Deprecation: #99150 - Updated chart library in EXT:dashboard

See forge#99150


The library chart.js used to render charts in a dashboard has been updated to version 4.x, introducing some breaking changes. A migration layer is in place to migrate known and used affected settings.


The CSS file EXT:dashboard/Resources/Public/Css/Contrib/chart.css became obsolete with the update of chart.js and was therefore removed without replacement.

If a migration is executed, an entry will be written into the deprecation log.

Affected installations

All plugins providing third-party chart widgets are affected.


Migrate the configuration as mentioned in the table below.

Old setting New setting
graphConfig/options/scales/xAxes graphConfig/options/scales/x
graphConfig/options/scales/yAxes graphConfig/options/scales/y

Also, please consult the migration guides available at