Breaking: #96553 - TYPO3 v12 system requirements
See forge#96553
The minimum PHP version required to run TYPO3 version v12 has been defined as 8.1.
TYPO3 v12 supports these database products and versions:
- MySQL 8.0 or higher
- MariaDB 10.3 or higher
- PostgreSQL 10.0 or higher
- SQLite 3.8.3 or higher
- Support for Microsoft SQL Server in any version is discontinued
The TYPO3 Core codebase and extensions tailored for v12 and above can use features implemented with PHP up to and including 8.1. Running TYPO3 v12 with older PHP versions or database engines will trigger fatal errors.
Affected Installations
Hosting a TYPO3 instance based on version 12 may require an update of the PHP platform and the database engine.
TYPO3 v11 supports PHP 8.1 and database engines required by v12. This allows upgrading the platform in a first step and upgrading to TYPO3 v12 in a second step.