Feature: #88643 - New Mail API based on symfony/mailer and symfony/mime

See forge#88643


TYPO3 has relied on the third-party dependency "SwiftMailer" for a long time.

However, the library has been superseded by the author in favor of new, more modern libraries "symfony/mailer" for sending emails and "symfony/mime" for creating email messages.

TYPO3 has replaced swiftmailer with the symfony components.

The new component does not handle the regular PHP function mail(), which has been declared unsafe in various scenarios, anymore. Instead it is recommended to switch to sendmail or smtp, which can be configured within the TYPO3 Install Tool or the Settings module for System Maintainers under "Presets" => "Mail".

All existing installations which still configure mail are migrated to sendmail by automatically detecting the sendmail path by checking PHP.ini settings, but should be reviewed on update.

In addition, the MailMessage API to create Email messages now inherits from \Symfony\Mail\Email instead of Swift_Message, and adds certain shortcuts and more flexibility, but is also stricter in validation.

Especially custom extensions using the MailMessage API need to be evaluated, as it is not possible anymore to add multiple email addresses as a simple associative array but rather an Address object from "symfony/mime" is required.

All existing Swiftmailer-based transports which TYPO3 supports natively have been replaced by Symfony-based transport APIs.

Spool-based transports are still experimental, as it might be replaced by a native Symfony component as well.


The MailMessage API now has more possibilities to add multi-part files and attachments, for use in third-party extensions, but some APIs might be adapted.

See the documentation of the Symfony components (https://symfony.com/doc/current/mailer.html) for further details on how to use the new Email class where TYPO3's MailMessage class extends from.

An example implementation within a third-party extension:

$email = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(MailMessage::class)
     ->to(new Address('kasperYYYY@typo3.org'), new Address('benni@typo3.org', 'Benni Mack'))
     ->subject('This is an example email')
     ->text('This is the plain-text variant')
     ->html('<h4>Hello Benni.</h4><p>Enjoy a HTML-readable email. <marquee>We love TYPO3</marquee>.</p>');


It is however also possible to re-use a Mailer instance, also adding custom Mailer settings via a custom Transport for special cases.

$mailer = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(Mailer::class)

$email = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(MailMessage::class)
     ->to(new Address('kasperYYYY@typo3.org'), new Address('benni@typo3.org', 'Benni Mack'))
     ->subject('This is an example email')
     ->text('This is the plain-text variant')
     ->html('<h4>Hello Benni.</h4><p>Enjoy a HTML-readable email. <marquee>We love TYPO3</marquee>.</p>');

// Send the email via the Mailer instance