7.x Changes by type
This lists all changes to the TYPO3 Core of minor versions grouped by their type.
Table of contents
Breaking Changes
- Breaking: #19737 - Prefer root templates for pages
- Breaking: #33805 - ClickMenu Rewrite
- Breaking: #42543 - Default TypoScript Removed
- Breaking: #53542 - Removal of deprecated code in sysext fluid
- Breaking: #53658 - option alternateBgColors removed
- Breaking: #54409 - RTE "acronym" button was renamed "abbreviation"
- Breaking: #57382 - Remove old flash message API
- Breaking: #57396 - Deprecated Extbase Property Mapper was removed
- Breaking: #59659 - Removal of deprecated code in sysext backend
- Breaking: #59966 - Extension Configuration cache-flushing changed
- Breaking: #60063 - Felogin Plugin Removed
- Breaking: #60135 - Recursive stdWrap is now only called once
- Breaking: #60152 - GeneralUtility::formatSize is now locale aware
- Breaking: #60559 - Dropped Backend Login Options
- Breaking: #60559 - T3skin Backend Login Javascript File Moved
- Breaking: #60559 - T3skin Backend Login Template File Moved
- Breaking: #60561 - Default TypoScript Constants Removed
- Breaking: #60582 - Rsaauth Javascript Files Moved
- Breaking: #60609 - Configuration Manager Signal Changed
- Breaking: #60630 - Scheduler Javascript File Moved
- Breaking: #60630 - Scheduler Language Files Moved
- Breaking: #60630 - Scheduler Module Template File Moved
- Breaking: #61459 - Removal of tslib directory and constant
- Breaking: #61471 - EXT:t3skin CSS files moved to less
- Breaking: #61781 - include_once array in ClickMenuController removed
- Breaking: #61782 - deprecated DocumentTemplate classes removed
- Breaking: #61783 - Removed deprecated mailing API
- Breaking: #61785 - getCompressedTCarray and includeTCA from TypoScriptFrontendController removed
- Breaking: #61785 - loadTCA function in GeneralUtility removed
- Breaking: #61786 - remove deprecated TypeHandlingService in extbase
- Breaking: #61802 - deprecated isLocalconfWritable function removed
- Breaking: #61820 - deprecated PhpOptionsUtility functions removed
- Breaking: #61821 - classFile option in makeInstanceService removed
- Breaking: #61822 - deprecated function getUniqueFields() removed
- Breaking: #61823 - Remove magic setter for $fromTC
- Breaking: #61859 - deprecated file type FILETYPE_SOFTWARE removed
- Breaking: #61860 - deprecated function int_from_ver removed
- Breaking: #61863 - deprecated connectDB from EidUtility removed
- Breaking: #61890 - TBE Styling removed from FormEngine and TCA
- Breaking: #61959 - Move flash message output to alerts
- Breaking: #62038 - Deprecated DocumentTemplate functionality
- Breaking: #62039 - Removed TBE_STYLES[mainColors]
- Breaking: #62291 - RTE Deprecated JavaScript methods removed
- Breaking: #62339 - Move EXT:perm into EXT:beuser and remove EXT:perm
- Breaking: #62416 - Removal of deprecated code in sysext core
- Breaking: #62595 - Remove SU change-to mode
- Breaking: #62670 - Removal of deprecated code in multiple sysexts
- Breaking: #62673 - Deprecated extbase code is removed
- Breaking: #62291 - RTE wizard classes renamed
- Breaking: #62733 - RTE Javascript Files Moved
- Breaking: #62793 - TypoScript config.notification_* removed
- Breaking: #62804 - RTE JavaScript method HTMLArea.Editor::getNodeByPosition was moved
- Breaking: #62819 - Remove php Localization Support
- Breaking: #62833 - Removed dividers2tabs functionality
- Breaking: #62859 - Removal of doc:link.action view helper
- Breaking: #62888 - Remove config.uniqueLinkVars
- Breaking: #62914 - Early check for PHP 5.5 in Install Tool
- Breaking: #62987 - Remove CSH Glossary
- Breaking: #63056 - Remove Template Selection Hack
- Breaking: #63069 - Removed compatibility layer for submodules of func and info modules
- Breaking: #63110 - alt_doc_nodoc.php removed
- Breaking: #75942 - BigDocumentTemplate class removed
- Breaking: #24900 - Remove $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[SYS][compat_version] option
- Breaking: #44879 - TypoScript inline styles from blockquote tag removed
- Breaking: #57089 - Behaviour of page shortcut to "Parent of selected or current page"
- Breaking: #61510 - Improvement of indexed_search
- Breaking: #62415 - Remove deprecated disable_autocreate field in workspaces
- Breaking: #62886 - Removed setting config.meaningfulTempFilePrefix
- Breaking: #62925 - ExtJS Ext.ux.DateTimePicker removed
- Breaking: #63296 - Deprecated typo3/ files removed
- Breaking: #63310 - Web=>Functions=>Wizards moved
- Breaking: #63431 - Backend toolbar refactored
- Breaking: #63437 - Class aliases moved to legacy extension
- Breaking: #63464 - Remove include_once inclusions inside ModuleFunctions
- Breaking: #63687 - Web=>Functions=>Wizards moved to legacy extension
- Breaking: #63780 - Remove public properties words and word_strings from ReferenceIndex
- Breaking: #63818 - Removed Static file edit functionality
- Breaking: #64059 - Rewritten Javascript Tree Components
- Breaking: #64070 - Removed global variable WEBMOUNTS
- Breaking: #64102 - Move t3-table and t3-button to bootstrap
- Breaking: #64131 - Resizable Textarea option removed
- Breaking: #64143 - Language / Country Flag files moved
- Breaking: #64190 - FormEngine Checkbox Element limitation of cols setting
- Breaking: #64226 - Option $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[BE][accessListRenderMode] removed
- Breaking: #64229 - Trim submitted login-form-data before usage
- Breaking: #64637 - Compatibility CSS Styled Content TypoScript templates removed
- Breaking: #63687 - Outdated ContentObjects moved to legacy extension
- Breaking: #64643 - Remove functionality for enable_typo3temp_db_tracking
- Breaking: #64668 - Content Element mailform moved to legacy extension
- Breaking: #64671 - Outdated ContentObject IMGTEXT moved to legacy extension
- Breaking: #64696 - Content Element "search" moved to legacy extension
- Breaking: #56746 - Add count methods and sort functionality to FAL drivers
- Breaking: #63784 - Visibility and type of DataHandler->exclude_array
- Breaking: #64719 - Multimedia and Media cObjects and Content Types are moved to new system extension
- Breaking: #65432 - Storage of module URI in global variable has been removed
- Breaking: #65727 - Don't provide access to localPath of FAL files
- Breaking: #65778 - MediaWizard functionality is moved to system extension "mediace"
- Breaking: #65922 - Move unused tt_content TCA fields to compatibility6
- Breaking: #65939 - Backend Login Refactoring
- Breaking: #65962 - Third-party library "websvg" and the according API has been removed
- Breaking: #66001 - Third-party libraries installed via composer are now in vendor
- Breaking: #66034 - Drop Content Adapter
- Breaking: #66286 - Page TSconfig options to hide Web Info modules renamed
- Breaking: #66431 - New Login Screen
- Breaking: #62983 - postProcessMirrorUrl signal has moved
- Breaking: #63453 - Changed rendering of FlashMessagesViewHelper
- Breaking: #63835 - Remove Deprecated Parts in Extbase Persistence Layer
- Breaking: #63846 - FormEngine refactoring
- Breaking: #66429 - Remove IdentityMap from persistence
- Breaking: #66669 - Backend LoginController refactored
- Breaking: #66707 - issueCommand() now adds quotes when used in JS context
- Breaking: #66754 - Remove RenderingContextAwareInterface
- Breaking: #66868 - Move usage of BackendUserSettingsDataProvider
- Breaking: #66906 - Automatic PNG to GIF conversion removed
- Breaking: #66991 - TCA value slider based on jQuery
- Breaking: #66997 - Remove super-/challenged password security
- Breaking: #67027 - Removed FLOW-compatibility from PackageManager
- Breaking: #67204 - DatabaseConnection::exec_SELECTgetRows() may throw exception
- Breaking: #67212 - Discard TYPO3 class loader
- Breaking: #67229 - FormEngine related classses
- Breaking: #67402 - Extbase AbstractDomainObject initializeObject
- Breaking: #67402 - Extbase AbstractDomainObject __wakeup()
- Breaking: #39721 - Prototype.js and Scriptaculous removed
- Breaking: #52705 - Default log configuration is changed
- Breaking: #55759 - HTML in link titles not working anymore
- Breaking: #56133 - New BE user permission "Files: replace"
- Breaking: #56951 - Remove unused methods in PagePositionMap
- Breaking: #63838 - Changed OpcodeCacheUtility being a service class
- Breaking: #64200 - Custom [cObject].cache.* TypoScript evaluation
- Breaking: #64714 - Catch exceptions for inaccessible storages
- Breaking: #65305 - DriverInterface has been extended
- Breaking: #66602 - Check jumpUrl referer has been removed
- Breaking: #67545 - PreFileAdd signal behaviour changed
- Breaking: #67546 - Cleanup Flash message rendering in FlashMessageQueue
- Breaking: #67557 - Language file of Opendocs was moved
- Breaking: #67565 - Deprecated backend related methods removed
- Breaking: #67577 - rte_enabled and flag handling
- Breaking: #67646 - PHP library inclusion in frontend removed
- Breaking: #67654 - Remove $GLOBALS[FILEICONS] functionality
- Breaking: #67749 - Force class auto loading for various hooks
- Breaking: #67753 - Drop "Show secondary options"
- Breaking: #67792 - Class aliases of Indexed Search removed
- Breaking: #67811 - Rte API
- Breaking: #67815 - Remove tceforms.js because we don't need it anymore
- Breaking: #67824 - typo3/ext folder removed
- Breaking: #67825 - Remove colorpicker options "dim" and "tableStyle"
- Breaking: #67890 - Redesign FluidTemplateDataProcessorInterface to DataProcessorInterface
- Breaking: #67932 - felogin template has been changed for RSA encryption
- Breaking: #67946 - LowLevel Cleaner Scripts Removed
- Breaking: #67987 - Removed entry script handling
- Breaking: #68001 - Removed ExtJS Core and ExtJS Adapters
- Breaking: #68010 - T3Editor - Event callbacks for codecompletion have changed
- Breaking: #68010 - T3Editor - Plugin registration for codecompletion has changed
- Breaking: #68020 - Dropped DisableBigButtons
- Breaking: #68092 - TCA: Remove wizard hideParent and _HIDDENFIELD
- Breaking: #68116 - Drop RTE.userLinks functionality
- Breaking: #68131 - Streamline error and exception handling
- Breaking: #68150 - $GLOBALS['CLIENT']
- Breaking: #68178 - Drop $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['form_enctype']
- Breaking: #68186 - Adjusted and removed methods in eID area
- Breaking: #68193 - ext:indexed_search Drop removeLoginpagesWithContentHash from Indexer.php
- Breaking: #68206 - Remove usage of typolist and typohead in RTE
- Breaking: #68243 - Move not used FrontendDocumentTemplate
- Breaking: #68276 - Remove ExtJS Quicktips if possible
- Breaking: #68321 - Move language and images in rtehtmlarea
- Breaking: #24186 - HTMLparser - fixAttrib.['class'].list does not assign first element, when attribute value not in list
- Breaking: #30863 - Streamlined parameters for adding inline language files
- Breaking: #52156 - Replaced JumpURL features with hooks
- Breaking: #63000 - Migrate EXT:cshmanual to Extbase
- Breaking: #65317 - TypoScriptParser sortList sanitizes input on numerical sort
- Breaking: #66190 - Remove flash and chart from ExtJS
- Breaking: #67098 - Correct required-parameter in TextfieldViewHelper
- Breaking: #68354 - Uniform extension directory structure of EXT:indexed_search
- Breaking: #68401 - SqlParser moved into EXT:dbal
- Breaking: #68562 - Bool values need to be cast to integer for MySQL strict mode
- Breaking: #68571 - Removed method ElementBrowser->getMsgBox
- Breaking: #68812 - Old Backend Entrypoints moved to deprecation layer
- Breaking: #68814 - Remove of base constant TYPO3_URL_ORG
- Breaking: #69028 - TCA type select - Drop neg_foreign_table
- Breaking: #69057 - Deprecate IconUtility and move methods into IconFactory
- Breaking: #69083 - Renamed identifier for filelist module
- Breaking: #69148 - Backend Module Dispatching removed
- Breaking: #69161 - Removed includeCsh setting from ContainerViewHelper
- Breaking: #69168 - Removed non-tabbed view of Content Element Wizard
- Breaking: #69224 - Fix wrong usage of enumerations in InformationStatus::mapStatusToInt()
- Breaking: #69276 - ElementBrowserController::$browser removed
- Breaking: #69291 - Changed registration of backend module icons
- Breaking: #69315 - ElementBrowser::main_* protected
- Breaking: #69401 - Adopt ext:form to support the Extbase/ Fluid MVC stack
- Breaking: #69561 - Replace sprite icons with IconFactory in ContextMenu
- Breaking: #69568 - FormEngine related classes
- Breaking: #69699 - TCA ctrl typeicons removed
- Breaking: #69795 - Unused DTM Tabmenu code removed
- Breaking: #69904 - Remove Setting diff_path from DefaultConfiguration
- Breaking: #69930 - Remove option "serverTimeZone"
- Breaking: #24449 - Use move placeholders as default in workspaces
- Breaking: #45899 - Split class ImportExport into classes Import and Export
- Breaking: #51099 - Streamline settings/conditions
- Breaking: #62812 - Resolve URLs to "Link to external URL"-pages directly
- Breaking: #63406 - Respect rootLevel configuration in extbase queries
- Breaking: #66369 - Removed ElementBrowser related classes
- Breaking: #68081 - Ext:openid moved to TER
- Breaking: #69227 - Strings for like are not properly escaped
- Breaking: #69916 - Hook ajaxSaveCode of t3editor changed
- Breaking: #69916 - Registered AJAX handlers replaced by routes
- Breaking: #69916 - Removed BackendLogin::getRsaPublicKey AJAX handler
- Breaking: #70033 - TCA icon options have been removed
- Breaking: #70055 - Override New Content Element Wizard via page TSConfig
- Breaking: #70132 - FormEngine custom functions
- Breaking: #70229 - BE-lockSSL = 3 option removed
- Breaking: #70444 - EXT:form - Form attributes are not rendered in FE
- Breaking: #70503 - EXT:form - Remove breakOnError option from wizard
- Breaking: #70574 - Form Wizard Save Handling Changed in ext:form
- Breaking: #70578 - JumpURL functionality removed from the TYPO3 Core
- Breaking: #71110 - TYPO3-specific Upload Limit removed
- Breaking: #72117 - API change in ExceptionHandlerInterface
- Breaking: #77344 - EXT:form - Rename configuration for confirmation view
- Breaking: #72931 - SearchFormController::pi_list_browseresults() has been renamed
- Breaking: #73461 - Import module disabled for non admin users
- Breaking: #84843 - Use no-cookie domain for youtube by default
- Feature: #47919 - Possibility to configure an exception handler when rendering TypoScript content objects
- Feature: #50039 - Multiple CSS Files in Rich Text Editor
- Feature: #51905 - Add dependencies between classes in the Rich Text Editor
- Feature: #54518 - Provide TSconfig to link checkers
- Feature: #54519 - Report links to disabled linkhandler records
- Feature: #58122 - Configure class as non-selectable in Rich Text Editor
- Feature: #59396 - TypolinkViewHelper
- Feature: #59830 - Introduce read-only column for file mounts
- Feature: #60064 - Logging Framework Introspection Processor
- Feature: #60123 - Unit base test case removes test files
- Feature: #60567 - Show Styles Segment in TS Object Browser
- Feature: #60822 - Class annotations in extbase reflection service
- Feature: #66185 - Allow Svg Files as Extension icon
- Feature: #61289 - Signal for IconUtility html tag manipulation
- Feature: #61351 - Add data attribute to Fluid ViewHelpers
- Feature: #61361 - Template Path Fallback for Fluid StandaloneView and FLUIDTEMPLATE
- Feature: #61489 - Allow own TypoScript Condition implementations
- Feature: #61529 - Add multiple parameter to f:form.checkbox
- Feature: #61577 - Backend markup for checkboxes with labels
- Feature: #61668 - Video and audio playback in backend record information
- Feature: #61800 - Registry for adding file rendering classes
- Feature: #62147 - New eval option in TCA: email
- Feature: #15619 - Access module: Allow selector as "unchanged"
- Feature: #16794 - Linking of Indexed Search result sections
- Feature: #20767 - Allow nested array access on getData of field
- Feature: #22086 - Add .stdWrap to page.headTag option
- Feature: #24906 - Configuration for maximum chars in TextElement
- Feature: #28382 - Add async property to JavaScript files
- Feature: #33491 - Add stdWrap functionality to <title> tag
- Feature: #34944 - PaginateViewHelper handles non-query-result objects
- Feature: #35891 - FormEngine: Possibility to add icons via PageTSconfig
- Feature: #46624 - HMENU item selection via additionalWhere
- Feature: #47666 - Attribute "multiple" for f:form.upload Viewhelper
- Feature: #49060 - MySql Comments reflected in SchemaMigrator
- Feature: #50780 - Append element browser mount points
- Feature: #52131 - Hook for end of PageRepository->init()
- Feature: #56236 - Multiple HTTP headers of the same type in Frontend Output
- Feature: #56529 - Support "has*" Functions in extbase ObjectAccess
- Feature: #46624 - Additional HMENU browse menus
- Feature: #50039 - Configurable width of the Element Browser
- Feature: #58033 - Enable label override of checkbox and radio buttons by TSconfig
- Feature: #58366 - Add "auto" Option for config.absRefPrefix
- Feature: #58929 - PageLayoutView: Add hook for tt_content_drawFooter
- Feature: #60019 - New SplFileInfo implementation with new mimeTypeGuessers hook
- Feature: #61542 - Add two-letter ISO 639-1 keys to sys_language
- Feature: #61725 - Hook for BackendUtility::countVersionsOfRecordsOnPage()
- Feature: #62944 - UserFunc available as Display Condition
- Feature: #62960 - Signal for mailer initialization
- Feature: #63207 - Split buttons into two groups
- Feature: #61489 - Allow own TypoScript Conditions in Backend as well
- Feature: #63729 - API for Twitter Bootstrap modals
- Feature: #63913 - Allow ContainerViewHelper to load RequireJS modules
- Feature: #64031 - JavaScript Storage API
- Feature: #64190 - Inline rendering for FormEngine Checkbox Element
- Feature: #64257 - Support multiple UID in PageRepository::getMenu()
- Feature: #64386 - Public Content Object Registration
- Feature: #64921 - Needed changes for flexible configuration of submodules
- Feature: #63729 - Introduce GruntJS
- Feature: #20555 - Strip empty HTML tags in HtmlParser
- Feature: #32651 - Add scheduler task to remove deleted records
- Feature: #36743 - Registry for adding text extractor classes
- Feature: #47712 - New Locking API
- Feature: #50136 - Add SVG support
- Feature: #50501 - Extension Manager: Disable automatic installation
- Feature: #59646 - Add TSFE property $requestedId
- Feature: #58621 - FormatCaseViewHelper
- Feature: #59646 - Add RTE configuration property buttons.link.[type].properties.target.default
- Feature: #59712 - Additional params for HTMLparser userFunc
- Feature: #61463 - Allow processed folders in different storage
- Feature: #63040 - Add RTE configuration property buttons.abbreviation.removeFieldsets
- Feature: #63703 - Add option to stop a running task in the scheduler
- Feature: #64686 - Add backend user groups to backend user module
- Feature: #65584 - Add image cropping
- Feature: #65585 - Add TCA type imageManipulation
- Feature: #65767 - System Information Dropdown
- Feature: #65996 - Show confirm message on closing an edit form with unsaved changes
- Feature: #66029 - Show remaining characters below text fields
- Feature: #66042 - Web Libraries are included via bower
- Feature: #66047 - Introduce JavaScript notification API
- Feature: #66077 - Introduce callouts to replace content alerts
- Feature: #66370 - Add flexible Preview URL configuration
- Feature: #66445 - Add file extension to mimeType mapping
- Feature: #59606 - Integrate Symfony/Console into CommandController
- Feature: #62242 - ActionMenuItemGroupViewHelper
- Feature: #63453 - Template support for FlashMessagesViewHelper
- Feature: #63561 - Add TypoScript stdWrap strtotime
- Feature: #65250 - TypoScript condition add GPmerged
- Feature: #66111 - Add TemplateRootPaths support to cObject FLUIDTEMPLATE
- Feature: #66173 - Allow page title edit by doubleclick
- Feature: #66269 - Fluid: Remove ViewHelper xmlns-attributes and specified html tag
- Feature: #66669 - BE login form API
- Feature: #66681 - CategoryRegistry: add options to set l10n_mode and l10n_display
- Feature: #66697 - Add uppercamelcase and lowercamelcase to stdWrap.case
- Feature: #66698 - Add integrity property to JavaScript files
- Feature: #66709 - Add TemplateRootPaths support to Fluid/View/StandaloneView
- Feature: #66822 - Allow Sprites For Backend Modules
- Feature: #66907 - Add Data Processing to FLUIDTEMPLATE content object
- Feature: #67071 - Processed files cleanup tool added in Install Tool
- Feature: #67229 - FormEngine NodeFactory API
- Feature: #67319 - Add field "copyright" to EXT:filemetadata
- Feature: #20194 - Configuration for displaying the "Save & View" button
- Feature: #22175 - Support IEC/SI units in file size formatting
- Feature: #33071 - Add the http header "Content-Language" when rendering a page
- Feature: #34922 - Allow .ts file extension for static TypoScript templates
- Feature: #43984 - Add stdWrap functionality to TreatIdAsReference TypoScript
- Feature: #45725 - Added recursive option to folder based file collections
- Feature: #48947 - Avatars for backend users
- Feature: #56133 - Replace file feature for fal file list
- Feature: #56644 - Hook for InlineRecordContainer::checkAccess()
- Feature: #59231 - Hook for AbstractUserAuthentication::checkAuthentication()
- Feature: #59384 - XML parser options for xml2tree()
- Feature: #59570 - Add description-field for file mounts
- Feature: #61308 - ext:form allows placeholder attribute
- Feature: #61903 - PageTS dataprovider for backend layouts
- Feature: #64200 - Allow individual content caching
- Feature: #65550 - Make table display order configurable in List module
- Feature: #65698 - Additional localization files in backend workspace module
- Feature: #66070 - Configure anchor for pagination widget
- Feature: #67228 - Emit Signal when an IndexRecord is marked as missing
- Feature: #67290 - DBAL: DBMS specific conversion between Meta/MySQL field types
- Feature: #67293 - Dependency ordering service
- Feature: #67360 - Custom attribute name and multiple values for meta tags
- Feature: #67545 - AJAX call to check whether file exists
- Feature: #67574 - Display online status in backend user list
- Feature: #67578 - Add description-field for backend-users
- Feature: #67603 - Introduce TCA > ctrl > descriptionColumn
- Feature: #67658 - Introduce DataProcessors for splitting values
- Feature: #67662 - DataProcessor for files
- Feature: #67663 - Introduce DataProcessor for media galleries
- Feature: #67765 - Introduce TypoLinkCodecService
- Feature: #67808 - Introduce Application classes for entry points and equivalent RequestHandlers
- Feature: #67880 - Added count to listNum
- Feature: #67932 - New rsaauth API
- Feature: #67950 - Move CE table options from flexform to tt_content
- Feature: #68022 - Added base date attribute to DateViewHelper
- Feature: #68047 - Emit a signal for each mapped object
- Feature: #68094 - Database Query DataProcessor
- Feature: #68184 - Paths to typo3/cms package and document root can be specified in composer.json
- Feature: #68186 - PSR-7 support for eID added
- Feature: #68191 - TypoScript .select option languageField is active by default
- Feature: #68197 - Show a dialog for existing files on upload
- Feature: #68218 - Lock edit for tt_content
- Feature: #68282 - Make DatabaseRecordList configurable to be editable
- Feature: #68315 - Include a pageTSconfig file in page properties like TS static templates
- Feature: #68395 - Allow real copies of content elements into foreign languages
- Feature: #68589 - Add CLI command to dump class loading information
- Feature: #68600 - Introduced ResourceStorage SanitizeFileName signal
- Feature: #16525 - Add conditions to INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT
- Feature: #19494 - Add SELECTmmQuery method to DatabaseConnection
- Feature: #25341 - Scheduler task to optimize database tables
- Feature: #28243 - Introduce TCA option to disable age display of dates per field
- Feature: #31100 - ext:form Integrate multiline support for TEXTBLOCK in form wizard
- Feature: #38732 - Fluid-based Content Elements Introduced
- Feature: #47812 - Query support for BETWEEN added
- Feature: #52217 - Signal for pre processing linkvalidator records
- Feature: #53406 - ext:form Add placeholder attribute to some textfields in wizard
- Feature: #56282 - Language selector for pageview module
- Feature: #56726 - Trigger metadata extraction after file upload
- Feature: #57632 - Include inline language label files with TypoScript
- Feature: #59144 - Previewing workspace records using Page TSconfig
- Feature: #59591 - Image quality definable per sourceCollection
- Feature: #61799 - Improved handling of online media
- Feature: #61993 - _CSS_PAGE_STYLE is now only included on the affected page
- Feature: #63395 - HTML5 video poster preview image
- Feature: #64535 - IRRE: Suppress and override useCombination warning via TCA settings
- Feature: #64726 - Added support for multiple FlashMessage queues
- Feature: #58621 - Unified Backend Routing
- Feature: #65791 - Use PHP configured sendmail path, if [MAIL][transport] = sendmail is active
- Feature: #66366 - Introduced MediaViewHelper
- Feature: #66371 - Introduce autoplay option for video and audio files
- Feature: #67056 - Add option to disable move buttons TCA group type
- Feature: #67875 - Override CategoryRegistry entries
- Feature: #67880 - Added count to split
- Feature: #67932 - RenderType for rsa encrypted input fields
- Feature: #68429 - Introduced AvatarProvider API
- Feature: #68700 - Autoload definition can be provided in ext_emconf.php
- Feature: #68724 - EM: "Get preconfigured distribution" shows only distributions that suite the current TYPO3 version
- Feature: #68741 - Introduce new IconFactory as base to replace the icon skinning API
- Feature: #68746 - Add annotation for CLI only commands
- Feature: #68756 - Add config "base" to stdWrap
- Feature: #68757 - Provide untouched newPassword in felogin password_changed hook
- Feature: #68773 - Show a special image for official distributions in Extension Manager
- Feature: #68804 - Colored output for CLI-relevant error messages
- Feature: #68837 - Closures for Command Line Scripts
- Feature: #69095 - Introduce icon state for IconFactory
- Feature: #69119 - Add a basic search to the filelist module
- Feature: #69389 - Add spinning feature for icon
- Feature: #69401 - Adopt ext:form to support the Extbase/ Fluid MVC stack
- Feature: #69409 - ext:form allows value attribute for OPTION object in wizard
- Feature: #69416 - Plugins (AbstractPlugin) can load custom language file
- Feature: #69459 - Show tt_content preview in page module via Fluid
- Feature: #69496 - Extract title from PDF when indexing in ext:indexed_search
- Feature: #69512 - Support *.typoscript files as text file type
- Feature: #69543 - Introduced $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['mediafile_ext']
- Feature: #69568 - FormEngine data processing
- Feature: #69602 - Simplify handling of backend layouts in frontend
- Feature: #69730 - Introduce uniqueId generator
- Feature: #69855 - Dispatcher for Backend Routing added
- Feature: #69918 - Add PSR-7-based dispatching for Backend Modules
- Feature: #70002 - Make it possible to register own icons for file extensions
- Feature: #70078 - Extensions can provide a class map for class loading
- Feature: #7098 - Severity-filtering for FlashMessageQueue
- Feature: #20875 - Make hardcoded indexed_search parameters configurable via TS
- Feature: #23156 - Indexed search: Make path separator of search result configurable
- Feature: #27057 - Relations to the same table in Extbase
- Feature: #35245 - Rework workspace notification settings
- Feature: #44127 - Introduced two new Hooks for OpenID
- Feature: #47613 - Indexed Search: make no_cache parameter for forwardSearchWordsInResultLink configurable
- Feature: #56633 - Form protection API for frontend usage
- Feature: #64286 - Added absolute url option to uri.image and image viewHelper
- Feature: #66369 - Added LinkBrowser APIs
- Feature: #66369 - Added new element browser API
- Feature: #68771 - Add contentObject functionality to form MailPostProcessor and introduce replyToEmail
- Feature: #68895 - Introduced hook in BackendUserAuthentication::getDefaultUploadFolder
- Feature: #69120 - Add basic file search in element browser
- Feature: #69706 - Add support for alternative (inline) icon markup
- Feature: #69764 - Introduced file icon detection by mime-type
- Feature: #69814 - ModuleTemplate API
- Feature: #69916 - PSR-7-based Routing for Backend AJAX Requests
- Feature: #70033 - Introduced TCA option showIconTable for selectSingle fields
- Feature: #70126 - Introduce TCA option to add autocomplete attribute to input fields
- Feature: #70170 - ViewHelper to strip whitespace between HTML tags
- Feature: #70332 - EXT:form - Add HTML4 / HTML5 attributes to the wizard
- Feature: #70531 - RequireJS module for split buttons
- Feature: #70583 - Introduced Icon API in JavaScript
- Feature: #71196 - Disallow localization mixtures
- Feature: #71251 - Add FlashMessage support in ModuleTemplate API
- Feature: #72505 - Introduce hook to override a record overlay
- Feature: #69794 - Support pecl-memcached in MemcachedBackend
- Feature: #73461 - Enable import module for non admin users
- Feature: #84053 - API to anonymize IP addresses
- Feature: #84740 - Make indexed_search ready for GDPR
- Feature: #84781 - Added scheduler task to anonymize IP addresses of tables
- Deprecation: #60574 - Client Related Conditions
- Deprecation: #61513 - Use native htmlspecialchars in ExtendedTemplateService
- Deprecation: #62363 - TSFE->JSeventFuncCalls disabled
- Deprecation: #62794 - Mail methods in GeneralUtility
- Deprecation: #62795 - DocumentTemplate->endPageJS()
- Deprecation: #62800 - Workspaces ToolbarItem via ExtDirect
- Deprecation: #62854 - Abstractplugin->pi_list_searchBox()
- Deprecation: #62864 - BackendUtility->helpTextIcon deprecated
- Deprecation: #62893 - Flashmessage JavaScript object TYPO3.Flashmessages was moved
- Deprecation: #62988 - Deprecate unused/non-unified DocumentTemplate code
- Deprecation: #24387 - TypoScript option config.xhtmlDoctype=xhtml_2
- Deprecation: #25112 - Deprecate TypoScript property "andWhere"
- Deprecation: #46523 - BackendUtility::implodeTSParams()
- Deprecation: #46770 - Deprecate LocalImageProcessor::getTemporaryImageWithText
- Deprecation: #49247 - Deprecate TypoScript functions "textStyle" and "tableStyle"
- Deprecation: #60559 - makeLoginBoxImage()
- Deprecation: #61605 - Change naming of TypoScript property page.includeJSlibs
- Deprecation: #62329 - Deprecate DocumentTable::table()
- Deprecation: #62855 - "XHTML cleaning" functionality moved to legacy extension
- Deprecation: #62864 - DataHandler->include_filefunctions deprecated
- Deprecation: #63522 - Deprecate the "device" TypoScript condition
- Deprecation: #64059 - Non-ExtJS Page Tree Navigation Frame
- Deprecation: #64109 - Deprecate global hook softRefParser_GL
- Deprecation: #64134 - Deprecate TypoScriptTemplateObjectBrowserModuleFunctionController::verify_TSobjects()
- Deprecation: #64147 - TemplateService->ext_getKeyImage
- Deprecation: #64361 - Composer Class Loading
- Deprecation: #64388 - Direct ContentObject methods within ContentObjectRenderer
- Deprecation: #64711 - Various methods within CSS Styled Content Controller
- Deprecation: #64922 - Deprecated entry points
- Deprecation: #47712 - Deprecate old Locking API
- Deprecation: #51360 - Deprecate mod.tx_linkvalidator namespace in scheduler settings
- Deprecation: #64068 - Deprecate thumbs.php and ThumbnailView
- Deprecation: #64598 - Deprecate PagePositionMap::JSimgFunc
- Deprecation: #65111 - getDynTabMenu
- Deprecation: #65283 - Deprecate show item entry point
- Deprecation: #65288 - Deprecate "new record" entry point
- Deprecation: #65289 - Deprecate browser entry point
- Deprecation: #65290 - Deprecate dummy entry point
- Deprecation: #65283 - Deprecate logout entry point
- Deprecation: #65293 - Deprecate file navigation frame entry point
- Deprecation: #64134 - Deprecate $BE_USER->OS
- Deprecation: #65360 - Deprecate wrong class name used in PostProcessTree Signal call
- Deprecation: #65381 - Deprecate DataHandler property "stripslashes_values"
- Deprecation: #65422 - Alias cObjects COBJ_ARRAY and CASEFUNC
- Deprecation: #65465 - Deprecate errorLog in ReferenceIndex
- Deprecation: #65913 - Deprecate $TSFE->checkFileInclude
- Deprecation: #65934 - "Prefix Local Anchors" functionality moved to legacy extension
- Deprecation: #65938 - Discourage usage of "$TSFE->anchorPrefix"
- Deprecation: #65956 - $returnHTML parameter of DebugUtility::debugRows()
- Deprecation: #66065 - Backend Logo View Deprecated
- Deprecation: #66223 - Backend parseTime deprecated
- Deprecation: #66431 - New Login Screen
- Deprecation: #61829 - Deprecate config.classFile DBAL option
- Deprecation: #63453 - Deprecate renderMode attribute of FlashMessagesViewHelper
- Deprecation: #63735 - Deprecate DataHandler->checkValue_*-methods
- Deprecation: #65344 - typo3conf/extTables.php deprecated
- Deprecation: #66789 - options deprecated in CshViewHelper
- Deprecation: #66823 - Deprecate Extbase ExtensionUtility->configureModule method
- Deprecation: #66905 - Deprecate uc->classicPageEditMode and editRegularContentFromId option
- Deprecation: #66906 - Functionality for png_to_gif conversion
- Deprecation: #67029 - Deprecate page.bgImg option
- Deprecation: #37171 - Deprecate t3editor->isEnabled()
- Deprecation: #65290 - TCA changes
- Deprecation: #67297 - MySQL / DBMS field type conversion
- Deprecation: #67402 - Extbase AbstractDomainObject __wakeup()
- Deprecation: #50349 - Reduce SQL queries of page tree in workspaces
- Deprecation: #63603 - ExtendedFileUtility::$dontCheckForUnique is deprecated
- Deprecation: #63603 - FileController and FileListController overwriteExistingFiles changed to string value
- Deprecation: #63974 - Deprecate CSS compressor callback method
- Deprecation: #65790 - Remove pages.storage_pid and logic
- Deprecation: #66904 - $disable Option in PageRepository->getExtURL()
- Deprecation: #67288 - Deprecate DbalDatabaseConnection::MetaType() method
- Deprecation: #67471 - Deprecate init.php
- Deprecation: #67506 - Deprecate IconUtility::getIcon
- Deprecation: #67670 - Deprecate custom singleton logic in GeneralUtility::getUserObj
- Deprecation: #67737 - TCA: Drop additional palette
- Deprecation: #67769 - Deprecate QueryGenerator::formatQ()
- Deprecation: #67790 - Deprecate QueryGenerator::JSbottom()
- Deprecation: #67932 - Deprecated old rsaauth encryption API
- Deprecation: #67991 - Removed ext:cms
- Deprecation: #68074 - Deprecate getPageRenderer() methods
- Deprecation: #68098 - Deprecate GeneralUtility methods
- Deprecation: #68122 - Deprecate GeneralUtility::readLLfile
- Deprecation: #68141 - typo3/ajax.php
- Deprecation: #68183 - typo3/mod.php
- Deprecation: #55419 - Streamline file conflict mode handling
- Deprecation: #66588 - POST Data in selectviewhelper should have higher priority than "value" value
- Deprecation: #68128 - GeneralUtility slash-related methods
- Deprecation: #68760 - Deprecate class ModuleSettings
- Deprecation: #68804 - CLI-related constants and methods
- Deprecation: #68860 - Deprecate SelectImage.initEventHandler
- Deprecation: #69028 - RelationHandler convertPosNeg()
- Deprecation: #69057 - Deprecate IconUtility and move methods into IconFactory
- Deprecation: #69078 - TemplateService::$tempPath
- Deprecation: #69262 - Move marker substitution functionality to own class
- Deprecation: #69269 - Deprecate BackendUtility::getPathType_web_nonweb
- Deprecation: #69371 - ext:Form element IMAGEBUTTON
- Deprecation: #69401 - Adopt ext:form to support the Extbase/ Fluid MVC stack
- Deprecation: #69535 - Deprecate \TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\ViewHelpers\Be\Buttons\IconViewHelper
- Deprecation: #69561 - Replace sprite icons with IconFactory in ContextMenu
- Deprecation: #69562 - Deprecate helper methods for redundant CSRF protection
- Deprecation: #69568 - Various FormEngine related methods
- Deprecation: #69705 - Add unified refresh icon
- Deprecation: #69736 - Select option iconsInOptionTags removed
- Deprecation: #69754 - Deprecate relative path to extension directory and using filename only in TCA ctrl iconfile
- Deprecation: #69938 - HIDE_L10N_SIBLINGS FlexFormdisplayCond
- Deprecation: #51482 - Script-based modules
- Deprecation: #60712 - DocumentTemplate->getDynamicTabMenu()
- Deprecation: #65728 - DocumentTemplate->issueCommand()
- Deprecation: #69369 - Use property text instead of data in ext:form
- Deprecation: #69822 - Deprecate TCA settings of select fields
- Deprecation: #69877 - Use ModuleTemplate API for ext:filelist
- Deprecation: #70052 - TCA Display condition EXT LOADED
- Deprecation: #70138 - Flex form language handling
- Deprecation: #70477 - Deprecate SpriteIcon classes
- Deprecation: #70494 - DocumentTemplate->wrapClickMenuOnIcon()
- Deprecation: #70514 - dynamicConfigFile is deprecated
- Deprecation: #71153 - DocumentTemplate->spacer()
- Deprecation: #71249 - Deprecate render method of FlashMessage class
Important notes
- Important: #66614 - Checksums for processed files have been changed
- Important: #67248 - Clean up DataMapper::convertClassNameToTableName
- Important: #67401 - Dependency Injection is now done before initializeObject()
- Important: #67216 - Default minimum log level is set to warning
- Important: #67445 - DBAL support for ALTER TABLE ADD/DROP KEY added
- Important: #67852 - Remove jsfunc.evalfield.js from FormEngine
- Important: #68290 - Default behavior for TCA suggest wizard changed
- Important: #68600 - Introduced ResourceStorage SanitizeFileName signal
- Important: #67954 - Migrate CTypes text, image and textpic to textmedia
- Important: #68128 - PHP Magic Quote Handling removed
- Important: #68758 - Command controllers allowed in subfolders
- Important: #68917 - Updated jQuery to 2.x
- Important: #69084 - Adding Extbase Objects with NOT NULL columns has changed
- Important: #69137 - Link Wizard popup width and height fields removed
- Important: #69531 - Remove SpriteManagerIconViewHelper
- Important: #69846 - Have eIDs with PSR-7 without ControllerInterface
- Important: #69909 - FAL-based Database Fields moved to integer
- Important: #36166 - Move access right parameters from BE to SYS configuration
- Important: #53681 - Change wording for User Settings "Reset Configuration and Clear Temporary Data"
- Important: #68079 - Extension "mediace" moved to TER
- Important: #70956 - Behavior of Page TSconfig options keepItems, addItems and removeItems changed
- Important: #71126 - Allow to define multiple inlineLocalizeSynchronize commands
- Important: #72697 - Remove thumbnail functionality of impexp
- Important: #73565 - AbstractConditionViewHelper no longer automatically compilable
- Important: #17904 - showAccessRestrictedPages does not work with special menus
- Important: #75400 - New DataHandler command 'copyToLanguage'
- Important: #77411 - Removed extbase table column cache
- Important: #77830 - CSC-HeaderLinkRespectsGlobalPageTarget
- Important: #83768 - Remove referrer check
- Important: #85385 - Integrate Phar Stream Wrapper