8.0 Changes
Table of contents
Breaking Changes
- Breaking: #43085 - Change GFX settings prefix im_ to generic processor\_
- Breaking: #45899 - Split class ImportExport into classes Import and Export
- Breaking: #45943 - Remove unused Images in "t3skin/icons/gfx/i"
- Breaking: #51099 - Streamline settings/conditions
- Breaking: #65165 - AdditionalMethodsInFolderInterface
- Breaking: #68890 - Remove dual-use of auth_timeout_field in AbstractUserAuthentication
- Breaking: #69863 - Changes in ViewHelpers post Standalone-Fluid
- Breaking: #69863 - Fluid escaping behaviour changed from ENT_COMPAT to ENT_QUOTES
- Breaking: #69863 - Removed deprecated code from EXT:fluid
- Breaking: #71458 - FullQuoteArray can't handle boolean values for $noQuote
- Breaking: #71521 - Property userAuthentication removed from CommandController
- Breaking: #72022 - Removed class loading fallback in cObject
- Breaking: #72293 - API change in ExceptionHandlerInterface
- Breaking: #72310 - EXT:form - Outsource labels and legends to own partials
- Breaking: #72334 - Removed utf8 conversion in EXT:recycler
- Breaking: #72338 - Removed GraphicalFunctions->nativeCharset
- Breaking: #72342 - Removed deprecated code from GeneralUtility
- Breaking: #72360 - Removed deprecated entry point fallback
- Breaking: #72361 - Removed deprecated content object wrappers
- Breaking: #72361 - Removed deprecated methods in ContentObjectRenderer
- Breaking: #72368 - TYPO3 Constants removed
- Breaking: #72370 - Removed deprecated code from extbase
- Breaking: #72372 - Removed deprecated code from beuser
- Breaking: #72373 - Removed deprecated code from css_styled_content
- Breaking: #72378 - Removed CSS Styled Content TypoScript for 6.2
- Breaking: #72381 - Removed deprecated code from EXT:dbal
- Breaking: #72384 - Removed deprecated code from HtmlParser
- Breaking: #72385 - Removed deprecated code from DataHandler
- Breaking: #72390 - Removed deprecated code from EXT:rtehtmlarea
- Breaking: #72392 - Removed deprecated code from DocumentTemplate
- Breaking: #72398 - Removed deprecated code from EXT:recordlist
- Breaking: #72399 - Removed deprecated code from BackendUtility
- Breaking: #72400 - Removed deprecated IconUtility and SpriteManager
- Breaking: #72405 - Removed traditional BE modules handling
- Breaking: #72412 - Removed deprecated code from language processing functions
- Breaking: #72416 - Remove EXT:t3skin/stylesheets/sprites/
- Breaking: #72417 - Removed old locking API
- Breaking: #72418 - Deprecated backend-related PHP classes
- Breaking: #72419 - Remove deprecated code from backend controllers
- Breaking: #72421 - Removed deprecated code from database and query functions
- Breaking: #72424 - Removed deprecated TypoScriptFrontendController options and methods
- Breaking: #72426 - Removed deprecated code from file and image processing functions
- Breaking: #72427 - Removed TypoScript-related methods and properties
- Breaking: #72431 - Remove deprecated code from lowlevel and utility functions
- Breaking: #72438 - Remove deprecated code from FlashMessage
- Breaking: #72451 - Removed deprecated code from backend functions
- Breaking: #72462 - Removed deprecated JavaScript code
- Breaking: #72464 - Removed deprecated code from EXT:workspaces
- Breaking: #72473 - Removed deprecated miscellaneous functions
- Breaking: #72474 - RequestHandler only works with Routes
- Breaking: #72476 - PHP Constant TYPO3_PROCEED_IF_NO_USER removed
- Breaking: #72492 - Removed XHTML2 support
- Breaking: #72493 - Removed TypoScript property page.bgImg
- Breaking: #72497 - Removed recode support for Charset Conversion
- Breaking: #72572 - Remove more deprecated miscellaneous functions and options
- Breaking: #72602 - Removed unzip functionality
- Breaking: #72604 - Remove option maxFileNameLength
- Breaking: #72661 - RTE Transformation ts_strip removed
- Breaking: #72666 - RTE: Remove relative path calculations
- Breaking: #72667 - RTE: Unused internal methods removed
- Breaking: #72671 - Extension "aboutmodules" removed
- Breaking: #72686 - Removed RteHtmlParser methods
- Breaking: #72701 - Remove unused properties in DocumentTemplate
- Breaking: #72711 - Remove property strict in TypoScriptParser
- Breaking: #72783 - Removed RTE transformation option preserveTables
- Breaking: #72826 - Removed custom charset configuration for locales
- Breaking: #72830 - Removed deprecated RTE transformations ts & ts_transform
- Breaking: #72837 - RTE transformations: Allow div sections by default and remove font-specific parsing
- Breaking: #72853 - Remove unused Images from core
- Breaking: #72861 - EXT:form - Remove deprecated code
- Breaking: #72866 - Removed RTE processing option to use div tags instead of p tags
- Breaking: #72870 - Removed RTE transformation ts_preserve and preserveTags
- Breaking: #72888 - Removed HtmlParser mapTags functionality
- Breaking: #72889 - Removed RteHtmlParser htmlspecialchars() transformation options
- Breaking: #72897 - RteHtmlParser: Dropped ts_reglinks transformation
- Breaking: #73044 - JSON for ClickMenu in Backend
- Breaking: #73046 - Alias AbstractNode -> ViewHelperNode for backwards compatibility
- Breaking: #73106 - Convert thumbnails only for non-image files
- Breaking: #73152 - Symfony console helpers replaced
- Breaking: #73445 - Remove flashmessage_compatibility.js from core
- Breaking: #73504 - Make TimeTracker a singleton
- Breaking: #73514 - TypoScript property "includeLibs" removed
- Breaking: #73516 - GeneralUtility::getFileAbsFileName allows for typo3/ maindir specific paths
- Breaking: #73602 - Short-URL without ?id=ID removed
- Breaking: #73611 - Removed ResourceCompressor relative path methods
- Breaking: #73655 - PHP 7 required
- Breaking: #73698 - Streamline layout of FlashMessages
- Breaking: #73711 - Removed deprecated code from Form Domain Model Element
- Breaking: #73719 - Unused JavaScript configuration options for the Backend removed
- Breaking: #73763 - Removed backPath from PageRenderer
- Breaking: #73793 - Removed AbstractPlugin->LOCAL_LANG_charset
- Breaking: #73794 - renderCharset option removed
- Breaking: #74029 - Remove ModuleLoader->getRelativePath()
- Breaking: #74031 - CharsetConverter parameters removed
- Breaking: #74124 - Removed sys_file_reference field downloadname
- Breaking: #75150 - Removed TypoScript option includeJSlibs
- Breaking: #76155 - ViewHelper Namespace imports with xmlns are now singular
- Feature: #1835 - Recover pages recursively to top of rootline
- Feature: #19157 - Add option to exclude all hidden records in EXT:impexp
- Feature: #28230 - Add support for PBKDF2 to saltedpasswords
- Feature: #54887 - Post-processing of the previewUrl
- Feature: #67236 - Added "allowedTags" argument to f:format.stripTags ViewHelper
- Feature: #69394 - EXT:form - Directly load form wizard as inline wizard
- Feature: #69794 - Support pecl-memcached in MemcachedBackend
- Feature: #69863 - Use new standalone Fluid as composer dependency
- Feature: #71331 - Make indexed_search extbase plugin form target Pid configurable
- Feature: #71876 - Make new content element wizard tab sort order configurable
- Feature: #72045 - HTMLparser.stripEmptyTags.keepTags
- Feature: #72309 - EXT:form - Integration of Predefined Forms
- Feature: #72337 - Charset Conversion Autodetection
- Feature: #72505 - Introduce hook to override a record overlay
- Feature: #72904 - Add preProcessStorage signal to ResourceFactory
- Feature: #73042 - Introduce native support for Symfony Console
- Feature: #73050 - Add a CSPRNG API
- Feature: #73429 - Wizard component has been added
- Feature: #73720 - Trigger event after modal window dismissed
- Feature: #73752 - Allow accessing ObjectStorage as array in Fluid and other places
- Feature: #74038 - Report for checking database character set
- Feature: #74109 - Set the alternative Backend Logo via Extension Manager
- Feature: #74179 - Page Module Drag & Drop Can Do Copies Via CTRL Key Now
- Feature: #74319 - Default database character set and update wizard for non UTF-8
- Deprecation: #68748 - Deprecate AbstractContentObject::getContentObject()
- Deprecation: #69863 - Deprecate getTemplateVariableContainer function
- Deprecation: #71255 - ExtendedFileUtility::pushErrorMessagesToFlashMessageQueue()
- Deprecation: #71153 - Several DocumentTemplate methods deprecated
- Deprecation: #71916 - LanguageService->makeEntities
- Deprecation: #72340 - Moved moduleLabels from LanguageService to ModuleLoader
- Deprecation: #72496 - Deprecated $LANG->overrideLL
- Deprecation: #72733 - Deprecate more methods of DocumentTemplate
- Deprecation: #72827 - Module Icon configuration via [labels][tabs_images][tab]
- Deprecation: #72851 - Deprecate some functions not in use anymore in the core
- Deprecation: #72856 - Removed RTE "modes" option
- Deprecation: #73050 - Deprecated random generator methods in GeneralUtility
- Deprecation: #73067 - Deprecate GeneralUtility::requireOnce and GeneralUtility::requireFile
- Deprecation: #73068 - Deprecated "default" argument on f:case
- Deprecation: #73185 - Deprecate NullTimeTracker
- Deprecation: #73190 - Deprecate BackendUtility::getListViewLink()
- Deprecation: #73352 - Deprecate old-school AJAX requests
- Deprecation: #73442 - Modal.getSeverityClass has been moved to the Severity module
- Deprecation: #73482 - $LANG->csConvObj and $LANG->parserFactory
- Deprecation: #73511 - BrowserLanguage detection moved to Locales
- Deprecation: #73514 - IncludeLibrary Methods
- Deprecation: #73516 - Various GeneralUtility methods
- Deprecation: #72585 - Deprecate TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Utility\BackendUtility::getFlashMessageForMissingFile
- Deprecation: #73606 - Deprecate IconRegistry::getDeprecationSettings
- Deprecation: #73744 - Deprecate Clipboard->confirmMsg()
- Deprecation: #73794 - SearchFormController->utf8_to_currentCharset and TSFE->renderCharset
- Deprecation: #74022 - GraphicalFunctions->prependAbsolutePath()
- Deprecation: #74156 - TemplateService::sortedKeyList and TemplateService->removeQueryString
- Important: #22858 - Filelist: Creating a new file and opening it immediately for editing
- Important: #70849 - Make search levels in live search and list search consistent
- Important: #71521 - Internal changes in CommandController
- Important: #72290 - Move install tool update flags to system registry
- Important: #72580 - Publicly accessible generated asset files moved to typo3temp/assets/
- Important: #72697 - Remove thumbnail functionality of impexp