Breaking: #97737 - Page-related hooks in TSFE removed
See forge#97737
The following hooks, which were executed during the process of resolving page details of a frontend request have been removed:
['TYPO3_ CONF_ VARS'] ['SC_ OPTIONS'] ['tslib/ class. tslib_ fe. php'] ['determine Id- Pre Processing'] $GLOBALS
['TYPO3_ CONF_ VARS'] ['SC_ OPTIONS'] ['tslib/ class. tslib_ fe. php'] ['fetch Page Id- Post Processing'] $GLOBALS
['TYPO3_ CONF_ VARS'] ['SC_ OPTIONS'] ['tslib/ class. tslib_ fe. php'] ['setting Language_ pre Process'] $GLOBALS
['TYPO3_ CONF_ VARS'] ['SC_ OPTIONS'] ['tslib/ class. tslib_ fe. php'] ['determine Id- Post Proc'] $GLOBALS
['TYPO3_ CONF_ VARS'] ['SC_ OPTIONS'] ['tslib/ class. tslib_ fe. php'] ['setting Language_ post Process']
They have been replaced by improved PSR-14 events.
Extensions that hook into these places are not executing the PHP-code anymore.
Affected installations
TYPO3 installations with extensions using one of the hooks.
Check the "Configuration" module to see if your TYPO3 installation is using
one of the hooks by browsing $TYPO3_
or using the
Extension Scanner.
The hooks are removed without deprecation in order to allow extensions to work with TYPO3 v11 (using the hook) and v12+ (using the new event).
Use the PSR-14 events
Page Is Resolved Event After
Page With Root Line Is Resolved Event After
Page And Language Is Resolved Event
as an improved replacement.