class
- Deprecation: #78279 - Deprecate top.TYPO3.Backend.ContentContainer.iframe
- Deprecation: #78314 - AbstractFunctionModule->getBackPath
- Deprecation: #78524 - TCA option versioning_followPages removed
- Deprecation: #78581 - Flex form related parsing
- Deprecation: #78628 - TCA tree pageTsConfig addItems icon path
- Deprecation: #78647 - Move language files from EXT:lang/locallang_* to Resources/Private/Language
- Deprecation: #78668 - TypoScript option config.mainScript
- Deprecation: #78670 - Deprecated CharsetConverter methods
- Deprecation: #78679 - Crawler inclusion via require_once in Indexed Search
- Deprecation: #78733 - CallUserFunction "&" token for singleton objects
- Deprecation: #78872 - Deprecate method LocalizationController::getRecordUidsToCopy
- Deprecation: #70316 - Frontend basket with recs
- Deprecation: #77934 - Deprecate tt_content field select_key
- Deprecation: #78225 - Legacy PreparedStatements within Extbase
- Deprecation: #78477 - Refactoring of FlashMessage rendering
- Deprecation: #78899 - FormEngine Methods
- Deprecation: #78899 - TCA ctrl field requestUpdate dropped
- Deprecation: #79258 - Methods getRecordLocalization() and getPreviousLocalizedRecordUid() in LocalizationRepository
- Deprecation: #79265 - CommandLineController and Cleaner Command
- Deprecation: #79316 - Deprecate ArrayUtility::inArray()
- Deprecation: #79327 - Deprecate AbstractUserAuthentication::veriCode method
- Deprecation: #79341 - Methods related to richtext configuration
- Deprecation: #79341 - TCA richtext configuration in defaultExtras dropped
- Deprecation: #79364 - Deprecate members in PageLayoutController
- Deprecation: #79440 - TCA Changes
- Deprecation: #79441 - Deprecate visibility internal caching arrays
- Deprecation: #79560 - Deprecate ClientUtility::getDeviceType
- Deprecation: #79622 - Deprecation of CSS Styled Content
- Deprecation: #79658 - PageRepository shouldFieldBeOverlaid()
- Deprecation: #78650 - TemplateService->splitConfArray
- Deprecation: #79122 - Deprecate method getRecordsByField
- Deprecation: #79580 - Deprecate methods in DataHandler related to page delete access
- Deprecation: #79591 - Extbase command controllers admin role methods
- Deprecation: #79770 - Deprecate inline localizationMode
- Deprecation: #79858 - TSFE-related properties and methods
- Deprecation: #79972 - Deprecated Fluid Overrides
- Deprecation: #80000 - InlineOverrideChildTca
- Deprecation: #80027 - Remove TCA config 'max' on inputDateTime fields
- Deprecation: #80047 - Deprecate jQuery and extJS for BE viewhelpers
- Deprecation: #80048 - Mark ExtJS related API calls as deprecated
- Deprecation: #80053 - Extbase CLI Console Output different method signature for infinite attempts
- Deprecation: #80076 - TypoScript option page.insertClassesFromRTE
- Deprecation: #80079 - Deprecated method Bootstrap::loadExtensionTables
- Deprecation: #80317 - Deprecate BackendUtility::getRecordRaw()
- Deprecation: #80440 - EXT:lowlevel ArrayBrowser->wrapValue
- Deprecation: #80444 - TypoScriptFrontendController-> beLoginLinkIPList
- Deprecation: #80445 - Deprecate printContent methods
- Deprecation: #80449 - GeneralUtility::freetypeDpiComp
- Deprecation: #80451 - Deprecate GeneralUtility::csvValues
- Deprecation: #80468 - Command Line Interface: cliKeys and cli_dispatch.phpsh
- Deprecation: #80485 - Method parameter of TSFE->whichWorkspace to return the workspace title
- Deprecation: #80486 - Setting charset via LocalizationParserInterface->getParsedData()
- Deprecation: #80491 - BackendController inclusion hooks
- Deprecation: #80510 - ContentObjectRenderer->URLqMark
- Deprecation: #80511 - AbstractFunctionModule->incLocalLang and $thisPath
- Deprecation: #80512 - DocumentTemplate->extJScode property
- Deprecation: #80513 - DataHandler: Various methods and method arguments
- Deprecation: #80514 - GraphicalFunctions->tempPath and createTempSubDir()
- Deprecation: #80516 - TypoScript config.setJS_mouseOver and config.setJS_openPic
- Deprecation: #80524 - PageRepository::getHash and PageRepository::storeHash
- Deprecation: #80527 - Marker-related methods in ContentObjectRenderer
- Deprecation: #80532 - GifBuilder-related methods in ContentObjectRenderer
- Deprecation: #80579 - Modal.center has been marked as deprecated
- Deprecation: #80583 - TYPO3_CONF_VARS_extensionAdded
- Deprecation: #80601 - Change duplicate icon identifiers to actions-close
- Deprecation: #80603 - Change duplicate icon identifiers to actions-add
- Deprecation: #80614 - TCA itemListStyle and selectedListStyle
- Deprecation: #83403 - EXT:form - deprecate translation for "options" as string
- Deprecation: #84449 - TranslateElementErrorViewHelper arguments
Important notes
- Important: #22858 - Filelist: Creating a new file and opening it immediately for editing
- Important: #70849 - Make search levels in live search and list search consistent
- Important: #71521 - Internal changes in CommandController
- Important: #72290 - Move install tool update flags to system registry
- Important: #72580 - Publicly accessible generated asset files moved to typo3temp/assets/
- Important: #72697 - Remove thumbnail functionality of impexp
- Important: #73041 - PackageStates Includes Only Active Packages
- Important: #75747 - EXT:form - Removed support for compatibility6
- Important: #77411 - Removed extbase table column cache
- Important: #17904 - showAccessRestrictedPages does not work with special menus
- Important: #72050 - encapsLines does not render duplicate paragraphs anymore
- Important: #75232 - Spread TypeConverter priorities
- Important: #77702 - Custom render types for date and datetime fields must use ISO-8601
- Important: #78383 - TCA: Streamline field positions in tabs for recurring fields
- Important: #75400 - New DataHandler command 'copyToLanguage'
- Important: #78899 - displayCond strict parsing
- Important: #79005 - Included missing support for persistent connection in Redis cache backend
- Important: #79119 - Removed PageRepository->versioningPreview_where_hid_del property
- Important: #79221 - Use $ instead of TYPO3.jQuery
- Important: #71095 - Add language debug mode to All Configuration
- Important: #78650 - TypoScriptService class moved from Extbase to Core
- Important: #79847 - Fluid bugs fixed and features added (Fluid 2.3.1)
- Important: #79942 - Version selector view moved to compatibility7
- Important: #80236 - EXT:form Configuration for form VH attributes
- Important: #80241 - EXT:form simplify translation handling
- Important: #80266 - Moved config.sys_language_softExclude to compatibility7
- Important: #80301 - EXT:form - Cleanup / callback migration
- Important: #80391 - Css Styled Content will not reset TypoScript Constants
- Important: #80444 - config.beLoginLinkIPList moved to compatibility7
- Important: #80450 - MonitorUtilityMovedToCompatibility
- Important: #80506 - Dbal compatible field quoting in TypoScript
- Important: #80553 - Simplify important actions in Install Tool
- Important: #80606 - Testing Framework Removal / Use composer package instead
- Important: #23178 - New TYPO3_CONF_VARS option FE|pageNotFound_handling_accessdeniedheader
- Important: #75591 - Partials/Honeypot.html has changed
- Important: #77830 - CSC-HeaderLinkRespectsGlobalPageTarget
- Important: #78336 - Generate preview links with a chash
- Important: #79647 - Added Hook for resolving custom link types
- Important: #81751 - DBAL compatible quoting in TCA
- Important: #82763 - Fluid config for ExpressionNodeType and TemplatePreProcessor made global
- Important: #82794 - Added config.sys_language_mode = content_fallback;3,2,pageNotFound
- Important: #83768 - Remove referrer check
- Important: #83971 - Browser Notification API only works on SSL encrypted connections
- Important: #84144 - RootlineUtility is enriching only properly selected relational database fields
- Important: #84844 - Add fieldname to DataHandler - localize - translateToMessage hook
- Important: #84910 - Deny direct FAL commands for form definitions
- Important: #85044 - Filter disallowed properties in form editor
- Important: #85361 - EXT:rte_ckeditor - re-add the soft hyphen button
- Important: #85385 - Integrate Phar Stream Wrapper
- Important: #85689 - Replaced default value with placeholder in external url link handler
- Important: #87298 - [SECURITY] Destroy sessions on password change
- Important: #88302 - Prevent overriding CKEditor config from plugins