Important: #105856 - Allow site-specific Content-Security-Policy endpoints
See forge#105856
The way Content-Security-Policy reporting endpoints are configured has been enhanced. Administrators can now disable the reporting endpoint globally or configure it per site as needed.
The global scope-specific setting content
be set to zero ('0') to disable the CSP reporting endpoint:
CONF_ VARS] [FE] [content Security Policy Reporting Url] = '0' [TYPO3_
CONF_ VARS] [BE] [content Security Policy Reporting Url] = '0'
Additionally, the behavior of the reporting endpoint can also be
configured per site via sites/<my-
The new disposition-specific property reporting
can either be:
to enable the reporting endpointUrl (true) reporting
to disable the reporting endpointUrl (false) reporting
to use the given value as external reporting endpointUrl (string)
If defined, the site-specific configuration takes precedence over the global configuration.
In case the explicitly disabled endpoint still would be called, the server-side process responds with a 403 HTTP error message.
Example: Disabling the reporting endpoint
inheritDefault: true
mutations: {}
reportingUrl: false
Example: Using custom external reporting endpoint
inheritDefault: true
mutations: {}