Deprecation: #91012 - Various hooks related to TypoScriptFrontendController
See forge#91012
The following hooks related to class Typo
and frontend-rendering have been marked as deprecated:
['TYPO3_ CONF_ VARS'] ['SC_ OPTIONS'] ['tslib/ class. tslib_ fe. php'] ['page Indexing'] $GLOBALS
['TYPO3_ CONF_ VARS'] ['SC_ OPTIONS'] ['tslib/ class. tslib_ fe. php'] ['is Outputting'] $GLOBALS
['TYPO3_ CONF_ VARS'] ['SC_ OPTIONS'] ['tslib/ class. tslib_ fe. php'] ['tslib_ fe- content Str Replace'] $GLOBALS
['TYPO3_ CONF_ VARS'] ['SC_ OPTIONS'] ['tslib/ class. tslib_ fe. php'] ['content Post Proc- output'] $GLOBALS
['TYPO3_ CONF_ VARS'] ['SC_ OPTIONS'] ['tslib/ class. tslib_ fe. php'] ['hook_ eofe']
The following methods have been marked as deprecated as well, as they only contain code relevant for executing the hooks:
Script Frontend Controller->is Outputting () Typo
Script Frontend Controller->process Content For Output ()
If third-party extensions are using the hooks, a PHP E_
error will be triggered when the hook is executed.
Calling the two methods above will also trigger a PHP E_
Affected Installations
TYPO3 installations with custom extensions using the hooks or mentioned above, which is common if they haven't been using PSR-15 middlewares or other hooks instead.
The hook $GLOBALS
should be replaced by the $GLOBALS
to index pages. However, please note that $TSFE->content
might contain UTF-8 content now,
instead of content already converted to the defined character set related to meta
TypoScript property.
Since TYPO3 v9, the emitter of HTTP responses is based on PSR-7, the hook $GLOBALS
can be removed, as
TYPO3 can be configured via PSR-15 middlewares to define whether
page content should be emitted / rendered or not.
The hook to dynamically replace content via $GLOBALS
is removed as it serves no purpose for TYPO3 Core anymore. If content should be dynamically modified, use a PSR-15 middleware instead.
The hook $GLOBALS
is not needed as this can be built via a PSR-15 middleware instead, and
all content is returned via the RequestHandler of TYPO3 Frontend.
Extensions using hook $GLOBALS
be converted to PSR-15 middlewares, as this allows to modify content and headers of a PSR-7 Response object.
The method Typo
is obsolete and can be removed in third-party code.
The same applies to Typo
which should only be used to trigger
legacy hooks still applied in the system.