Breaking: #96641 - TypoLink related hooks removed
See forge#96641
Following hooks, related to link generation with TYPO3's Frontend
Link building technique typo
, have been removed in favor of
the new PSR-14 events \TYPO3\
['TYPO3_ CONF_ VARS'] ['SC_ OPTIONS'] ['tslib/ class. tslib_ content. php'] ['typo Link_ Post Proc'] $GLOBALS
['TYPO3_ CONF_ VARS'] ['SC_ OPTIONS'] ['tslib/ class. tslib_ content. php'] ['get ATag Params Post Proc'] $GLOBALS
['TYPO3_ CONF_ VARS'] ['SC_ OPTIONS'] ['url Processing'] ['url Processors']
Especially the latter functionality was not available for all link types (only mail, file + external links).
At the same time, some external links and mail links were not
using typo
, because internally the method $c
had been used.
This architectural design flaw had been solved by introducing a unified Link Generation API ("LinkFactory").
Using these hooks in extensions has no effect anymore in TYPO3 v12+.
Affected Installations
TYPO3 installations with custom extensions using these hooks for modifying links. The extension scanner in the Upgrade module / Install tool will show affected occurrences.
In order to make TYPO3 extensions compatible with TYPO3 v11 and
TYPO3 v12 simultaneously, the new PSR-14 event After
should be added in addition to the existing hooks.
The new PSR-14 event contains all information about the link result and the configuration itself.