Breaking: #96107 - Deprecated functionality removed
See forge#96107
The following PHP classes that have previously been marked as deprecated for v11 and were now removed:
CMS\ Backend\ View\ Backend Template View \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Cache\ Backend\ Pdo Backend \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Cache\ Backend\ Wincache Backend \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Category\ Category Registry \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Database\ Query Generator \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Database\ Query View \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Database\ Soft Reference Index \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Service\ Abstract Service \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Annotation\ Inject \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Configuration\ Exception\ Parse Error Exception \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Domain\ Model\ Backend User \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Domain\ Model\ Backend User Group \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Domain\ Model\ Frontend User \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Domain\ Model\ Frontend User Group \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Domain\ Repository\ Backend User Group Repository \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Domain\ Repository\ Backend User Repository \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Domain\ Repository\ Category Repository \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Domain\ Repository\ Frontend User Group Repository \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Domain\ Repository\ Frontend User Repository \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Mvc\ Controller\ Controller Context \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Mvc\ Exception\ Invalid Request Method Exception \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Mvc\ Exception\ Stop Action Exception \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Mvc\ View\ Abstract View \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Mvc\ View\ Empty View \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Mvc\ Web\ Referring Request \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Object\ Container\ Container \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Object\ Container\ Exception\ Unknown Object Exception \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Object\ Exception \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Object\ Exception\ Cannot Build Object Exception \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Object\ Exception\ Cannot Reconstitute Object Exception \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Object\ Object Manager \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Persistence\ Generic\ Exception\ Invalid Number Of Constraints Exception \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Service\ Environment Service \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Signal Slot\ Dispatcher \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Signal Slot\ Exception\ Invalid Slot Exception \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Signal Slot\ Exception\ Invalid Slot Return Exception \TYPO3\
CMS\ Frontend\ Content Object\ Edit Panel Content Object
The following PHP classes have been declared final:
- All Fluid ViewHelpers
The following PHP interfaces that have previously been marked as deprecated for v11 and were now removed:
CMS\ Backend\ Toolbar\ Clear Cache Actions Hook Interface \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Database\ Table Configuration Post Processing Hook Interface \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Resource\ Hook\ File Dump EIDHook Interface \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Utility\ File\ Extended File Utility Process Data Hook Interface \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Mvc\ View\ View Interface \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Object\ Object Manager Interface \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Persistence\ Forward Compatible Query Interface \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Persistence\ Forward Compatible Query Result Interface \TYPO3\
CMS\ Filelist\ File List Edit Icon Hook Interface' \TYPO3\
CMS\ Recordlist\ Record List\ Record List Hook Interface
The following PHP interfaces changed:
(no longer extends Serializable)CMS\ Core\ Collection\ Collection Interface \TYPO3\
(methodCMS\ Core\ Resource\ Folder Interface get
added)File () \TYPO3\
(methodCMS\ Extbase\ Persistence\ Query Interface set
added)Type () \TYPO3\
(all arguments are now type hinted asCMS\ Extbase\ Persistence\ Query Interface->logical And Constraint
)Interface \TYPO3\
(all arguments are now type hinted asCMS\ Extbase\ Persistence\ Query Interface->logical Or Constraint
)Interface \TYPO3\
(methodCMS\ Extbase\ Persistence\ Query Result Interface set
added)Query () \TYPO3\
(methodCMS\ Form\ Domain\ Finishers\ Finisher Interface set
added)Finisher Identifier () \TYPO3\
(methodCMS\ Frontend\ Content Object\ Exception\ Exception Handler Interface set
added)Configuration ()
The following PHP class methods that have previously been marked as deprecated for v11 and were now removed:
CMS\ Backend\ Form\ Form Data Provider\ Abstract Item Provider->add Items From Special () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Backend\ Template\ Components\ Abstract Control->get On Click' () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Backend\ Template\ Components\ Abstract Control->set On Click' () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Backend\ Template\ Module Template->get Icon Factory () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Backend\ Template\ Module Template->get Page Renderer () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Backend\ Domain\ Module\ Backend Module->set Navigation Frame Script () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Backend\ Domain\ Module\ Backend Module->get Navigation Frame Script () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Backend\ Domain\ Module\ Backend Module->set Navigation Frame Script Parameters () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Backend\ Domain\ Module\ Backend Module->get Navigation Frame Script Parameters () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Backend\ Domain\ Module\ Backend Module->set On Click () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Backend\ Domain\ Module\ Backend Module->get On Click () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Backend\ View\ Event\ Abstract Section Markup Generated Event->get Page Layout View () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Backend\ View\ Event\ Abstract Section Markup Generated Event->get Language Id () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Authentication\ Abstract User Authentication->create Session Id () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Authentication\ Abstract User Authentication->fetch User Session () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Configuration\ Flex Form\ Flex Form Tools->get Array Value By Path () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Configuration\ Flex Form\ Flex Form Tools->set Array Value By Path () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Database\ Reference Index->disable Runtime Cache () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Database\ Reference Index->enable Runtime Cache () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Database\ Relation Handler->set Update Reference Index () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Database\ Relation Handler->remap MM () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Domain\ Repository\ Page Repository->fix Versioning Pid () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Resource\ Event\ Generate Public Url For Resource Event->is Relative To Current Script () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Tree\ Table Configuration\ Database Tree Data Provider->get Root Uid () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Tree\ Table Configuration\ Database Tree Data Provider->set Root Uid () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Mvc\ Controller\ Action Controller->build Controller Context () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Mvc\ Controller\ Action Controller->get Controller Context () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Mvc\ Controller\ Action Controller->forward () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Mvc\ Request->get Base Uri () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Mvc\ Request->get Request Uri () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Mvc\ Request->is Dispatched () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Mvc\ Request->set Dispatched () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Mvc\ View\ Json View->set Controller Context () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Mvc\ Web\ Routing\ Uri Builder->set Add Query String Method () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Persistence\ Generic\ Typo3Query Settings->get Language Mode () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Persistence\ Generic\ Typo3Query Settings->set Language Mode () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Fluid\ Core\ Rendering\ Rendering Context->get Controller Context () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Fluid\ Core\ Rendering\ Rendering Context->set Controller Context () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Fluid\ View\ Abstract Template View->set Controller Context () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Form\ Domain\ Renderer\ Abstract Element Renderer->set Controller Context () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Form\ Domain\ Renderer\ Renderer Interface->set Controller Context () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Form\ Domain\ Runtime\ Form Runtime->get Controller Context () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Frontend\ Content Object\ Content Object Renderer->edit Icons () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Frontend\ Content Object\ Content Object Renderer->edit Panel () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Frontend\ Content Object\ Content Object Renderer->is Disabled () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Frontend\ Content Object\ Content Object Renderer->std Wrap_ edit Icons () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Frontend\ Content Object\ Content Object Renderer->std Wrap_ edit Panel () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Frontend\ Plugin\ Abstract Plugin->pi_ get Edit Panel () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Frontend\ Plugin\ Abstract Plugin->pi_ get Edit Icon ()
The following PHP static class methods that have previously been marked as deprecated for v11 and were now removed:
CMS\ Backend\ Utility\ Backend Utility:: explode Soft Ref Parser List () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Backend\ Utility\ Backend Utility:: fix Versioning Pid () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Backend\ Utility\ Backend Utility:: soft Ref Parser Obj () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Backend\ Utility\ Backend Utility:: view On Click \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Localization\ Language Service:: create () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Localization\ Language Service:: create From Site Language () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Localization\ Language Service:: create From User Preferences () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Resource\ Index\ Extractor Registry:: get Instance () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Resource\ Index\ File Index Repository:: get Instance () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Resource\ Index\ Meta Data Repository:: get Instance () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Resource\ Online Media\ Helpers\ Online Media Helper Registry:: get Instance () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Resource\ Rendering\ Renderer Registry:: get Instance () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Resource\ Text Extraction\ Text Extractor Registry:: get Instance () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Typo Script\ Parser\ Typo Script Parser->do Syntax Highlight () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Utility\ Extension Management Utility:: make Categorizable () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Utility\ General Utility:: compile Selected Get Vars From Array () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Utility\ General Utility:: hide If Not Translated () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Utility\ General Utility:: hide If Default Language () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Utility\ General Utility:: is Abs Path () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Utility\ General Utility:: is Allowed Host Header Value () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Utility\ General Utility:: is First Part Of Str () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Utility\ General Utility:: minify Java Script () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Utility\ General Utility:: rm From List () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Utility\ General Utility:: short MD5 () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Utility\ General Utility:: std Auth Code () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Utility\ General Utility:: unique List () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Utility\ Http Utility:: redirect () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Utility\ Http Utility:: set Response Code () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Utility\ Http Utility:: set Response Code And Exit () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Utility\ String Utility:: begins With () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Utility\ String Utility:: ends With () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Utility\ Extension Utility:: get Controller Class Name () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Utility\ Extension Utility:: resolve Vendor From Extension And Controller Class Name () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Form\ Service\ Translation Service:: get Instance () \TYPO3\
CMS\ T3editor\ Registry\ Addon Registry:: get Instance () \TYPO3\
CMS\ T3editor\ Registry\ Mode Registry:: get Instance ()
The following PHP class methods changed signature according to previous deprecations in v11 at the end of the argument list:
(argument 1 removed)CMS\ Core\ Authentication\ Abstract User Authentication->unpack_ uc () \TYPO3\
(argument 1 removed)CMS\ Core\ Authentication\ Abstract User Authentication->write UC () \TYPO3\
(argument 1 always required)CMS\ Core\ Authentication\ Abstract User Authentication->start () \TYPO3\
(argument 1 always required)CMS\ Core\ Authentication\ Abstract User Authentication->check Authentication () \TYPO3\
(argument 1 always required)CMS\ Core\ Authentication\ Command Line User Authentication->check Authentication () \TYPO3\
(argument 3 removed)CMS\ Core\ Authentication\ Backend User Authentication->is In Web Mount () \TYPO3\
(argument 1 removed)CMS\ Core\ Authentication\ Backend User Authentication->backend Check Login () \TYPO3\
(argument 1 is removed)CMS\ Core\ Core\ Application Interface->run () \TYPO3\
(argument 4 removed)CMS\ Core\ Database\ Relation Handler->write Foreign Field () \TYPO3\
(argument 1 is removed)CMS\ Core\ Resource\ Abstract File->get Public Url () \TYPO3\
(argument 1 is removed)CMS\ Core\ Resource\ File->get Public Url () \TYPO3\
(argument 1 is removed)CMS\ Core\ Resource\ File Interface->get Public Url () \TYPO3\
(argument 1 is removed)CMS\ Core\ Resource\ File Reference->get Public Url () \TYPO3\
(argument 1 is removed)CMS\ Core\ Resource\ Folder->get Public Url () \TYPO3\
(argument 1 is removed)CMS\ Core\ Resource\ Inaccessible Folder->get Public Url () \TYPO3\
(argument 1 is removed)CMS\ Core\ Resource\ Processed File->get Public Url () \TYPO3\
(argument 2 is removed)CMS\ Core\ Resource\ Resource Storage->get Public Url () \TYPO3\
(argument 2 is removed)CMS\ Core\ Resource\ Online Media\ Helpers\ Online Media Helper Interface->get Public Url () \TYPO3\
(argument 2 is removed)CMS\ Core\ Resource\ Online Media\ Helpers\ Vimeo Helper->get Public Url () \TYPO3\
(argument 2 is removed)CMS\ Core\ Resource\ Online Media\ Helpers\ You Tube Helper->get Public Url () \TYPO3\
(optional third argument is now required)CMS\ Extbase\ Core\ Bootstrap->run () \TYPO3\
(optional constructor argument is removed)CMS\ Fluid\ View\ Standalone View->__ construct () \TYPO3\
(argument 1 always required)CMS\ Frontend\ Authentication\ Frontend User Authentication->fetch Group Data () \TYPO3\
(argument 2 is removed)CMS\ Frontend\ Controller\ Typo Script Frontend Controller->ATag Params () \TYPO3\
(argument 1 is always required)CMS\ Frontend\ Controller\ Typo Script Frontend Controller->get Config Array () \TYPO3\
(argument 1 is always required)CMS\ Frontend\ Controller\ Typo Script Frontend Controller->determine Id () \TYPO3\
(argument 1 is always required)CMS\ Frontend\ Controller\ Typo Script Frontend Controller->INTinc Script () \TYPO3\
(return type is now of LinkResultInterface)CMS\ Frontend\ Typolink\ Abstract Typolink Builder->build ()
The following PHP static class methods changed signature according to previous deprecations in v11 at the end of the argument list:
(arguments 5, 6 and 7 are removed)CMS\ Backend\ Utility\ Backend Utility:: wrap Click Menu On Icon () \TYPO3\
(argument 3 is removed)CMS\ Core\ Utility\ Array Utility:: array Diff Assoc Recursive ()
The following PHP class methods changed signature according to previous deprecations in v11 and are now type hinted:
(second argument requires an integer)CMS\ Core\ Database\ Query\ Expression\ Expression Builder->literal () \TYPO3\
(second argument requires an integer)CMS\ Core\ Database\ Query\ Query Builder->quote () \TYPO3\
(second argument requires a string)CMS\ Core\ Time Tracker\ Time Tracker->set TSlog Message () \TYPO3\
(first argument is now type hintedCMS\ Backend\ Tree\ View\ Abstract Tree View->get Icon () array
(all arguments are now type hinted asCMS\ Extbase\ Persistence\ Generic\ Query->logical And () Constraint
)Interface \TYPO3\
(all arguments are now type hinted asCMS\ Extbase\ Persistence\ Generic\ Query->logical Or () Constraint
)Interface \TYPO3\
(all arguments are now type hinted asCMS\ Recordlist\ Record List\ Database Record List->link Url Mail () string
The following PHP class methods changed signature according to previous deprecations:
(the third argumentCMS\ Core\ Controller\ Error Page Controller->error Action () $severity
is removed)
The following class properties have been removed:
CMS\ Core\ Typo Script\ Parser\ Typo Script Parser->break Point LN \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Typo Script\ Parser\ Typo Script Parser->parent Object \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Typo Script\ Template Service->ext_ constants_ BRP \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Typo Script\ Template Service->ext_ config_ BRP \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Mvc\ Controller\ Action Controller->controller Context \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Mvc\ View\ Json View->controller Context \TYPO3\
CMS\ Fluid\ Core\ Rendering\ Rendering Context->controller Context \TYPO3\
CMS\ Fluid\ View\ Abstract Template View->controller Context \TYPO3\
CMS\ Form\ Domain\ Renderer\ Abstract Element Renderer->controller Context \TYPO3\
CMS\ Frontend\ Content Object\ Content Object Renderer->align \TYPO3\
CMS\ Frontend\ Content Object\ Content Object Renderer->old Data \TYPO3\
CMS\ Frontend\ Content Object\ Content Object Renderer->alternative Data \TYPO3\
CMS\ Frontend\ Content Object\ Content Object Renderer->current Record Total \TYPO3\
CMS\ Frontend\ Content Object\ Content Object Renderer->record Register \TYPO3\
CMS\ Frontend\ Controller\ Typo Script Frontend Controller->ATag Params \TYPO3\
CMS\ Frontend\ Controller\ Typo Script Frontend Controller->c Object Depth Counter \TYPO3\
CMS\ Frontend\ Controller\ Typo Script Frontend Controller->display Edit Icons \TYPO3\
CMS\ Frontend\ Controller\ Typo Script Frontend Controller->display Field Edit Icons \TYPO3\
(internal, but public)CMS\ Frontend\ Controller\ Typo Script Frontend Controller->s Word Regex \TYPO3\
(internal, but public)CMS\ Frontend\ Controller\ Typo Script Frontend Controller->s Word List \TYPO3\
CMS\ Frontend\ Plugin\ Abstract Plugin->pi_ EPtemp_ c Obj
The following class properties have been changed:
(does not contain numeric keys anymore)CMS\ Core\ Time Tracker\ Time Tracker->wrap Error \TYPO3\
(does not contain numeric keys anymore)CMS\ Core\ Time Tracker\ Time Tracker->wrap Icon
The following class methods visibility have been changed to protected:
CMS\ Core\ Data Handling\ Soft Reference\ Typolink Soft Reference Parser->get Typo Link Parts () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Data Handling\ Soft Reference\ Typolink Soft Reference Parser->set Typo Link Parts Element () \TYPO3\
CMS\ Extbase\ Utility\ Extension Utility:: resolve Controller Alias From Controller Class Name ()
The following class properties visibility have been changed to protected:
CMS\ Frontend\ Imaging\ Gif Builder->c Obj \TYPO3\
CMS\ Frontend\ Plugin\ Abstract Plugin->c Obj
The following ViewHelpers have been changed or removed:
removedmodule Layout> <be:
removedmodule Layout. menu> <be:
removedmodule Layout. menu Item> <be:
removedmodule Layout. button. link Button> <be:
removedmodule Layout. button. shortcut Button> <f:
removedbase> <f:
removedbe. container> <f:
removeduri. email> <f:
(form> add
argument removed)Query String Method <f:
(link. action> add
argument removed)Query String Method <f:
(link. page> add
argument removed)Query String Method <f:
(link. typolink> add
argument removed)Query String Method <f:
(uri. action> add
argument removed)Query String Method <f:
(uri. page> add
argument removed)Query String Method <f:
(uri. typolink> add
argument removed)Query String Method
The following TypoScript options have been removed or adapted:
sword_ stand Alone config.
sword_ no Mixed Case _parse
Func. sword EDITPANEL
content objectmod.
linkvalidator. linkhandler. report Hidden Records page.
include CSS. myfile*. import page.
include CSSLibs. myfile*. import plugin.
tx_ indexedsearch. settings. forward Search Words In Result Link plugin.
tx_ indexedsearch. settings. forward Search Words In Result Link. no_ cache std
Wrap. edit Panel std
Wrap. edit Panel. std
Wrap. edit Icons std
Wrap. edit Icons. TMENU.
JSWindow. params
The following constants have been dropped:
branch TYPO3_
The following class constants have been dropped:
CMS\ Core\ Utility\ General Utility:: ENV_ TRUSTED_ HOSTS_ PATTERN_ ALLOW_ ALL \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Utility\ General Utility:: ENV_ TRUSTED_ HOSTS_ PATTERN_ SERVER_ NAME \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Versioning\ Version State:: NEW_ PLACEHOLDER_ VERSION \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Versioning\ Version State:: MOVE_ PLACEHOLDER
The following global option handling have been dropped and are ignored:
The following hooks have been removed:
['TYPO3_ CONF_ VARS'] ['SC_ OPTIONS'] ['additional Backend Items'] ['cache Actions'] $GLOBALS
['TYPO3_ CONF_ VARS'] ['SC_ OPTIONS'] ['File Dump EID. php'] ['check File Access'] $GLOBALS
['TYPO3_ CONF_ VARS'] ['SC_ OPTIONS'] ['file List'] ['edit Icons Hook'] $GLOBALS
['TYPO3_ CONF_ VARS'] ['SC_ OPTIONS'] ['GLOBAL'] ['ext Tables Inclusion- Post Processing'] $GLOBALS
['TYPO3_ CONF_ VARS'] ['SC_ OPTIONS'] ['recordlist/ Modules/ Recordlist/ index. php'] ['draw Header Hook'] $GLOBALS
['TYPO3_ CONF_ VARS'] ['SC_ OPTIONS'] ['recordlist/ Modules/ Recordlist/ index. php'] ['draw Footer Hook'] $GLOBALS
['TYPO3_ CONF_ VARS'] ['SC_ OPTIONS'] ['t3lib/ class. t3lib_ extfilefunc. php'] ['process Data'] $GLOBALS
['TYPO3_ CONF_ VARS'] ['SC_ OPTIONS'] ['t3lib/ class. t3lib_ parsehtml_ proc. php'] ['transformation'] $GLOBALS
['TYPO3_ CONF_ VARS'] ['SC_ OPTIONS'] ['typo3/ browse_ links. php'] ['browser Rendering'] $GLOBALS
['TYPO3_ CONF_ VARS'] ['SC_ OPTIONS'] ['typo3/ class. db_ list_ extra. inc'] ['actions'] $GLOBALS
['TYPO3_ CONF_ VARS'] ['SC_ OPTIONS'] ['typo3/ classes/ class. frontendedit. php'] $GLOBALS
['TBE_ MODULES_ EXT'] ['x MOD_ db_ new_ content_ el'] ['add El Classes']
The following single field configurations have been removed from TCA:
(for TCA typeselect
(for TCA renderTypeConfig. root Uid select
andTree category
The following single field configurations have been removed from $GLOBALS
Data. js Code After Ok on
Click on
Click Labels
The following features are now always enabled:
Db Quoting Of Tca Configuration subrequest
Page Errors yaml
Imports Follow Declaration Order
The following features have been removed:
- Extbase switchable controller actions
- Upgrade wizard "Migrate felogin plugins to use prefixed FlexForm keys"
- Upgrade wizard "Migrate felogin plugins to use Extbase CType"
- Upgrade wizard "Install extension 'feedit' from TER"
- Upgrade wizard "Install extension 'sys_action' from TER"
- Upgrade wizard "Install extension "taskcenter" from TER"
- Row upgrader "Workspace 'pid -1' migration"
The following fallbacks have been removed:
- Usage of the
class to trigger the new content element wizardtoggle- new- content- element- wizard - Usage of the
functionality without an array as input argumentHandler->inline Localize Synchronize () - The
parameter is no longer added to backend URLs - Extensions, which are located in
, but not installed by Composer, are no longer evaluated for installations in "Composer mode"ext - Extbase no longer accepts
prefixedVendor. My
as first argument inExtension Name \TYPO3\
,CMS\ Extbase\ Utility\ Extension Utility:: configure Plugin () \TYPO3\
andCMS\ Extbase\ Utility\ Extension Utility:: register Plugin () \TYPO3\
and controller class names must be registered with their fully qualified name.CMS\ Extbase\ Utility\ Extension Utility:: register Module () - Extbase no longer determines types from doc block annotations for dependency injection methods and actions with validators, defined types in method signatures must be used.
- Accessing Core related caches with
prefix has been removed. - Accessing
properties as arrays - ArrayAccess functionality removedCMS\ Frontend\ Typolink\ Link Result
The following database tables have been removed:
The following global JavaScript variables have been removed:
current Sub Script top.
fs Mod top.
next Load Module Url
The following global JavaScript functions have been removed:
go To Module () top.
jump ()
The following JavaScript functions have been removed:
Engine. request Confirmation On Field Change () TBE_
EDITOR. field Changed ()
The following JavaScript methods behaviour has changed:
and() hide
of() TYPO3/
do no longer allow JQuery objects passed as first argumentCMS/ Backend/ Tooltip Form
does no longer allow JQuery objects passed as sixth argumentEngine. set Select Option From External Source () Date
always requires anTime Picker. initialize () HTMLInput
to be passed as first argumentElement
The following JavaScript modules have been removed:
CMS/ Backend/ Split Buttons TYPO3/
CMS/ Core/ Ajax/ Response Error TYPO3/
CMS/ T3editor/ T3editor
The following RequireJS module names have been removed:
The following module configuration have been removed:
Frame Script nav
Frame Script Param navigation
(Extbase)Frame Module
The following command line options have been removed:
export -- include Related impexp:
export -- include Static impexp:
export -- exclude Disabled Records impexp:
export -- exclude Html Css impexp:
export -- save Files Outside Export File impexp:
import -- update Records impexp:
import -- ignore Pid impexp:
import -- force Uid impexp:
import -- import Mode impexp:
import -- enable Log
The following dependency injection container entries have been removed:
CMS\ Core\ Localization\ Language Service \TYPO3\
CMS\ Fluid\ Core\ Rendering\ Rendering Context \TYPO3\
CMS\ Frontend\ Controller\ Typo Script Frontend Controller
Using above removed functionality will most likely raise PHP fatal level errors, may change website output or crashes browser JavaScript.