7.1 Changes
Table of contents
Breaking Changes
- Breaking: #24900 - Remove $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[SYS][compat_version] option
- Breaking: #44879 - TypoScript inline styles from blockquote tag removed
- Breaking: #57089 - Behaviour of page shortcut to "Parent of selected or current page"
- Breaking: #61510 - Improvement of indexed_search
- Breaking: #62415 - Remove deprecated disable_autocreate field in workspaces
- Breaking: #62886 - Removed setting config.meaningfulTempFilePrefix
- Breaking: #62925 - ExtJS Ext.ux.DateTimePicker removed
- Breaking: #63296 - Deprecated typo3/ files removed
- Breaking: #63310 - Web=>Functions=>Wizards moved
- Breaking: #63431 - Backend toolbar refactored
- Breaking: #63437 - Class aliases moved to legacy extension
- Breaking: #63464 - Remove include_once inclusions inside ModuleFunctions
- Breaking: #63687 - Web=>Functions=>Wizards moved to legacy extension
- Breaking: #63780 - Remove public properties words and word_strings from ReferenceIndex
- Breaking: #63818 - Removed Static file edit functionality
- Breaking: #64059 - Rewritten Javascript Tree Components
- Breaking: #64070 - Removed global variable WEBMOUNTS
- Breaking: #64102 - Move t3-table and t3-button to bootstrap
- Breaking: #64131 - Resizable Textarea option removed
- Breaking: #64143 - Language / Country Flag files moved
- Breaking: #64190 - FormEngine Checkbox Element limitation of cols setting
- Breaking: #64226 - Option $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[BE][accessListRenderMode] removed
- Breaking: #64229 - Trim submitted login-form-data before usage
- Breaking: #64637 - Compatibility CSS Styled Content TypoScript templates removed
- Breaking: #63687 - Outdated ContentObjects moved to legacy extension
- Breaking: #64643 - Remove functionality for enable_typo3temp_db_tracking
- Breaking: #64668 - Content Element mailform moved to legacy extension
- Breaking: #64671 - Outdated ContentObject IMGTEXT moved to legacy extension
- Breaking: #64696 - Content Element "search" moved to legacy extension
- Feature: #15619 - Access module: Allow selector as "unchanged"
- Feature: #16794 - Linking of Indexed Search result sections
- Feature: #20767 - Allow nested array access on getData of field
- Feature: #22086 - Add .stdWrap to page.headTag option
- Feature: #24906 - Configuration for maximum chars in TextElement
- Feature: #28382 - Add async property to JavaScript files
- Feature: #33491 - Add stdWrap functionality to <title> tag
- Feature: #34944 - PaginateViewHelper handles non-query-result objects
- Feature: #35891 - FormEngine: Possibility to add icons via PageTSconfig
- Feature: #46624 - HMENU item selection via additionalWhere
- Feature: #47666 - Attribute "multiple" for f:form.upload Viewhelper
- Feature: #49060 - MySql Comments reflected in SchemaMigrator
- Feature: #50780 - Append element browser mount points
- Feature: #52131 - Hook for end of PageRepository->init()
- Feature: #56236 - Multiple HTTP headers of the same type in Frontend Output
- Feature: #56529 - Support "has*" Functions in extbase ObjectAccess
- Feature: #46624 - Additional HMENU browse menus
- Feature: #50039 - Configurable width of the Element Browser
- Feature: #58033 - Enable label override of checkbox and radio buttons by TSconfig
- Feature: #58366 - Add "auto" Option for config.absRefPrefix
- Feature: #58929 - PageLayoutView: Add hook for tt_content_drawFooter
- Feature: #60019 - New SplFileInfo implementation with new mimeTypeGuessers hook
- Feature: #61542 - Add two-letter ISO 639-1 keys to sys_language
- Feature: #61725 - Hook for BackendUtility::countVersionsOfRecordsOnPage()
- Feature: #62944 - UserFunc available as Display Condition
- Feature: #62960 - Signal for mailer initialization
- Feature: #63207 - Split buttons into two groups
- Feature: #61489 - Allow own TypoScript Conditions in Backend as well
- Feature: #63729 - API for Twitter Bootstrap modals
- Feature: #63913 - Allow ContainerViewHelper to load RequireJS modules
- Feature: #64031 - JavaScript Storage API
- Feature: #64190 - Inline rendering for FormEngine Checkbox Element
- Feature: #64257 - Support multiple UID in PageRepository::getMenu()
- Feature: #64386 - Public Content Object Registration
- Feature: #64921 - Needed changes for flexible configuration of submodules
- Feature: #63729 - Introduce GruntJS
- Deprecation: #24387 - TypoScript option config.xhtmlDoctype=xhtml_2
- Deprecation: #25112 - Deprecate TypoScript property "andWhere"
- Deprecation: #46523 - BackendUtility::implodeTSParams()
- Deprecation: #46770 - Deprecate LocalImageProcessor::getTemporaryImageWithText
- Deprecation: #49247 - Deprecate TypoScript functions "textStyle" and "tableStyle"
- Deprecation: #60559 - makeLoginBoxImage()
- Deprecation: #61605 - Change naming of TypoScript property page.includeJSlibs
- Deprecation: #62329 - Deprecate DocumentTable::table()
- Deprecation: #62855 - "XHTML cleaning" functionality moved to legacy extension
- Deprecation: #62864 - DataHandler->include_filefunctions deprecated
- Deprecation: #63522 - Deprecate the "device" TypoScript condition
- Deprecation: #64059 - Non-ExtJS Page Tree Navigation Frame
- Deprecation: #64109 - Deprecate global hook softRefParser_GL
- Deprecation: #64134 - Deprecate TypoScriptTemplateObjectBrowserModuleFunctionController::verify_TSobjects()
- Deprecation: #64147 - TemplateService->ext_getKeyImage
- Deprecation: #64361 - Composer Class Loading
- Deprecation: #64388 - Direct ContentObject methods within ContentObjectRenderer
- Deprecation: #64711 - Various methods within CSS Styled Content Controller
- Deprecation: #64922 - Deprecated entry points