Breaking: #88640 - Database field "sys_template.nextLevel" and TypoScript sublevel - inheritance removed
See forge#88640
The database field next
of the database table sys_
where TypoScript configuration
is stored, has been removed.
The field next
was introduced in TYPO3 v3.x before TypoScript could be imported from
external files.
Nowadays, TypoScript conditions should be used much more instead of this next
which is kind of a pseudo-condition.
The database field is removed, and not evaluated anymore in TypoScript compilation.
Requesting the database field in custom database queries will result in an SQL error.
Affected Installations
TYPO3 installations that have sys_
records with this flag activated,
or querying this database field in third-party extensions.
Check for existing sys_
records having this flag activated by executing
this SQL command:
before updating TYPO3 Core.
Replace the sys_template record (the uid of the record is stored in the "nextLevel" field) with a condition e.g. [tree.
to add TypoScript for subpages.