Feature: #87665 - Introduce BitSet class

See forge#87665


To efficiently handle boolean flags, bit sets can be used. Therefore a new class \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Type\BitSet has been introduced. The bit set can be used standalone and accessed from the outside but it can also be used to create specific BitSet classes that extend the BitSet class.

The functionality is best described by an example:

declare(strict_types = 1);

define('PERMISSIONS_NONE', 0b0); // 0
define('PERMISSIONS_PAGE_SHOW', 0b1); // 1
define('PERMISSIONS_PAGE_EDIT', 0b10); // 2
define('PERMISSIONS_PAGE_DELETE', 0b100); // 4
define('PERMISSIONS_PAGE_NEW', 0b1000); // 8
define('PERMISSIONS_CONTENT_EDIT', 0b10000); // 16
define('PERMISSIONS_ALL', 0b11111); // 31

$bitSet->get(PERMISSIONS_PAGE_SHOW); // true
$bitSet->get(PERMISSIONS_CONTENT_EDIT); // false

Another example shows how to possibly extend the \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Type\BitSet class.

declare(strict_types = 1);

class Permissions extends \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Type\BitSet
    public const NONE = 0b0; // 0
    public const PAGE_SHOW = 0b1; // 1
    public const PAGE_EDIT = 0b10; // 2
    public const PAGE_DELETE = 0b100; // 4
    public const PAGE_NEW = 0b1000; // 8
    public const CONTENT_EDIT = 0b10000; // 16
    public const ALL = 0b11111; // 31

     * @param int $permission
     * @return bool
    public function hasPermission(int $permission): bool
        return $this->get($permission);

     * @return bool
    public function hasAllPermissions(): bool
        return $this->get(static::ALL);

     * @param int $permission
    public function allow(int $permission): void

$permissions = new Permissions(Permissions::PAGE_SHOW | Permissions::PAGE_NEW);
$permissions->hasPermission(Permissions::PAGE_SHOW); // true
$permissions->hasPermission(Permissions::CONTENT_EDIT); // false



This class may come in handy in all situations where boolean flags need to be managed in an efficient way.