ChangeLog v14
Every change to the TYPO3 Core which might affect your site is documented here.
14.0 Changes
- Breaking: #85323 - Move GET parameters in sitemap into namespace
- Breaking: #101292 - Strong-typed PropertyMappingConfigurationInterface
- Breaking: #101392 - getIdentifier() and setIdentifier() from AbstractFile removed
- Breaking: #103910 - Change logout handling in ext:felogin
- Breaking: #103913 - Do not perform redirect in ext:felogin logoutAction
- Breaking: #105377 - Deprecated functionality removed
- Breaking: #105549 - Improved ISO8601 Date Handling in TYPO3 DataHandler
- Breaking: #105686 - Avoid obsolete $charset in sanitizeFileName()
- Breaking: #105695 - Simplified CharsetConverter
- Breaking: #105728 - Extbase backend modules not in page context rely on global TypoScript only
- Breaking: #105733 - FileNameValidator no longer accepts custom regex in __construct()
- Breaking: #105809 - AfterMailerInitializationEvent removed
- Breaking: #105855 - Remove file backwards compatibility for alt and link field
- Breaking: #105863 - Remove exposeNonexistentUserInForgotPasswordDialog setting in ext:felogin
- Breaking: #105920 - Folder->getSubFolder() throws FolderDoesNotExistException
- Breaking: #106041 - TypoScript Extbase toggle config.tx_extbase.persistence.updateReferenceIndex removed
- Breaking: #106056 - Add setRequest and getRequest to extbase ValidatorInterface
- Breaking: #106118 - Property DataHandler->storeLogMessages removed
- Breaking: #106412 - TCA interface settings for list view removed
- Feature: #92760 - Configurable timezone for DateViewHelper
- Feature: #99409 - New PSR-14 BeforeLiveSearchFormIsBuiltEvent
- Feature: #103740 - Language selection for backend module "Info - Pagetree Overview"
- Feature: #104047 - Option to report redirects in link validator
- Feature: #105549 - Support qualified and unqualified ISO8601 dates in DataHandler
- Feature: #105624 - PSR-14 event after a Backend user password has been reset
- Feature: #105783 - Notify backend user on failed MFA verification attempts
- Feature: #105833 - Extended page tree filter functionality
- Feature: #106072 - Introduce regex based replacements for slugs
- Feature: #106092 - Associative array keys for TCA valuePicker items
- Feature: #106232 - Provide SEO record title provider
- Feature: #106363 - PSR-14 event for modifying URLs for redirects:integritycheck
- Feature: #106415 - Add stdWrap to config.htmlTag.attributes.[attr]
- Deprecation: #106393 - Various methods in BackendUtility
- Important: #105244 - Updated default .htaccess template
- Important: #105310 - Create CHAR and BINARY as fixed-length columns
- Important: #105538 - list_type and sub types
- Important: #106192 - Add 'center' and 'font' to YAML processing removeTags