10.0 Changes¶
Table of contents
Breaking Changes¶
- Breaking: #21638 - AbstractUserAuthentication::lockIP property removed
- Breaking: #81950 - Remove leftover workspaces unpublishing functionality
- Breaking: #86862 - Default Layout of ext:fluid_styled_content does not use spaceless viewHelper anymore
- Breaking: #87009 - Use multiple translation files by default in EXT:form
- Breaking: #87193 - Deprecated functionality removed
- Breaking: #87305 - Use constructor injection in DataMapper
- Breaking: #87511 - Remove $namespacesViewObjectNamePattern property
- Breaking: #87511 - Remove $viewFormatToObjectNameMap property
- Breaking: #87558 - Consolidate extbase caches
- Breaking: #87567 - Global variable $TBE_TEMPLATE removed
- Breaking: #87583 - Remove obsolete APC Cache Backend implementation
- Breaking: #87594 - Harden extbase
- Breaking: #87623 - Replace config.persistence.classes typoscript configuration
- Breaking: #87627 - Remove Property extensionName of AbstractController
- Breaking: #87936 - TCA for sys_history removed
- Breaking: #87937 - TCA option "selicon_field_path" removed
- Breaking: #87957 - Validators are not registered automatically in Extbase anymore
- Breaking: #87989 - TCA option setToDefaultOnCopy removed
- Breaking: #88129 - Renamed felogin flexform fields
- Breaking: #88143 - Version-related database field "t3ver_id" removed
- Breaking: #88182 - jsfunc.inline.js has been dropped
- Breaking: #88366 - Removed prefix of cache tables
- Breaking: #88376 - Removed obsolete "pageNotFound_handling" settings
- Breaking: #88411 - TBE_EDITOR.typo3form removed
- Breaking: #88427 - jsfunc.evalfield.js has been removed
- Breaking: #88458 - Removed Frontend Track User "ftu" functionality
- Breaking: #88496 - Method getSwitchableControllerActions has been removed
- Breaking: #88498 - Global data for TimeTracker statistics removed
- Breaking: #88500 - RTE image handling functionality dropped
- Breaking: #88525 - Remove "createDirs" directive of extension installation / em_conf.php
- Breaking: #88527 - Overriding custom values in User Authentication derivatives
- Breaking: #88540 - Changed Request Workflow for Frontend Requests
- Breaking: #88564 - PageTSconfig setting "TSFE.constants" removed
- Breaking: #88574 - 4th parameter of PageRepository->enableFields removed
- Breaking: #88583 - Database field sys_language.static_lang_isocode removed
- Breaking: #88638 - Streamlined SoftRefParser reference lookup
- Breaking: #88640 - Database field "sys_template.nextLevel" and TypoScript sublevel - inheritance removed
- Breaking: #88643 - Removed swiftmailer/swiftmailer dependency
- Breaking: #88646 - Removed inheritance of AbstractService from AbstractAuthenticationService
- Breaking: #88657 - Popup configuration in FormEngine dropped
- Breaking: #88660 - $GLOBALS[T3_VAR] removed
- Breaking: #88667 - Removed additionalJavaScriptSubmit from FormEngine
- Breaking: #88669 - FormEngine FormDataProvider "parentPageTca" removed
- Breaking: #88681 - Import of PHP files in Import/Export files removed
- Breaking: #88687 - Configure extbase request handlers via PHP
- Breaking: #88706 - Streamline felogin locallang keys
- Breaking: #88724 - Remove superfluous methods of localizationRedirect
- Breaking: #88741 - cHash calculation in indexed search removed
- Breaking: #88744 - Database fields related to CSS Styled Content removed
- Breaking: #88755 - Remove POST option from typolink.addQueryString.method
- Breaking: #88758 - Selective Concatenation of CSS files in ResourceCompressor removed
- Breaking: #88772 - JavaScript script tags omit type=text/javascript in HTML5
- Breaking: #88779 - RecordList: Remove unused code
- Breaking: #88799 - Introduced PSR-3 compatible Logging API
- Feature: #21638 - Introduced IP locking for IPv6
- Feature: #56213 - Allow sorting file list by file meta data "title"
- Feature: #78432 - Add log message for "Switch User action"
- Feature: #80420 - Allow multiple recipients in email finisher
- Feature: #83734 - Add support for current page in config.cache
- Feature: #84112 - Symfony dependency injection for core and extbase
- Feature: #84757 - Double click in structure tree changes label
- Feature: #85569 - Show scheduler information in the system information toolbar
- Feature: #85607 - New ThumbnailViewHelper to render thumbnails deferred
- Feature: #86629 - Implement LinkHandler for telephone numbers
- Feature: #86964 - Allow getting class property default value
- Feature: #87200 - Send plaintext and HTML mails in EmailFinisher
- Feature: #87433 - Add changefreq and priority for XML sitemap
- Feature: #87457 - Use symfony/property-info to gather doc block information
- Feature: #87665 - Introduce BitSet class
- Feature: #87726 - Extend FrontendLoginController Hook to validate password
- Feature: #88643 - New Mail API based on symfony/mailer and symfony/mime
- Feature: #88648 - Set Twitter Card Type in page properties
- Feature: #88770 - PSR-14 based EventDispatcher
- Feature: #88791 - Introduce PreviewAspect in Context
- Feature: #88792 - Add TypoScriptAspect to handle TypoScript Rendering Context settings
- Feature: #88799 - Introduced PSR-3 compatible Logging API
- Feature: #88807 - AdminPanel RequestEnricherInterface has been introduced
- Deprecation: #80420 - EmailFinisher single address options
- Deprecation: #82669 - Streamline Backend route path inconsistencies
- Deprecation: #85895 - Deprecate File::_getMetaData()
- Deprecation: #87200 - EmailFinisher FORMAT_* constants
- Deprecation: #87200 - EmailFinisher "format" option
- Deprecation: #87305 - Use constructor injection in DataMapper
- Deprecation: #87332 - Avoid runtime reflection calls in ObjectAccess
- Deprecation: #87550 - Use controller classes when registering plugins/modules
- Deprecation: #87613 - Deprecate \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\TypeHandlingUtility::hex2bin
- Deprecation: #87882 - File related controllers moved to EXT:filelist
- Deprecation: #87894 - GeneralUtility::idnaEncode
- Deprecation: #88366 - Default caching framework cache names changed
- Deprecation: #88406 - setCacheHash/noCacheHash options in ViewHelpers and UriBuilder
- Deprecation: #88428 - top.rawurlencode and top.str_replace
- Deprecation: #88432 - Replaced md5.js with an AMD module
- Deprecation: #88433 - Deprecate top.openUrlInWindow
- Deprecation: #88473 - TypoScriptFrontendController->settingLocale
- Deprecation: #88499 - BackendUtility::getViewDomain
- Deprecation: #88554 - Deprecated methods in VersionNumberUtility
- Deprecation: #88559 - $TSFE->sys_language_isocode
- Deprecation: #88567 - $GLOBALS['LOCAL_LANG']
- Deprecation: #88569 - Locales::initialize() in favor of regular singleton instance
- Deprecation: #88651 - Replace TYPO3/CMS/Backend/SplitButtons with TYPO3/CMS/Backend/DocumentSaveActions
- Deprecation: #88662 - Deprecated backend route xMOD_tximpexp
- Deprecation: #88746 - PageRepository PHP class moved from Frontend to Core Extension
- Deprecation: #88792 - forceTemplateParsing in TSFE and TemplateService
- Deprecation: #88807 - AdminPanel InitializableInterface has been deprecated
- Important: #87427 - ClassSchema constants marked as private
- Important: #87516 - Remove core HTTP RequestHandlerInterface
- Important: #87594 - Classes use strict mode and scalar type hints
- Important: #87894 - Removed PHP dependency algo26-matthias/idna-convert
- Important: #88043 - TypeScript sources moved into Build directory