Deprecation: #102440 - EXT:t3editor merged into EXT:backend

See forge#102440


The JavaScript module specifier for modules shipped with the previous "t3editor" extension has changed from @typo3/t3editor/ to @typo3/backend/code-editor/. The old specifier @typo3/t3editor/ is still available, but deprecated.

The value of the existing TCA option renderType switched from t3editor to codeEditor.


The module specifier @typo3/t3editor/ automatically maps to @typo3/backend/code-editor/. The TCA render type t3editor is automatically migrated to codeEditor, triggering a deprecation log entry.

Affected installations

All extensions using t3editor are affected.


The JavaScript module namespace @typo3/t3editor/ maps to @typo3/backend/code-editor/.

Rewrite all TCA render types usages of t3editor to codeEditor.