Feature: #96510 - Infrastructure for JavaScript modules and importmaps

See forge#96510


JavaScript ES6 modules may now be used instead of AMD modules, both in backend and frontend context. JavaScript node-js style path resolutions are managed by importmaps, which allow web pages to control the behavior of JavaScript imports.

By the time of writing importmaps are supported natively by Google Chrome, a polyfill is available for Firefox and Safari and included by TYPO3 Core and applied whenever an importmap is emitted.

RequireJS is shimmed to prefer ES6 modules if available, allowing any extension to ship ES6 modules by providing an importmap configuration in Configuration/JavaScriptModules.php while providing full backwards compatibility support for extensions that load modules via RequireJS.

For security reasons importmap configuration is only emitted when the modules are actually used, that means when a module has been added to the current page response via PageRenderer->loadJavaScriptModule() or JavaScriptRenderer->addJavaScriptModuleInstruction(). Exposing all module configurations is possible via JavaScriptRenderer->includeAllImports(), but that should only be done in backend context for logged in users, to avoid disclosing installed extensions to anonymous visitors.

Existing RequireJS modules can load new ES6 modules via a bridge that prefers ES6 modules over traditional RequireJS AMD modules. This allows extensions authors to migrate to ES6 without breaking dependencies that used to load a module of that extension via RequireJS.


A simple configuration example for an extension that maps the Public/JavaScript folder to an import prefix @vendor/my-extensions:


return [
    // required import configurations of other extensions,
    // in case a module imports from another package
    'dependencies' => ['backend'],
    'imports' => [
        // recursive definition, all *.js files in this folder are import-mapped
        // trailing slash is required per importmap-specification
        '@vendor/my-extension/' => 'EXT:my_extension/Resources/Public/JavaScript/',

Complex configuration example containing recursive-lookup exclusions, third-party library definitions and overwrites:


return [
    'dependencies' => ['core', 'backend'],
    'imports' => [
        '@vendor/my-extension/' => [
            'path' => 'EXT:my_extension/Resources/Public/JavaScript/',
            # Exclude files of the following folders from being import-mapped
            'exclude' => [
        # Adding a third-party package
        'thirdpartypkg' => 'EXT:my_extension/Resources/Public/JavaScript/Contrib/thidpartypkg/index.js',
        'thidpartypkg/' => 'EXT:my_extension/Resources/Public/JavaScript/Contrib/thirdpartypkg/',
        # Overriding a file from another package
        'TYPO3/CMS/Backend/Modal.js' => 'EXT:my_extension/Resources/Public/JavaScript/Overrides/BackendModal.js',


A module can be added to the current page response either via PageRenderer or as JavaScriptModuleInstruction via JavaScriptRenderer:

// via PageRenderer

// via JavaScriptRenderer

In Fluid template the includeJavaScriptModules property of the <f:be.pageRenderer> ViewHelper may be used:

      0: '@vendor/my-extension/example.js'


The custom module loader RequireJS will become superfluous and can be removed in favor of native browser modules. This will speed up module loading. Also the RequireJS system is discontinued.